Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Yeah, it was funny. Figured someone would want them before the fall box goes out but oh well, @Qtip got them and isn’t signed up for them so it worked out fine.


No one wanted to break the golden rule heh.


lol There is an ‘unwritten law’ and most folks respect it. That’s one of the things discussed awhile back in another thread lol


Hello everyone got a skunk #1 pheno that i have been cloning, but want to maybe make some seeds from some of her clones, so was wondering if anyone maybe might have some type of skunks seeds i might be able to get to make some seeds with, only need one male plant to do so, just a couple would do cause aint hard to get a male so ill know there should be one male at least in a couple, i have a couple of og kush seeds to trade if needed, just trying to keep the skunk strain around long as i can, any help would be appreciated and thanks


May be able to help you on that “skunk hunt”. Will check the Logbook when I get home. Will reply here, if that’s ok. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Sweet thank you very much for doing that appreciate it and yeah on here is fine lol

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How does one go about signing up for the periodical OG boxes? Spring, fall, etc.


@TestOfOath , You sign up for the seed runs. That’s it. The seeds from said runs get sent to Sebring who sends them to the other distributors. Distributor collects the different seeds, gets your info, you make payment of around $2.50 per strain to the server fund plus shipping and they send you the seeds for all the runs you signed up for.



IMO, if I had "the pheno’ identified, I would make FEM seeds to keep the genetic pool limited.
introducing a male would dilute your selected pheno genetics in the makeup.


Got a few seeds to give away here. Figure I’ll separate them into two piles, auto and photo.

The auto are: 3 OG Cake and 3 60 Day Blueberry regulars + 1 Mazarilla fem auto.
The photos are: 5 Chrystal by Nirvana regs, 2 HSO chemdog fems, and 3 Vietnam Bong by Swami Organic seeds regs

I don’t have any international stamps right now, so U.S. only please.

Edit: Seeds have been claimed.


Very nice of you bud

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Awesomely OG of you @Greasy !


@YoBigdaddy - know anyone wanting VN Bong by Swami ?

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Really OG of you - those are some great strains !!
the Swami strain would be my pick of the lot

just cleaning the vault or w/e ?

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Can I get the HSO chemdog? My friend lives in the US if that’s ok.

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Ok, you can have the photo pack. I won these from @WubbaLubbaDubDub from guessing the size of one of his plants, and figured I would pass on the seeds that I didn’t have immediate plans to grow in the future. So really you should be thanking him as much as me.

Edit: shoot me your address in PM


I am grouping them so that people can get more than two seeds, so the photos are going to @rootfarmer


That’s very kind of you! Congrats @rootfarmer


Well if this is just a random pick and pack type of deal, id take the 1 Mazarilla fem auto heh. Lots of people are not into single seeds, but I love to just test single fems. Aah did not know you where grouping them.

@rootfarmer I’m up for any Vietnamese strain. Just saying. :slight_smile: