From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Very true, i found Mother’s Milk and more recently Time Bandit to be true to this.


I dunno, she looks pretty good from here haha. Seems like she has those sorta “finer” trichome heads or whatever they’re called, maybe the stalks aren’t as “raised” as they are on some other hybrids, but she looks tasty to me.


Oh for sure, I just mean when I walk into the area and look in the tent it’s the one that stands out as the most frosty when you look at the buds. The other Lav Jacks look a bit more frosty in pictures probably because of the contrast and flash highlighting them a bit better.


Some things starting to look rough - calyx tips are starting to brown/yellow on some things. Didn’t water for a couple days and it’s getting late in flower finally. HHP is developing a slight aroma finally - sharp sweet coin fruity almost. Purple lav jack smelling pretty good. Baba kush smells nice as well. Camera battery died before I could get everything. Got a ton of purple lav jack shots. Tall lav jack is also looking really silvery / light purple in person and the flash pictures are not accurate at all. The no flash picture looks fairly accurate though.

LJ Purple

LJ tall

Baba Kush

Herer HP


I started 24 SSDD seeds and ended up with 18 males. I haven’t had good luck with ratios lately. I have read through many of the threads on what traits I want the females to have, but does anyone have and recommendations regarding the males besides the usual?


Man I need that ratio. Been trying to find a solid ssdd male for 2 years or so now. I want male(s) that look and smell like the best females. Gotta flower them out to know for sure but the starshine male I had put out the same scented resin as my chosen ssdd mom that was its mother. Sour butter and blueberry kush muffins.

Other traits I look for ahead of time:
5-7 bladed leaves
Spicy/vegetable type stem rub
Leaf crinkle
Double serrations


Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it.


Mobile so hard to type a lot but I don’t have a lot of solid information on the topic. I’ve heard people claim you can influence the gender through environmental conditions and I’m skeptical about that. I think it mostly comes down to genetic info and “luck”. If i remember correctly minitiger had really bad luck for a while with his M:F ratios. I usually get more F than M and have to cull for spacial reasons. Maybe take a picture of all the males cut down and hang it in your tent to keep future seedlings in line?

As far as the female trait thing if you’re looking for the bubbashine traits in the mom then heavy early frost on stems and leaves would be the earliest trait that I would look for (week 3-4 flower). Leaf morphology seems to change when cannabis plants mature in my experience. Can start with really wide leaves that end up really thin in flower as well as the mothers.


Wow, I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum there; out of four SDDD F2s and two SSDD F2 bx1, all six are female (5 out of 6 for sure, and 1 I’m 95%).

The five SSDD crosses look to be about 50/50.


I am, as well. I’m pretty sure the plants are gonna turn out the way they’re gonna turn out no matter what you do.

Yeah, going on like four years running now haha. I’ve had decent luck every now and then, too, though. 4/4 on the Uplifts, 4/6 on the Bandaid Hazes and, uh… That’s about it haha.


I don’t even mind the bad luck either way it goes but it would be nice to know in advance. Maybe post legalization can just do gender tests to save on space / soil and all that…

Herer HP

Chem 91 x SSDD

Lav Jack 1

Lav Jack 2

Lav Jack 3


Stunning shots brotha! Not a single ugly duckling. :sunglasses:


Beautiful. Great photos. FAF… right @TopShelfTrees1 ? That Lavender Jack is some kinda specimen.


Thanks guys, the tall lav jack is very frosty. I wish I could capture how much frostier it is than everything else but it’s pretty hard. Will try to get some no flash pictures before chop because I think they look a bit more accurate to the eye than the flash shots on that plant.


Hell yes @Smooth DAMN! Crushed em @syzygy absolutely GORGEOUS my friend


Haha, yeah, that would be nice. It’s just the nature of the beast, though, I guess, when you’re only planting regular seeds. If getting, like, a shitload of females mattered to me all that much, I’d plant feminized seeds. I actually kinda like the not knowing every run, just because when I do get a better than 50:50 ratio (or even better than 33.3/66.6)(or better than 25/75)(or better than 0/100 haha) it’s like,”Yayyyy…”

I know I’ve said it a billion times before, but I love that one. She’s looking so, so good. Love everything about her. Love the flower morphology, love the calyx-to-leaf ratio, love the frostiness… Those trichome shots look like she’s got a little while still to go, depending on your preference of amber/clear or whatever, no? I’m seeing barely any amber in those at all.

I really wish you’d keep track of “flower days” haha, it’d be nice to know exactly how long it’s been since you flipped.

The other plants look pretty good, too haha!


Stunning plants :heart_eyes:


Appreciate all the kind words and good to have everyone here!

They were pretty small so add a few weeks due to maturity and that would put us between 10-12 weeks I think (probably 10-11 on most).

Yeah definitely, it’s the most attractive to me in the tent right now as well.

Ya, I’m still undecided on what I’m going to do. I really want to get the OG x 88g13hp stuff transplanted (no space) but I’d also rather not pull the lav jack too early. I may always get impulsive and just do it anyways but because I don’t feel like bringing in soil, wetting it, and transplanting I’m just letting the Lav Jack do it’s thing a bit longer.


Could you transplant the 88G stuff and move that one Lavender Jack into the tent where those plants are now? Like kind of a “tent reversal”-type thing? Or do you have other, even younger seedlings in there that need to vegged for a while? Haha.

I was thinking that maybe you could just put the LJ in a dark spot for a few days longer before you chopped her if you need to use the tent she’s in now for other stuff. I’m not a fan of doing extended periods of darkness right before chopping, but…


No, the tall lav jack wouldn’t even fit in the seedling tent. Way too tall. I guess I could just keep the lav jack in the tent it’s in but with 18 hours of light. It would still ripen and can just pull it before any reveg action begins. Not sure…

No flash shots looking a bit more accurate than the flash shots of the tall Lav Jack

Hope everything is going well with the pup! About to take mine for an adventure right now :cowboy_hat_face: