From Autofems to my first Regular grow - seed production, propagation and crossing experiments (with Iranian landrace, KC Brains and more)

Hello dear OG community,

My first tent-indoor-grow, which I started almost 3 months ago (at that time with autofems), is now nearing completion and I am very happy with the result. In the last few weeks, however, I have been reading and learning more and more about regular seeds and the topics I mentioned in the thread title. I’m particularly fond of landraces and have now acquired a small collection of seeds, which I’m going to start with now:

After some deliberation, I have decided to start with the following varieties, most of which have already germinated and are growing healthily and happily in my mini-“greenhouse”, namely the following:

White Widow (Dutch Passion)
KC 45 (KC Brains)
California Special (KC Brains)
Iranian #3 (Kwikseeds)

Since there was some interest in the Irani by some peole in another thread, I have now created this own new thread to document my plans and record it in words and pictures. :grin:

5 days ago I planted all 6 Iranian seeds in potting soil, 5 of them have sprouted so far. The other plants had already emerged from the soil about a week earlier. :seedling:

(The Iranis are in the cardboard pots, the rest oft the seedlings are: bottom right 3 California Special, bottom left 3 White Widow, top 3 KC 45 )

Some information about the Irani landrace :
It comes from Kwikseeds / Real Seed Company. Unfortunately, there is hardly any information about the variety. In Iran there are many hybrids between sativas and indicas due to its geographical location, but this one is probably a fairly pure indica. According to a user who saw this same cultivar being grown by someone else already, this strain may have originated in the Tehran region. Everything else will become clear in the course of the grow. :grin:

Fortunately, I have an Iranian friend who knows a lot about cannabis in his homeland. I will probably come back to him from time to time for questions and advice. He is ethnically Afghan and is also familiar with traditional hash production in Afghanistan, so I will also be happy to come back to him and possibly share some information here. :leaves: He got me interested in the Iranian landraces, especially as you rarely hear anything about them here in the west and I find it very exciting to have a few small exotic plants at home. :slight_smile:

The whole thing will certainly be a long-term project, but I will post regular updates and let you in on everything important that I do with the plants. :slightly_smiling_face:
My primary goal for the first run is to get a good amount of F2 seeds of all varieties. Unfortunately, I am somewhat limited in terms of space, which is why I can only grow a few specimens of each strain to start with. I hope it will be enough to get at least one nice girl and boy per strain. Otherwise I will have to improvise and possibly make directly crosses, which I will later stabilize and/or backcross (I still have 2 seeds of each of the KC seeds left in my collection)
I will then select the most pretty and promising plants for crosses. However, I definitely want to continue with the landrace in its pure form in every case.

At the moment, all the plants are still indoors and get sunlight as well as additional LED lighting in the evening (which is more like a better reading lamp, but certainly better than nothing), giving them a good 18 to 20 hours of light in total. I hope that this will give them a good start. :slightly_smiling_face: ext week, however, I will move the first plants to the balcony, where they will be able to spend the rest of their lives in peace.

I am always happy to receive tips and suggestions about my plans! :blush:

Best regards, I’ll post here again soon, :slightly_smiling_face:



KC Brains :+1: :sunglasses:

also looking forward to plants on the balcony! such a fun level/scale to grow :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you :blush:

I really like KC Brains too :slight_smile: He has a very nice and interesting collection of unique strains and in my opionion it’s very respectable that he has almost everything also as regular beans in stock.

I also have some more from KC left in my stash to grow in the future, the KC 33, KC 42 and Mango. I’m sure they’ll all be fun to grow. :slight_smile:


You’re off to a good start!


Good luck with your project @ossi_grower.


You had me at Iranian. I’ll be watching :popcorn:


It strikes me that the finder/namer/whatever might have more properly called them Persian, since Iran is such a relatively new country and those landraces should predate it by at least decades.

I’m confident you’re going to have a great grow based on your start! thumb


Thank you very much @Bert , @Tejas and @allotment! I’m really happy about the positive reactions that my report here brought so far :blush:

I’ll post an updated photo of the Iranis later or tomorrow morning at last, depending on the light conditions when I get home. :slight_smile:

The KC strains and the WW are already developing their second true leave pair. I guess that’s a good time to relocate them and start getting them used to the “natural” conditions outside on my balcony. :grin:

@mota Yes, that’s a great point! I’m to a 100% with you on this case!
I actually planned naming my IBL “Persian” when it get’s to that point and also to incorporate that in the naming of possible crosses with this line. :slight_smile:


Nice, regulars are my favorite, loving the choices!Landraces/oldschool stuff is my favorite and white widow was one of the first things i grew besides lemon haze from bag seed when i was in highschool.


Nice, I’ll be around for the journey…


Nice lineup you got there :slightly_smiling_face:
I am specially interested in the WW …hope everything goes great and you make a bunch of seeds.


