Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

The things that are gonna happen in “The Love Shack”, well, its gonna be a hopping place! I wonder if it will become the “Man Cave” one day where the boys are relegated to live out their lives just waiting to donate their pollen… LOL

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She’s so pretty, I’d drink her bath water.


Maybe that’s it, I’m 100% promix hp, aside from my bubble cloner

When I run a ppm of 1700 to 2100 that’s to much. That’s to much. To me that causes your nannies. You get the dark green dropped look. Leave folding from stress. Then the over watering starts. Lol

Ha Ha, anybody remember what magazine had a scratch and sniff naked center fold?

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I’m usually up around 2000ppm, and my girls love it… its a gradual increase


now im worried im underfeeding my plants :sweat_smile:

Oh gawd, really?

I have only got manners from 2 grows, been growing mid flower 2000ppm for the last decade or more

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If they’re green and growing your doing great!

Thats your million dollar idea if you can figure it out! Scratch n Sniff Photos…

I just wanna make a variety of weed scented air fresheners… Ya know, throws off the dogs if you live in one of “those” states LOL

I don’t usually sample early but I’ve been tempted this run…

No more likes but I like that!

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I do better with them when I keep it moderate just like how we should eat

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is that on the 500 or 700 scale?

I mean, are you giving away seeds for a correct answer?

Hell, I’ll start guessing…lol


That you. I’m happy for you. Not being rude that to much for me.

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500ppm scale

Yeah bud, nice. It’s amazing what can be produced and I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination but I am learning every day. I like to think I have moved from nube to novice :rofl:

It happens but you like you are doing great.

I am around 1200 in coco. They really got hungry with the powerful LED. 2000 is huge, what nutes you use?

Knitting Monthly?

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