Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

I only had 30 vials to do. That was a little easier. 80 is certainly more work and poor Johnny with a 130 over there

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Shit lol thereā€™s folks on here make my collection look paltry by comparison!

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Thanks you all! And yeah I wasnā€™t planning on purchasing anything else, but after posting the question, and seeing how you all do it, Iā€™m definitely getting one of these containers. I only have a few seeds at the moment though. Plenty of photos I donā€™t know much about except labels (were gift from an old couple I met at VA hospital) and some autos from ILGM.


If you stay in this thread for a little while it wonā€™t be long before youā€™re making a list because you canā€™t remember what you got


Hey! I gotta listā€¦just canā€™t remember where it is :crazy_face:

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Really itā€™s just 5 min with a sharpie when you first get it. Than the moving on all the seeds and making a list. In the end you save more time not looking for seeds than you spend organizing it. Than again like @JohnnyPotseed I have a few strains :roll_eyes: . Not going to say how many but letā€™s just say there are a few :rofl:


Thatā€™s going to be me. I will go through all that work, categorizing a chart by numbers. And lose it, OR, write it in erasable marker. I seem to write all the important things in dry erase. :woman_shrugging:


Just remember, permanent sharpie. Donā€™t be me.


Weā€™ll see if you buy my fancy little case you can print the list out and store it in a little envelope on the back side of the top cover. Solves 2 problems at the same time


We got that off amazon the other day, perfect solution indeed.


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I just take a pic of my list every so often, than I always got a backup. Same as labeling every vial. The lid is numbered but I pictured 1 day dropping the box and everything falling. Than I got 88 unknown strains in that box. That would be a tragedy.


I think I am going to have I rather large volume of seeds when I harvest the multi pollinated girls, so Iā€™m going to need new storage.


"Than I got 88 unknown strains in that box. "
That would be a heartbreaker.


Iā€™m lazy lol i got my list on the computer


Mine came with little stickers for the lids so I just numbered each lid itself. If they fall out and go all over the place as long as the containers donā€™t open I can match up to my list. If the containers open well itā€™s a free-for-all at that point

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I donā€™t know about that it might be the surprise grab bag for a while, and that could be kind of interesting. I mean itā€™s not like all of those seeds are fire or anything lol

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We all do stuff like that at times, so if that helps, you arenā€™t alone!!! lol! :flushed: :pray:

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I snagged one of the cases you have from amazon. I think now Iā€™ll be on the look out for larger, similar things in craft stores. I bet those people who ā€œjewel paintā€ have some sick storage cases :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Kinky! :laughing: