Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Very nice, glad to see more crosses with high CBD in them. Cant wait to grow some so I can get away from pressing rosin from hemp I bought, would be great to get the thc and cbd all in 1 plant and press it


Sweet bud! Thereā€™s some serious potential in those beans. Iā€™m gonna be working them over the winter. I have a tent setup just for them. Now if I can afford the electric bill lol


Nice! I need to get another tent myself, However I just picked up one of these 5-way splitters so I can have a veg area in my closet


You have a good heart brother. Too many people would have just put him down if he didnā€™t have blue papers.
That speaks highly for you in my book.


What kind of bulbs do you plan on using? You could buy some cheap leds and break or pull the plastic of the bulb and make a make shift reflector out of tinfoil and duct tape


I have 5 of these screw-in leds 4x12w and one is 13wā€¦ I will get some better bulbs eventually but I already had these ones


Yes sir that will work


Honestly, kind of down.

I mentioned that I got a new job and I guess today they fired me by email after my shift? I emailed back asking what my shortcomings were and im hoping they actually tell me why but itā€™s very frustrating.

On the other hand, I did get 3 deliveries. That was nice. I just really wanted something productive to do and income to get an increase to my plant limit.


I got a pack of Acapulco Gold for whoever is willing to run them for seeds to pass around


Thatā€™s awesome bud, amazing strain.


It really is. If you can find them youā€™ll pay a pretty penny


I bet, thatā€™s some classic stuff right there. I would likely throw my hand up but wonā€™t be growing them soon so will just wait and see who the lucky grower is. Someone is in for a real treat, super cool of you to offer them up.


Well that was really nice of them wasnā€™t it. They could have at least let you go personally and answered any questions about why

Sorry to hear it bud, hope you find something else that works for you


I love Acapulco gold. Canā€™t do a seed run for some time though so I guess I have to pass

Thanks for offering


Thanks man. Itā€™s really upsetting. I was laid off before from a different company but I asked if it had anything to do with me personally and they said no. That was way less upsetting than to just get an email at home when Iā€™m trying to get high.

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Wish I could, but I have a breeding run planned. Very nice of you to offer that up for a seed run, very OG of you! :blush:

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And the last envelope has brought me these!!!

A huge Thanks! to @DougDawson, @Seamonkey84, @PetalPowerseed and @DannyTerpintine!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :maple_leaf: :upside_down_face: blessed despite not being Canadian!! And last but not least @Rhino_buddy! Thank you friend!


Since Iā€™m doing a seedrun on the Pennywise and will already have pollen I keep thinking of the crosses I could do with it to bring the CBD levels up. Pollinate a single branch of everything I grow with it as long as itā€™s viable. Iā€™m not sure if that works how Iā€™m hoping or not as far as CBD levels carrying over but it has to raise them somewhat I would imagine.

Sorry to hear that. Thatā€™s some spineless shit right there to do it over email. Unfortunately if they were that cowardly youā€™re probably not going to get a response. Hopefully Iā€™m wrong there cause they owe you that.


@Abbbian nope, not me

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Ok, thanks anyways, maybe Doug knowsā€¦