Free Early Clones

The only reason I’m giving you clones is because of that Pat’s logo, I still am pissed at Brady :rage: :-1:

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@DougDawson I believe, with no return address, it’s easy to try and ship across the border. As long as they don’t know where it came from. Unless it’s illegal in both the senders locale and the recievers. Then the border patrol will just confiscate the product. If it’s illegal on the senders end and no return address it’s fine. It’s the receiver taking the risk if it’s illegal where they are. But in Canada clones are fine in the mail.


US system can tell if return address is real, that is all.


No law against No return address adress though

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I hear you man and folks can do as they want. I won’t give anyone in law enforcement any reason to look at me twice. Still working on a record suspension for a pot charge from almost 13 years ago. I am a better safe than sorry kind of guy. Sending seeds would be an agricultural issue, actual plants would likely be a criminal issue. Personally I would not chance it but that’s my paranoid ass. As a now licensed medical grower I just have no reason to chance it.


I hear you Doug. No attention is good attention


Reserva Privada Skywalker Kush
Big Head Seeds Sour Diesel
Big Buddha Seeds Buddha Kush OG
Big Buddha Seeds Blue Cheese
Freedom of Seeds Mighty Grape
G13 Labs Seeds Runtz 13
G13 Labs Seeds Chocolate Heaven
Karma Genetics Seeds Mango Lass
T H Seeds Purple Banana Cream

They have Arrived :ok_hand: :crossed_fingers: :grin: :wine_glass:

The Purple Banana Cream will be scratched in it’s place I chose Banana Bomb

Germinated tonight 9 chosen strains and 2 Auto Flower’s

I have each seed wrapped triple cheese cloth then placed in a single strip of cheese cloth covered in a durable black trash bag to keep dark & damp.

lets watch this together so within some time we can all share the world of these powerful plants…


That sour diesel sounds awesome any left?


I would be honored to hold a few clones when the plants at peak so I can start clipping lol


That’s awesome


Mr. CC I can offer you the same as the others I’m taking 6 of each plant of course depending on growth lol but I will add you to the list Your 10th Last slot/opening.

Qty #4? OK?


Very cool of you to share the plants! Hope you find some keepers in those! Are you just starting one seed of each strain? Not much for pheno selections then


These are from a purchased seed bank, I wanted to pick a few award winners and many very solid strains , so I had you guys pick a few clones if all plants are big enough and it shouldn’t be any drama clipping them…

$1.00 Bubbles Container - Tape - Bubble wrap - Container cover - bubble wrap container - tape bubble wrap - put in box…

Standard ground ( always ground ) all 48 & Puerto Rico $5.85 6 clones in small grow cubes fit in large bubble container net weight 0.15 ouces maybe break a pound…

I won’t cry over postage lol what under a C Note :crazy_face: :wine_glass:


That sounds pretty solid for shipping. This is how I pack mine.


Solid bro, Looks Clean… great job & Thanks for the help… I C/P to my scrap board …


You may be a wonderful gentleman and be donating your work, but from my understanding USPS is still a dick about it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That said, I got 10 on it when time comes to ship :wink:

On a side note, if u have any extra banana strain seeds I’m doing an all banana and banana cross grow for the summer and lots of :fire: to offer in trade :wink:


I just dropped them Banana Bomb included, If your interested we can hook up , I can try and produce you some nice healthy rooted clean clones and you can offer me ? for trade…

I have a very nice step father who is 78 Retired 45 years general post master married my mom a year ago lol I have a coffee then some black berry brandy and both smoke together laugh and he teaches me gifts of life , Like I stated before I shipped live albino snakes to Canada lol so things can be done and will be done if your not an eager asshole… listen watch learn… here as well…:wink:


Those sound like some tasty varieties. Mighty Grape, Purple Banana Cream and Mango Lass would be of interest!

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@HashstasH you’re the dude! Those all look fun to play with. I’m currently looking for something cheesy or I’d love either of the Kush. If I’m too late I get it.Thanks for being awesome!

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@ AZsensi

Your the last of 10 lol

please feel free to chose up to 4 clones…

Reserva Privada Skywalker Kush

Big Buddha Seeds Buddha Kush OG

Nirvana Seeds Master Kush

Pyramid Seeds Super OG Kush