From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Very nice @syzygy some awesome stuff in there for sure


Thanks guys.

Ya I have that one as well and considered doing a few of those too. I purchased my pack after reading @nube 's review either on BB or RIU. Some really attractive looking plants he found

I know most of us have already seen it but links for reference sake


bodhi seeds | Page 2041 | Rollitup

#6 and #8 both look and sounded awesome to me.


Lav Jack came up for a vote in my thread, but another pack won out, so Iā€™ll have to live vicariously through you! :bear::+1:


The #4 was one of the most unique and potent smokes Iā€™ve ever had, and it was insanely motivating weed. I am really sad that I had to shutdown cuz of a landlord issue and didnā€™t get to keep that cut, because I understand from more knowledgeable people that it was a Jack leaner, maybe even an improved Jack. The #8 and #6 were good, but I think I could find those types of effects in every pack.

Have you seen Nobodyā€™s Nursery cut of Lavender Jack? @iamyou_youareme is running it now and has incredible pics over here at Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends - #1396 by iamyou_youareme It gets rave reviews for quality of smoke as well, so Iā€™m excited to maybe get a chance to smoke it in the futureā€¦

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


I think I saw a few pictures of his cut on BB and assumed that was the one that IAY has. His latest update where he commented on how loud it is definitely was encouraging. A bit jealous of all the elites / hunted cuts you guys have but at the same time the discovery process of popping seeds is cool as well! Will think about it a bit more while walking dogs tonight. I may have talked myself out of field-trip (gsc x ssdd) so will debate some herer HPs as well. Interested to hear how you think it compares to Herer Hp if you get to try it!


I think the Lav Jack is definitely worth a look, Iā€™ve actually been tempted to go buy a pack after running Nobodyā€™s selection to see what else is there.

Posted a vid on insta, but it got compressed to all hellā€¦ iamyou_youareme on Instagram: "Lavender Jack from Bodhi - Selected by Nobody'sNursery - oooh that smell! #plantmoreseeds #lavenderjack"

Obviously I havenā€™t smoked any yet, but I really like the high from Jack, Iā€™m interested to see what the Wookie does to it. It definitely ups the smell, with the perfect combo between the terpinolene from Jack and whatever terpenes are producing the Lavender smell (linalool?), but itā€™s loud and in your face. I love it, but I could see how people might be turned off by the lavender side.

Running seeds is more ā€œfunā€ in my book, but sampling these elites has been interesting too. Definitely giving me a baseline for whatā€™s out there, so if I do find something special in a pack of seeds, I can see how it measures up.


Put 3 Lav Jack & 3 Baba Kush seeds in paper towels. Weā€™ll see what happens. Doubtful Iā€™m going to do anymore Baba Kush seeds because I could see myself wanting to F2 that in the future. Could possibly add a few more Lav Jacks depending what I end up deciding in the next few days. May make a poll or something if I can figure that out in time, but am about to take the dogs in a few.

Got done trimming the later harvested TripSun. Very sticky. Smells really good and lingers on you for a long time after handling as well. Can see seeds popping out the buds everywhere. Very excited to see how this one holds up when grown seedless.

Well thatā€™s always interesting and promising to hear.

I had at least 3-4 lav phenos from the Wookie crosses and havenā€™t really been thrilled with any of them. Iā€™m up for giving them another chance though.

Will think more and more tonight about what & if something else should join the mix. May seek input here again tomorrow on that front. GSC x SSDD was ruled out because of the high chance of intersex(everything can potentially have intersex issues, but GSC is known for it) and Iā€™m hoping to have seedless bud finally.

Appreciate everyone chiming in as always, keeps things interesting!

Test poll
  • Twenty 20 - Pre 98 Bubba S1
  • Snuggle Funk (Black Domina x 88g13hp)
  • Limited Edition (DLA 5 x purple unicorn)
  • Herer Hashplant (Jack x 88g13hp)
  • More Lav Jack (Jack x Wookie 15)
  • Purple Soul (Pinesoul x Purple Unicorn f3)
  • Chem 91 SVA x SSDD (Chem 91 SVA x SSDD)
  • Some pollen chuck

0 voters

Leaning towards just doing a few more Lav Jack or a Bubba S1 or 2. Will wait a few days and see what others think. Saturday seems like a good day to decide.


