Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Yes sir regular photo. I think they were the Acapulco Gold that @lefthandseeds did


I would gladly chip in for stamps/supplies. Sorry cant help w the growing. One day!

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Iā€™m old enough to have learnedā€¦ When someone older than you has been doing something for a long time and it works for them, its worth taking a look intoā€¦ Iā€™ll be learning till I take my last breathā€¦ Always open to new ideas, ya never know where the next great idea is coming from, but one thing ya DO know, the old-timers and their methods work :slight_smile: I never questioned it man, and Iā€™m glad I tried it :slight_smile:

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So after going through all the posts last night I realized that @MarijuanaEnthusiast did not send me their info? I do to many of these to have to chase down info so send me that PM bud, itā€™s the only way to get those seeds.


lol @Nagel420 ā€¦I was born on my grampaā€™s farm where he grew/smoked/sold until he died in 1968 at 92 yrs old. He started teaching me at the ripe old age of around 3-4 yrs old! Iā€™d run alongside him in the rows of MJ wanting to ā€˜helpā€™, lol
Iā€™m now 72

editā€¦ was helping to harvest by 7-8 and trimming by 10


And thatā€™s exactly why I pay attention to how ya do things my friend :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve learned lots of cool tricks from old-timersā€¦ Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll learn a lot more too before Iā€™m an old-timer (though, I already am to some LOL).


All I gotta say isā€¦ DAMN! DAMN, Iā€™m glad I came back online when I did! lol


sometimes things just come togetherā€¦ Those seeds were meant for you. I mean cā€™mon man, SO many turned em down, and they are a tempting tempting offerā€¦

I know, I couldnā€™t believe it when I read to catch up this morning. Almost 500 posts! lol I figured Iā€™d lost that chance! I donā€™t do the ā€˜dibsā€™ or anything any more since I have plenty to keep me busy, but Iā€™ll make the room and time for these. lol


Sorry peeps Iā€™m in love timeout. I just wanted to mention that there are 10 seeds. Itā€™s a Bodhi strain that @lefthandseeds made f2ā€™'s out of


I think for the most part thereā€™s good peeps here. Plenty of generousity, and yes, you get the occasional grabby grabby hoarder, but for the most part, I think most people here are good / responsible. Seeing them be offered time and again, I kept trying to figure out how I could make it work, and it wasnā€™t gonna happen soon. Glad the others also shared that feeling, and these seeds made their way into capable hands :slight_smile:


Yep, I took almost a year on here before I entered any giveaways or sent out beans. But, I sent out a LOT lol and also got a good bit. In freebies and trades.

editā€¦yep I just looked back at my messages and postsā€¦ I was back on OG almost a year
(10-11months) before I gave seeds out or entered any giveaways lol

editā€¦ When I see someone just joined and entering the seed giveaways, I canā€™t help but go hmmmmm


right on will be a good one @JohnnyPotseed

It can be tough for some. I give out a few seeds and have seen the grabbers. I keep lists of screen names and strains I have sent out and know I have sent some folks 10 or more strains. Than I think about that. Is it cool or not? Well look at it this way, what is the point of someone building their seed stashes just to give them out? When I started I would get a 10 pack from someone and than give away 5 of them. This way I kept the strain I wanted but still shared. In the end it is good not to judge people too harshly since nobody really knows the situation of the person. Perhaps once they get settled in they will do a seed run or after some trades might have an abundance. I do appreciate giving some a nudge as that may be all they need to start giving, but letā€™s remember that giving out seeds may just be a totally new concept to some. Letā€™s all be understanding and try to help guide those around us. We are the people of OG, we share some common goals, happy growing all.


Thatā€™s just one of the things I love about you @DougDawson ā€¦youā€™re always looking to see the good in folks!


lol btw @DougDawson your ā€˜dibsā€™ arenā€™t any good here!

Thatā€™s because youā€™re already on my listā€¦ :rofl: :rofl:

editā€¦ one of my golden rules is, ā€˜those that help me, get helped by meā€™ :smile: :sunglasses: :+1:


Thanks brother, itā€™s always easy to see the bad but much more satisfying to see the good.

You sir are an amazing soul, proud to know you 48


Well I guess this is the silver lining of being kinda sick n downā€¦ lol I get to spend more time just sitting here in my chair in front of the computer, and with you good folks of the OGniverse!


Soon you might hear an auto from your backyard, ā€œfeed me, feed me, now!!!ā€ LOL! :rofl: :astonished: :upside_down_face: :smile:

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After having to spend a few hours in the Hospital ER Thursday evening, Iā€™ve been ā€˜not myselfā€™ and taking the meds prescribed until i can see my doctor Tuesday. So my activity has been curtailed ā€¦ a lot. I been bummed out by it, but now I fell a lot better! :wink: :+1:

editā€¦ sorry @Gugumelo that was meant for the general chat here. I was goin to say itā€™s no big surprise packages from South America are scanned extra carefullyā€¦think about it!

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