Free beer & hookers

A good and fair call mate.
I apologise. I spat that out without thinking too much about it.


Just throwing this out there, but I would never get a magazine subscription that I had to pay for every month, had to use paypal/paetron, etc. I would personally like to see it easier to donate. I have cash right now that I would donate to the site. So, with that said, I like the adding extra $$$ to the preservation projects.

my 2¢… :v:

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You can do a one time donation on patreon (so I heard) or you can use paypal (ask LemonadeJoe for the address) or I think bitcoin (? ask Joe too).

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:sweat: I had no idea we were in the hole… wish that was made more obvious. :moneybag: :mag:

monthly contributions should be voluntary, IMO. the seed-auction seems to be the most collaborative & fun.

can we have 2 or 3 a year? plan them & get the word out to the lurkers & those other forums? get our elderstatesmen & more experienced/prof. breeders in here?

I mentioned crowdfunding in another unrelated post but I’m sure some of the original OG members would contribute a bit, if one time only.

Personally, that 240/year thing is hard to swallow. At the moment, if it were mandatory(not saying that’s thie idea), I’d have to bail until getting enriched.

If we create a cache’ of seeds & auction it I’m sure we could get some 1000’s every 4-6 months.

:sweat_smile: Back in the day I would’ve just stuck it on my employer’s T-1 :laughing:



$240 to you is 354 to me … I would rather advertising banners.


Yep OG takes Bitcoin and ethereum, and probably any erc20 tokens too I would guess.

yes OG takes BTC because i paid in BTC lol…

I like this. its ok for admin to ask for money.
like they said, it only be a few dollars.
im not a rich man; i cant even afford the 60k to enter a HT cup lol… but i can easily forgoe a 6pk and send $10 to help a good and just cause… and not everyone needs to contribute, only 60 people need to put money. or 120 people giving 5 bucks each. . Yall dont be tripping on a few dollars…
And im sure there some rich fuckers who utilize OG; boys running commercial rooms and shit… A few big donors would lessen any burden put on closet and hobby growers… My point is if everyone works together, covering server costs wont be ab issue…

yall forget the history of OG. this site is hallowed ground… think of it like donating to yur local museum or library.

So, we been planning a Winter seed giveaway anyway (I try to space them 6months apart)…
maybe instead, i just send all the seeds to Joe or someone, and they can hold them and add them into the next OG fundrasier… that way everyone can benefit…


I was donating, sadly just haven’t had the funds as of late. I’ve got dui classes to pay for n they’re 120$ a pop ugh!


Been there man, sucks huh? I gotta have blow machine for 2 years


I’d have to have it for 5 years. l’m not even going to to do it. My works 5 blocks from my house I’ll sooner just pay someone 20$ to give me a ride to the store once or twice a month for groceries. Everything else i can just order online. If i had to I’d get a e bike if i changed jobs. Can go up to 20 mph if you’re not using pedals or 28 if peddling. If i got another dui (which you can get in my state for not enough sleep) I’m fighting basically a 1st degree murder charge. Fuck that! Sad thing is I’ve never hurt anyone once in my life.


I’m down for $10 a month, I’m not ever sure why I haven’t signed up before now but to me it’s absolutely worth it to keep this vibe alive.

Ya’ll be good to one another.
