Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

I was a ding dong, and wrote my dates with dry erase on the fridge calendar… which was subsequently erased by a “well to doer” this is the whole plant, I should be at the end in 2 ish weeks.


aww… they’re just sampler bowl packs to me :wink: hehehe


I used to feel like that but it depends on many factors. I used a feeding schedule of GH nutes for most of their run which was actually higher than they suggest on their feeding chart. I had to bump them way up when I added the HLG 600 light. This is what those plants got from early veg to late flower and than I started lowering the nitrogen.

Si = 0 ml per gallon or use it for pH up if needed.
CM = 0.33 ml per gallon
Epsom = 1 to 1.5 grams per gallon, the 1.5 in flower.
Micro = 6.67
Grow = 6.67
Bloom = 8.3

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Isn’t every bowl a sampler bowl?


Big facts.

I think someone that makes concentrates might appreciate that extra larf

Hmmm… I’m gonna have to think about that…

yeah… I’ll go with that too… so, shall we say little previews? hehe

Nice and healthy looking, good job.

LOL, sure. I know those that do nothing with their plants at all and grow bomber stuff. I did this to save on the larfy bud but it’s all dealers choice. In the end those 4 plants gave me this so I didn’t really need more. It is just for my wife and I. Well that and what I give away to friends.


ps. I stopped buying from my guy a month ago. usually saw him every two weeks. Today marks one week on some cuts, but that larf, well, its kept me happy the past two weeks :slight_smile: knowing how that will be compared to the real buds on the plant has made me very happy :smiley:

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Hmm I think I’m gonna need more jars. Bought a case of quart jars, but I dunno if this will fit… Don’t mind the messy basement…


I almost double my 3 part GH nutes while flowering, they seem to handle it well. Hard to screw up photos with GH or AN, IMHO

I’m trying Emerald Harvest 6 part lineup as I won them in a contest… so far I really like what I see

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Shit, I have 4 … I’m going to need more jars… I read people people complaining they only got 1 ounce from the seeds I got and figured that would be me!

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thanks I take a screenshot of valuable notes as you provide so I can study and make notes to learn how to break this down so I can learn what I need and how to organize it, I got fox farm nutes and found the plants responded quickly with burn marks so I went with 1/4 dose ok so far

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@GreenleafNutrients all the way for my plants


I used general hydroponics 3 step in rain water, but didn’t use full dosage until the end, I was alternating days of just fresh rain water and nuted rain water.

Fox Farm seems very high in their recommended amounts to me. Even half strength was high. A few people suggested 1/4 strength on here and I’m going with those numbers next. I did have a number of burned tips as I kept dialing back the nutes…

“The Love Shack” still cracks me up.

Hallelujah, it’s raining men

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interesting im about 200 ppm under the recommended light feed and as far as i can tell the plants are pretty happy. Using GH nutes most of the 6 part flora series. Although I think them having direct access in a DWC compared to soil may be the difference?

been watching the ppm daily and its been steady at 610(500 scale) for a few days now 2 weeks into flower.

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They want your money. I run half on everything but mag cal and p and k

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Playing with my camera…

Wish it had a “scratch and sniff” setting.

Meph sour crinkle, day 77 from sprout.