Two stories about fishing off the gulf coast in Florida:
- I it’s dawn and something takes my bait off shore making my rod full bend if I pull on it too hard. The thing fought like a shark, and considering where I was (mangroves) it quite possibly was. It took my 2 hours to get the thing to shore, all while I’m waist deep in murky water in a bathing suit and t-shirt. When it’s finally landed, my heart sank and so did my Father’s who was cheering me on the entire time. It was a fucking sting-ray…
about 2ft accross and due to it’s wings the fucker pancaked the ocean above itself adding to the power required to pull it in. I use metal leads due to teeth out there so there was no break. It was a hell time trying to get the hook out and release the thing; and in the end we just clipped off as much of the metal lead as possible cause this thing was dangerous and pissed off.
- Waist deep in murky water again near an inlet with more mangroves I see folks in a boat looking into the water nearby. I know they are looking at something, but there’s often big schools of shoaling bait fish that ripple and dance underwater like flocking birds in the sky so I didn’t take much mind of it… UNTIL suddenly something BIG bumps into me. I’m no coward but this triggers me into a fit of panic as I scream in a pitch higher than I would like to admit and I bolt out of the water; somehow not dropping my rod as I freaked out into full flight mode. Turning back panting I stare into the murkiness to see the assailant that I had escaped and low and behold…
… a fucking SEA COW. Yes, a graceful, peaceful and vegetarian Manatee bumped into me and I fled like it was a shark. My dad was there this time as well and legit pee’d himself when we figured out what it was. He then went into the water to both see it up close and to wash off the urine.
I don’t even eat fish yet they keep making me feel like they are trying to eat me.
I’m sticking to this land mammal deal.