Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

Let me get out my DIBS onian telescope :telescope:

Thanks @MoBilly


Dibs… did I make it!? :v::green_heart::grin:


Dibs ss…!

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Dibs dibs please


Missed it by a :nose:

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Dibs from the prairie!


Dibs is there’s anything available :slight_smile:

Close but no cigar, congrats

Hi, i wonder If someone have Tangie to donate? Im getting my shit together after losing almost all my gear so i dont got anything to trade atm.
Its for a project of mine with my Swazi Dragon (Dutch Dragon x (Swazi Gold x Dutch Dragon). When the project is finished, i can offer fems of both Swazi Dragon and Tangie Dragon(the cross i want to make).

Pz :v:t2:


Damn that’s some good stuff very OG of you @VAhomegrown

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Dibbs if any left

I might still have some Crocketts Tangie… I’ll look. If that interests you? @LonelyOC


Dibs if not too late

Thanks for playing everyone!

@Gaz29 and yes I can if it’s cool with @G-paS

Send me your details! The Black Triangle F3 were from Craigson15, the SSSC S#1 Cantaloupe Skunk x Cannarado SSH F3 and TH Seeds Wreckage (Trainwreck x SAGE) x Eskobar Seeds’ Chocolate Rain were freebies from farmguysgarden on IG. The Chocolate Rain male sounds pretty cool. DNA Chocolope x DJ Short’s Cocoa Kush. Enjoy!

Everyone else - I might do another giveaway (USA only) soon. Gotta sort through some more stuff and see what else I have in the box that I can pass on to people.


Thank you @VAhomegrown !
I’ll send you the info right now.
Glad you got in on this @GREANDAL ! :slight_smile:


Thank you much good sir. @VAhomegrown

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Thank you @VAhomegrown!!

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OK everyone, i know i keep posting this, but there are still openings for my blueberry diesel testers.

  • 5 USA Testers
  • 3 Canada/Elsewhere Testers

If you’re interested just answer the 3 questions on the first post and we’ll go from there.

If you know anyone that might want to test just send them to this thread:


I will test them, I am in the US. Just let me know.
I can start them in about 3 weeks.been wanting to test some blueberry and the Diesel should make it an interesting project.


USA people! Last giveaway! Gotta be quick on this one. 3 people, pick 3 DIFFERENT packs. First 3 to reply with their selections get the beans.

EDIT: Winners from the other day, your packs are in the mail!

3x Silver Mountain x Blueberry Hashplant
3x Gelato 33 x Mother’s Hashplant
2x Cantaloupe Skunk x SSH F3
1x Skunk 91 F2