Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

LOL, man looks like we forgot about the chat thread again :rofl:


You get over it quick when you see the results

Tangerine Dream, first auto and first LST (Quadlined)

Current Chocolate Thai same technique

Glad I could help. They really are a game changer!


chat thread? isnt THIS the chat and free seeds thread? LOL


very nice there buddy

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Ohhhh my goodness!! Your first auto ate my first auto, mature plant period… for breakfast!

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You guys also seem to trim way more than I had the heart to, taking notes!


Your kids or the cloth bags?

Theyre both good with a once in 3 month spray.

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Clips are awesome, zero strings on these ladies and they were cut yesterday:


the clothe bags lol

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Trimming at the right time can be very good.



Always looks Dr Suess like to me when people lollipop that hard :smile:


I always lolli like that Doug! I didn’t on my last grow and sorely regretted it, lol

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Than 4 days later they looked like this.



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Ok so all these little cotton balls on the bottom wont make a difference and can go?


How many weeks into flower are you?

They’ll be little tiny buds but pretty larfy most likely. By chopping them the idea is that the plant will put more energy into the big colas. It’s up to the individual. If you’re going to do it better sooner than later cause you don’t really want to stress a flowering plant too much. It might not but I always err on the side of caution.

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Sweet! They are resilient plants and respond strongly with the correct care, your photos are for sure the proof. I need to go to yours and others discussions of nutrients again, I am learning how sensitive they are to nutrients even as I am conservative and give significantly less than prescribed. Back to the Free Seeds thread I go to sleep soon so I miss the good banter, have fun

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Pretty much. Most lowers end up fluffy and under developed and called larf by many. Removing it allows the plant to focus on the main colas.