Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

are you using jacks? when i do the recomended ratio with my tap water i was close to 2k ppm so i diluted with ph water to around 1100-1200 ppm … i thought 2000 was way to high for plants… maybe i am fine just letting the ph stay in the 1800-2000 ranger?

Mind you, not in the water but a pot with ff soil haha

I tried to get all my stuff in the off-season. I’ll buy all my nutrients everything when it’s on sale

yes makes sense to me and you are sure right about getting into new LED s, the cost to run is less, it depends

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To me it truly depends on what you’re trying to do. If you’re in a 4 x 4 and you need a 600 W it will be hot I have run 1000 before and a 4 x 4

You can just hand-clean 'em as best you can, turn inside-out, toss in W. Machine, NO DETERGENT, “Normal” Wash Cycle…good as new!!! I “Air Dry”, NO HEAT!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Go with what works, as you say, tested and true. I have 1 1000 w MH/HPS but it’s in the closet. I ended up with many LED’s and got a new Mars FC6500 bar light coming for my next run to try out. Should be interesting, will be my first bar style light. I didn’t really pay for most of them thought so I am pretty lucky.

I have ran 3 in a 4x8 temperatures were over 100°. Didn’t know any better at a time

Who wants some seeds! Let’s do a dibs! First dibs gets it… a pack of…KGB!!

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Oh Gee no, sorry, when I do have some to do that I certainly will

I use General hydroponics only because it was given to me . fox farm and advanced nutrients and I got a put this one in there because I use it all the time Alaskan fish fertilizer I love that stuff And Neptune

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DIbs here with Keenie he is down tonite


Dibs always lol

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Done! Dm me your info and I’ll get those out Monday afternoon!


Nice, what’s KGB?

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That’s old-school strain

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I want some

There are actually 2 KGB strains… killer green bud and the one I’ve been dealing with for the last…long time, haha, ak47xGod

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It sounds fun I got plenty but I sure would be happy for whoever got them

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KGB was one of the old school Danke

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