Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Yeah, that’s all I’ve had done to me so far lol

edit… notice the ‘so far’ :sunglasses: :+1: :wink:

@JohnnyPotseed we got some bad influences in here bahahaha

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Oh man, 2 weeks is brutal. I will try harder not to talk too much.

She was a little enthusiastic and brand new. I think it scared the system lol


lol I can see that…

Ya think?! :joy:

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I’m like 2 weeks away from my very first harvest, of course I am excited :joy: And still anxious Ill fudge it up somehow.


Let me spam my thread here


Yeah, I love my storage boxes. Just over $10 per box and designed for fridge storage.

1set include one piece 81- lattice digital code Storage Box for Store Cryovial+81pieces 1.8ml plastic Refrigerating tube


Your first harvest? So, a newcomer to growing?

edit… Well hell! Post up some pics there! Let’s see what ya got going on, please.


17 minutes till I can throw out another damn love

The most common way to do that is to harvest too early.

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Haha I haven’t figured out how to order from aliexpress, last time it said I had to email someone . I’m a bit challenged at times :laughing:


I might have to break down and change a decades old habit… go get me a couple of those things! lol

that definitely is ‘organized’

edit… I’m in possession of over 130 strains seeds atm, they’re semi-organized lol


Yes! very new. Had a nice old veteran and his wife hand me some seeds several months ago, said that’s how he overcame his issues with PTSD. Regular photos, I came home, threw a lamp in my closet, got 3 beautiful males :joy: I desperately tried to convince myself and waited forever praying they were girls. I was pretty bummed, grabbed some auto seeds, planted a few hoping I could get 1. I expected maybe if I was lucky I would get an ounce off one…And it went pretty well lol.


Here is a link for Amazon, a few bucks more but the same product :slight_smile:


lovely indeed! Well done :+1:

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Yeah, the only pain is when you get it you got to label the top of each tube but after that you are golden. Than a simple list keeps things super organized.

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I think my oldest (by about a month) has 2/3 weeks left to go!

Nice indeed! Skilled newcomer!! Congrats!

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