Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

After a few weeks on this thread that case is gonna come in handy lol

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Really though, thanks every one for sharing. My toss in fridge was as sub par as expected haha.


True, though in my case it took months!! but true!! OG!!!

High humidity around here, so I opted for a sealed container with lots of Silica and rice in bags inside bags and it is in a drawer of a chest, not the fridge.

Thats a ton better looking than my first grow.
Just dont jump the gun and harvest too early. Nice plants. Congrats on the first of many.

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mines far from fullā€¦ but winning one of @HaRdRoC 's server raffle lots certainly added a few bits of fire :slight_smile:


Thank you! I am being so so careful not to do that, itā€™s the one complaint ALL you experienced growers have. That they regret chopping early, lesson learned, trust itā€™s worth the wait. So I will definitely be posting pictures when I know for a fact itā€™s not a waste of you alls time and sheā€™s really close. Right now when I think a week more, I know realistically itā€™s probably 2-3.


Well hopefully you learned your lesson. These damn new people and their desire to post more than 3 times :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Iā€™ve got a list and then Iā€™ve got ā€œnotesā€ about the list. I try to keep as much info as I can get on as many strains as I can.

Iā€™ll store a bunch for ya :wink:


but will it be in some nice rich soil? ya know, they love their soilā€¦

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Iā€™ve always found seeds store best in some nutrient rich soil. And on the total off chance the storage method fails I usually find myself happy with the result.


Get yourself at least a jewelers loupe or a small microscope. You will want to check the trichomes. On the buds, not the leaves. Then you can determine how ripe you want it to be. More head high you will want less amber color. More body stony, you want a greater percentage of trichomes to be amber.


I am using jewelers loupe! I got a little confused at first, seeing ambers and like oh no I need to chop!! Donā€™t want the couch lock. Thatā€™s what led me to a forum for some solid advice and realized I am not looking for the amber on sugar leaves. And I have plenty of white pistils still. Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at! Most of the top colas are nearly identical.


Stick around and stay a while, your lack of seeds wonā€™t last long here


I have my list in 3 parts, Photoperiod strains, Autos, and my own crosses. Alphabetical order, with the number of seeds for each next to it. Then next to that, what is is, regular or fem

anal retentive? ā€¦naw :rofl:

editā€¦ I also have where they came from as well as any genetic info i can gather,


Same list as me but I add where / who they came from and when I got them. (oh and I don;'t have any of my own crossesā€¦ yetā€¦)


OK @Breelie ā€¦Iā€™m going to be the first here it seemsā€¦but, what do you prefer? Photoperiod or Auto?
Iā€™m thinking I can send you a few to ā€˜get you startedā€™ lol

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I started this journey excited about photos, but I got alllllll males. ALL. 600% male lol. Which I had no use for at the time. Now I have a better understanding that I just have to start several to get what I want at the time. I went auto because I like the speed, and knew I would get female. I am growing my own stash right now. Itā€™s impossible to get here unless I want to head down to ghetto and meet a thug street peddlerā€¦ No thanks. Iā€™d rather know exactly what goes into my plants and how much they were loved. I donā€™t know much about strains, just what Iā€™m looking for I guess, the ones I got from ILGM to start, were 50/50 strains, that seemed great for anxiety. So right now, I have no preference. My autos are close to finish, I know I can make some beautiful male photos :joy: but canā€™t yet know for sure which I prefer until I have success with a female photo, to be honest.


You havenā€™t asked for any. You donā€™t need to sweat a ā€˜tradeā€™ either. Iā€™m doing for you like I have for many. Just a few beans to help get you going good. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll ā€˜pay it forwardā€™


Fair enoughā€¦ So Iā€™ll send you a few of different types then. Not many, but still enough for you to get an idea, Iā€™d think.


JP stepping up again!

Overgrow the universe!


Thank you! And no, havenā€™t asked. I spent a fortune on seeds from ILGM lol and growing 4 at a time. Now Iā€™m here though Iā€™m like man, my beans are boring lol. Iā€™m just learning though, and seeing what I like. See that I can carry some girls to maturity and get drying/ curing dow, and THEN get into making lots of colorful babies :joy: