Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Man, i’m sorry, hope you’re alright, i’m sending you good vibes.

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Anything from Brazil is going to be examined extra hard here in the US, it’s just the nature of things in this time period


I apologize bud, but what do you meaneed by ‘run this race’?

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I think he was talking about wanting to get in on handing out seeds…

edit… But, coming from SA or Brazil especially lol anything he sent would be open to extra scrutinizing

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Totally agree. I don’t mind giving people more then one pack at a time as long as I see them give something back. It’s very easy to tell who takes and takes when you give away seeds and do seed giveaways. Like you said they are also written down. I honestly don’t have many seeds because I keep what I like for 18 months out and give away the rest. Now I’m breeding I’ll have bulk amounts to give to peeps on here for distribution.
And there are people with more then one profile working these threads because I have cough a couple. Sooner or later they slip up… I trust you and several others on here that I’m willing to send bulk amounts to this fall


Absolutely. We have plenty of time to think about this. So Johnny how do you plan on growing these? Soil and ferts, supersoil, water and salts? What’s your setup if you don’t mind


I agree completely bud. I have cut off a few people due to feeling they are vampires. As I said " I do appreciate giving some a nudge as that may be all they need to start giving". You did a good thing bud.

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edit: sorry for getting carried away, i would like to help, but i have my hands tied. Thanks everyone, I’ll keep going.

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I grow organic, and make my own soil mix out of composted household vegetative matter along with any waste from harvesting the plants here, a ton of worms and worm castings, and perlite to aerate
I have a big bin that it works down in. I use a screen to shake through so as to not get anything un-composted in the pots. I use mostly organic nutrients, a lot of which I make myself, and others I buy… like powdered kelp, Blackstrap molasses (unsulfured) etc My water is filtered and Ph balanced after I add the nutes.

edit… go check out my threads, I have a couple going at the moment. I sent you the links lol

edit… Sorry I only have one going atm, the couple other threads I did are done


I apologize again for the love timeout guys I’ll come back when I’m re fueld. Thaks! Well you come on here and read every post every day sometimes multiple times a day and see it, and it’s just hard not to say something especially when peeps brag about how much they got without giving anything away…

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OK, here’s the deal @corey… if you’re not completely comfortable in sending me the AG seeds…then don’t. No harm no foul… I was stoked at the idea of getting this old school strain to do the run on, but hey I understand if you’re hesitant. We don’t know each other and you might feel better sending them to someone else. No harm no foul…

edit… I do have the confidence in my abilities to do these beans justice, but it’s up to you cuz


No bud. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just so excited. You don’t have to explain your methods. I was just curious. I trust you, and you will be receiving these!


OK cool lol sorry if I misunderstood you there, I thought you were having ‘second thoughts’ or hesitant.


Lol. Absolutely not bud. Your package is already put together. It’s sitting on the table waiting on the post office Monday morning so I can get tracking on it. I want these babies popped! Lol. This gonna be fuuuun!


I totally agree, and am looking forward to it, big time!


I hear you bud, I think some gentle coaxing can help. I am with you on this, my post was not meant to be negative towards you at all and I appreciate you stepping up and doing what you did. :v:


man just want to see those seeds get popped.
who cares about the free seeds anyways besides the ones with the hands out, you all know the ones, the grubbers, in time things will all come together and maybe have some hoops to jump through for the seed, you know a rite of passage, give a chance to get to know you kind a thing, man im glad ive only got a few seeds from folks, and ill be sending sum to the ones whos sent me sum, as far as the free ones you guys give out, keep them, they have way too much drama and negative attached to them. it seems someone’s feelings get hurt and what not and it just starts to cave on the whole og thing, way back i was on here on og, this was right before it got shut down, then i come back cause a friend here, but its like, i read and read, trust me when i say keep your seeds. it is real sad to see and say this, but from what i read why would anyone want to be a part of that drama?
im glad i found this all out early before i did sum kind of seed run for og, it just seems like i have stated before, if giving out the freebies bothers you so much then slow down on the giveaways , idk man

I know. Thanks for backing me up! People need to watch out for peeps like that and to know that they are sharks! I have noticed the absence of one or 2 peeps who are almost always on here when this thread is blowing up like this lol


I’m looking forward to watching your seedrun, Never made seeds myself but I’m interested in learning. I’m still trying to figure out how get the most out of my little grow space


I believe a couple got banned for just that, using multi accounts to grab seeds… That’s why we don’t see then anymore lol

edit… Although I’m sure there are more