Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Google em man they’re terrifying looking

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Couple year ago no , a friend caught a baby octopus, fish and game denied them being in the lake and made them take the pic off Facebook I still have the screenshot

For those who don’t know the lake its a man made lake . Kinda makes me wonder if momma daddy or grandparents to this thing is why some people jump into the water and disappear :thinking:



I thought it was “Girl, you’re hotter than the hinges, hanging off the gates of hell”. -Todd Snider


Great fish!!!

@Donnie that’s some scary shit


Right lol but thats my paranoid brain. I mean they got there somehow.


they could definitely make a movie out of that. jaws but octopi and more intense. man made lake and all that too.

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Don’t forget how intelligent they are. Love finding them diving but Caribbean octos are smaller than a basketball. Giant pacific octos are the big ones…

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Sup fireball, I am in AZ too!


Nice! What part? Got 10 old world paki s1 seeds with your name on it for a grow log on here in return for em :wink:

Thx for the offer, but my dance card is full for the time being.


I did just chime in in your AZ thread too.


Oh that’s nonsense! There’s a solo cup challenge going on and doesn’t take up much space! Always room for a couple more hahahaha

^its that mentality that plants are taking over my place hahaha, no more space in the grow rooms? that’s fine, I found an unused corner in my living room and hung some lights. Prob looking like the luxor in Vegas at my place :joy::joy:


I’m doing the solo cup!!! Actually like 3 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m 15-20 minutes away from Lavalette. That 10 degrees is great in the summer but it works against you in the winter doesn’t it?

Look at the cute little fishes in the thread! We have shark fishing :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Although I don’t fish at all (let alone sharks) and some of the fish posted in here were actually really friggin’ impressive. Just gotta take my shots considering my local fishing hole would be the Atlantic Ocean :smile:

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I was fucking insulating ceilings today :expressionless:


Screw, and I cannot emphasize this enough, that. I had a buddy who did HVAC and some of the stories he’s told me of choking on cobwebs and insulation in attics pouring sweat in the summer sound miserable.

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Still at it today @Rabeats2093?

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Yeah I literally think about quitting every five mins when I insulate Goes with the job take the good and the bad we stayed late and hung 7,000 sq ft of channel so that made up for it

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Haha yeah I chose this life Two days of itch one day of channel a week of rock …then repeat only fourteen more buildings to go!

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