Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

I guess they can do that, Penthouse did that scratch and sniff indeed smelled like your middle finger on a good night

Every time I push that hard I mess up. That’s why. I don’t run a ppm. I have one. For autos I think it’s where it comes into play. For me less is more. I use all kind of stuff. Lol

Not rude at all! Everyone has a different style, my white Widows did not like the high ppm bit my Shiskaberry and Wedding cake absolutely flourished… I wasn’t about to adjust for 1 strain as they all feed out of the same reservoir, lol. I think the molasses, teabags and banana tea I add ups the ppm too

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Like when your mom lets you eat chocolate and it melts on your fingers? I can’t imagine what else you mean.

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All my fingers smell like weed on a good night…

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Yes autos seem very sensitive

Mine smell like something else on a good night, they smell like weed most others :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I really was wondering if that were user error, or the seeds, so much is user error I am sure.

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Trying to feed myself.

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and mine are damn sticky as well!

Mine smell a little like steak, but that’s just cuz I was eating leftovers with my hands.

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While everyone is here… nute to the end? Or the 2 week flush gossip?

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Soil or hydro?

How long is a string?

I’ve customized my nute package over the last decade to what works for me. I use GH 3 part with their floralicious, nectar, Kool bloom (liquid) and koolbloom (dry for last 2 weeks), Advanced Nutrients B52 (religiously) Canna rhizotonic and Cannazyme.


I’ve always flushed cause it’s what I heard in the beginning. Some people swear you don’t have to but more people seem to flush. Not broken so I’m not fixing it.

Using FF ocean.


This is a hot topic hello everybody


Most times it is user error but genetics and equipment do make a big difference. I have seen people grow with really underpowered light so they end up with all light and larfy bud. So many issues can affect the plants but still the top 3 are skills, genetics and equipment. Crappy equipment won’t do justice to the best genetics and a bad grower can’t make good even with the best genetics either. Than again the best grower still can’t made really bad genetics into anything either.


Has some nutes already, so even with a flush they’re getting SOME nutes…

Just came back from the marina my hand fingers smell like fish, northern pike are slimy a bit