Thank you @globalhead ! :slight_smile:
I also have high hopes for the WW, it’s one of my favourite strains to smoke one a day off. Let’s see how the Dutch Passion version turns out. :relieved:

Today I placed the 3 Widows, the 6 KC plants and a feminised Master Kush from Sensi seeds on the balcony.
Sadly I haven’t found a regular version of the MK so far, but I’ll nevertheless try to pollinate it with some different males. There’s nothing to lose so why not try it out I guess. If they turn out to be no good then I’ll just feed the seeds to the birds. :bird: :grin: :blush:

(Ignore the diy plant containers made from old juice packs to the right, they are part of another breeding project with landraces from a different plant species)

Right now the plants are standing under indirect sunlight so they don’t get shocked from the change of the enviroment and have some time to adjust to the new conditions. What do you think how many days I should let them stay there before they will react well to the sunlight? :grey_question:

Thank you for reading and kind regards,
ossi_grower :slight_smile:


it doesn’t take that long. :slightly_smiling_face:

the babies are pretty leggy though. could use more light, and support if possible.


Ok thank you, I’ll keep that in mind. :slight_smile:

They didn’t get that many hours of sunlight while being still inside the flat and also nearly wind, pto. I’m positive that they’ll get more light from now on and hopefully recover fast. Thanks for the input on supporting them, I already did that with the Master Kush and some other plants before by only leaning them against a wide wood stick but without fixation, so that they still can develop and can have some wind slightly blowing them around to make their stems stronger, but of course without the risk of them falling over. I’m going to try the same with my new babies tomorrow amd hope that’s a good way to handle that issue :slight_smile:

Funnily on the other side, the little stems of the over a week younger Irani seedlings become thicker and more stable from day to day. They seem to be fairly robust as far as I can tell yet. :muscle:


Unfortunately, still only 5 out of 6 of the Iranian beauties have hatched yet, but as they are landrace seeds, which according to the seller are original and not repros from RSC, I’ll give them at least another week before I give all hope up.

The other plants have now acclimatized well to the climate outside, the very warm temperatures in the past week have certainly played their part. :slight_smile:

There was a little surprise today: a second plant emerged from the pot with the Master Kush! :exclamation: :question: :exclamation: As it turned out when I tried to carefully transplant it into its own pot, it had fought its way almost completely from the bottom of the pot to freedom! :blush:

I’m still not 100% sure about its identity and where exactly it comes from. However, it is most likely a mystery bag seed of an herb known as “hippie weed”. I assume it is a landrace variety because of its appearance. The weed had very small, airy buds and a scent that has absolutely nothing in common with modern strains. Not a bit sweet, but strong notes of various spices, mint and a slight hint of fuel. But the effect was perfect for my needs! Motivating, euphoric, at the same time very relaxing but neither couchlock nor racing thoughts. I’m assuming that the weed was grown and processed under “rustic” conditions (very overgrown, certainly dried under the sun) and therefore I could get a lot more out of the plant than the sad-looking, brown flowers I got.

In any case, I have now been trying for over a month with all sorts of methods (but exclusively indoors) without success to germinate at least 25 to 30 of these seeds. I had recycled the potting soil from the experiments and planted the Master Kush in it, among other things, and one or two seeds were probably left behind in the soil. Apparently they just missed the fresh air and the warm kiss of the sun. :sun_with_face: :sunflower: :grinning:

Tomorrow I will plant a few more of the seeds directly on the balcony, if it works at least a few times, I am sure that the mysterious young plant is also a hippie-weed plant. Then I also will start their reproduction and selection, which I will document here, too (at least if you want to see it :grin: ).

That’s the little plant that I’m talking about, before transplanting it into its own little pot. :slight_smile:

Best regards, ossi_grower :blush:


The hippie weed sounds like some of the landraces I get. Take a look at this germ tec…maybe you would get better results with this…



Thank you very much for the hint @globalhead
I will look into it. :green_heart:
It’s so sad for me to let that many seeds go to waste without any success, it would be so cool to get some more of them to sprout and to get a chance to look into the original genetics of my mystery strain. :blush:


It could be a landrace from India …I’m saving some Odhisa Malkangiri Masala for you which has a similar profile :slightly_smiling_face:


After reading about this landrace, I could imagine it to be that, too :slight_smile: Thanks for keeping a few beans of that for me, I’m sure that I would enjoy growing and smoking them very much :blush: I searched for some pictures of the Odhisa Malkangiri Strain, the bud structure looks very similar to my unknown strain and the aromas are also similar. I read about cardamom and cumin flavour, that’s definitely something I also smell in my weed. It would be fun to grow both your seeds and my seeds next (if I get them to germinate with that technique :grin: ) to each other and watch their development. :green_heart:

At first I need to get some H202, have a nice day and hopefully hear you soon! :slight_smile:

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Short update: The Iranis are outside, 4 of the originally 6 are still Alive, one has support because her stem broke directly above soil level about a week ago. I don’t know how it happened, but luckily she is still alive and besides that well and healthy. I hope this will heal soon. :adhesive_bandage:

The plant in the back row on the right is a single Ciskei Bushmans, the other 4 are all Iranis.

These are the California Specials, KC 45s and White Widows.

This is the probably Indian mystery landrace. She is growing fast and healthy so far and I am so excited to observe how she (or he :grinning:) will turn out!