Fresh Beans ! Free Beans ! 😁

Lost or sold? :wink:
I can not help but wonder.

You did @OriginalDankmaster96 just like you did me.
Grabbed the seeds and ran.
I feel the same way he does.
I felt the need to say something as well.

I wonder how many other giving members you have done like this?
I tried to tell folks there was something not right about you.
I did give you a chance to try and redeem yourself but that never happened.
Now I wonder how many folks you were able to scam in the last year? :thinking:
Maybe I should have spoken up sooner.

Do you already have another sock puppet account on here?
I think you do, that is why you don’t post on this account that much anymore.
This account has been exposed.

We will find you again, and we will root you out like all the other rats in this place.
Tell your story walkin’ buddy.

You may want to keep your eyes open for this one in the future.
