Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

YESSSSSSSS The one did it!!! LOVE IT! Go Johnny Go!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :white_flower: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Acapulco Gold raining down on OG skies!!! @corey, you couldn’t get much better than this!!! LOL!


Seed run is perfect! I’d do it that way even if ya hadn’t asked lol


Congrats @JohnnyPotseed ! I’m looking forward to seeing your AG seed run

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Believe me! I would gladly run them but I’m sure @corey would want them popped fairly soon. That actually be a dream run for someone my age that knows the real A. Gold and make some beans. Dang man. Hmmm. Dang!


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I’d love to, especially considering the lineage of AG… But too many plans and not enough lights / room… The autos I have going here really caught my attention lately… So I plan to reverse a plant or two and make some seeds… First time doing that, so its a learning experience. Then cross with another type of auto. Maybe even get lucky with some of the seeds coming and get an actual male auto. Then its time to really play mad scientist mwuhahahaha.

Crazy so many people have passed on these, but I think its a good thing too, as they ill hopefully go to someone with more immediate time to run 'em. Its also nice to see that its not grabby grabby grabby even if it doesn’t “fit your grow”…


I have another BR with the lights already hung and waiting for some photoperiods to put into bud lol I got absolutely zero problems with doing a preservation/seed run… and still some room in the vegging room. I’ll just do another grow log same as I’m already doing.


Hot damn! We have have ourselves a GROWER!! Mr potseed words cannot describe… I also mentioned last night that me and some others hopefully will definitely chip in for packaging and stamps. There was also talk about maybe giving bulk seeds to 4 to 6 trustee’s on here…


Couldn’t you do it through the normal distribution system? like the fall/winter box? I’m new here though

Sweet send me your personals please. Thank you so much for doing this!!!


Hey I don’t really get to do this part much so let me be the first to say to @JohnnyPotseed



And @JohnnyPotseed gets em… Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!!

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They’re your seeds and I’ll abide by your wishes. However you want it done, and 10% of the seeds? :rofl: :rofl: The way I grow, my friend.
These are regular, correct? That means girls as well as boys so no problem on the seeds! lol


Oh man, you’re mean!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grimacing: :astonished: :scream:

DM incoming!

HOLY CRAP!!! SENSI JPS has agreed to do it. Could not had had a better turnout @corey
And heck, a big thanks to @JohnnyPotseed for jumping on this. We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!!!


That’s what i’d call “Happy beginning!!” Major Thanks to @corey and @JohnnyPotseed !!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Btw @JohnnyPotseed your seed starter tray is the shit! I gotta take some pics when I head downstairs in a bit, but earlier this am I saw 5 or 6 tails in under 24 hours. No more paper towels for me!


Glad someone stepped up for this!!! Well done JohnnyPotseed!!! Well done corey!!!


Glad you tried ‘my way’ and like it @Nagel420 !!

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