Going with the 91 chem x ssdd for my vote but the lav jack look so appealing on the fence about the choice but seems like chem x ssdd throws some winners the sunshine 4s Iā€™ve seen throws some killer plants donā€™t see how the 91 x ssdd wouldnā€™t follow suit and be killer too


Iā€™m just voting for Herer Hashplant based off @nubeā€™s review aloneā€¦ and I love Jack, more Jack is good in my book. If you found the right plants, you could really highlight the traits each father is passing through.


chem91 x ssdd as i think itā€™ll be onpar with the triple sunshine but more narcotic, and i have a pack to run at some point :yum:


I voted for the HHP as it would be cool to see the differences between the LJ and HHP. Also, Nubeā€™s report sent it over the top. Honorable mention goes to the Chem 91 x ssdd, as I love some ssdd crosses. Also, that DLA 5 x PU might be interesting, as I havenā€™t seen a lot from the PU.


Ya Iā€™m glad you said that because that reminded me of what I left out ā€“ Iā€™m considering lav jack / herer HP as the same vote (more jack), just whichever has more votes will be the Jack cross selected. Itā€™s entirely possible I end up with 3 males out of my Lav Jacksā€¦

Interesting. A more narcotic ssdd cross doesnā€™t sound bad to me at all. I think I heard on one of those breeder podcasts that chem 91 is fairly reliable at passing on its potency too.

Agreed but in low numbers it probably wonā€™t be that useful (assuming there are 1-2 males at least per group).

Going to just go with whatever the top 2 votes are by Saturday. If votes slow up for 2~ days then Iā€™ll prob go through with whatever it is earlier.


Maybe theyā€™ll show sex by Saturday.

Just kidding. I voted for the Chem/SSDD cross, just because it sounds interesting and youā€™d already planted those Lavender Jacks, but thatā€™s a good point. The HHP was my second choice, for the same reason crunch mentioned (and also because it just sounds good, almost planted some of that for the current run), but more of the Lavender Jack might be a good idea.


Yeah, the Chem91 has definitely been reported to reliably pass on that potency in crosses. The TK does not reliably pass on anything :sweat_smile: I also consider the TK basically daytime herb. The Chem91 should be much heavier, couchlock type stuff. Maybe help with relaxing on top of the SSDD effects? :thinking:


Do you have any Bodhi stuff going for your current setup? I forgotā€¦ felt like you got some mene gene strains or something right?

Chem 91 sva x SSDD & herer hp / lav jack both sound like a good choice to me. Will prob at least see some Jack influence that way in one of the 2 crosses.

Ya thatā€™s probably why Iā€™m liking the tk x ssdd so much right now. Panic inducing potency isnā€™t exactly my favorite haha. Love the chill mellow calming buzz from ssdd though.

From what Iā€™ve been reading about Jack it sounds a lot like Sun Ra to me. ā€œSativaā€ but not racy or anxiety inducing. Should be a cool mix of effects from all this.

haha ya the Black Domina sounds intriguing as wellā€¦


Chem/SSDD gets my vote because Iā€™ve never seen it. HHP I already know is greatā€¦ but then thereā€™s that Snuggle Funkā€¦ I like snuggling :slight_smile:


Just the Hashplant D. One of them showed male yesterday (only took 47 days haha), the other four Iā€™m not sure about.

The Yesca x Jaro, yeah. I trashed one runt this morning. It was pretty obvious that even if it had turned out female, it was gonna be a total pain in the ass for the duration, didnā€™t seem worth the effort. It looked kinda sickly and was falling over, too, at only like six or seven-inches tall. So Iā€™m down to four of those, too. No idea what the sex is on those or anything else at this point, either.

I donā€™t really understand why itā€™s taking so long for stuff to declare lately, kind of annoying. I even turned the lights down to 15:45 last week, but Iā€™m still not certain on everything. I need to get everything into the seven-gallons pretty soon, though, maybe Iā€™ll switch to 15:30 today and see if I canā€™t help them along.

I agree haha.


Some of mine have taken what seems forever to show, too. Someone here (sorry, Iā€™m bad with names!) said they gave seedlings 2x full dark periods (2 days of no lights) when they hit 5 or 6 nodes to speed things up. Iā€™ve tried that at least 10x now, and it has. Down to 50 days or less from 80, lol!


Mm. I dunno about that. I mean, Iā€™m sure it works, but I like to keep things as ā€œnaturalā€ as possible haha. I may try it next grow, though, because it really has seemed like itā€™s taking forever for everything to show for the last couple years. Which is weird, because up until like 2020 or so, everything was showing in that ā€œstandardā€ 30-35 day window.

I dunno. I wonder if itā€™s because Iā€™ve been vegging under the AT200ā€™s since then, as opposed to the AT600, which is a much more powerful light. Would stronger lighting encourage plants to show sex sooner?

Maybe Iā€™ll move everything underneath the big light today. ā€˜Cuz they need to show gawddamn soon! Haha!