Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

You are doing a WONDERFUL job! Wow man! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: They are preying like crazy!

Pz :v:t2:


uhuh thanks :blush:

Yeah pretty happy they look happy. They almost did not leave this praying position since I cloned them. Aiming at them doing that until sudden death :laughing:


You’re going to get some mad ickysticky my friend :heart: I’m very jealous!

Pz :v:t2:


Well you shouldn’t, you already smoked that :smiley:

Bad news yesterday opening the cab: the apical bud of the snowtower was rotten.

The change in smell was in fact a warning. Tossed it and put the 6 lower buds which seems ok to dry.

What a pitty! That bud was so dense, it’s not so much of a surprise. Still quite a loss in harvest weight. Was meant to fill the stash while waiting for the jamnesia, now there’ll be a gap without weed to smoke :scream:

But well, cheap morrocan hash is something like 500m away :laughing:



I am super paranoid bout the humidity readings here. Summer kind of left but still about 60% in my apartment.
Out of curiosity how many fans do you got and when was your last horsetail feeding? You gonna pull the jamnesia sooner?


Yeah it’s still on and off in term of RH here, like it’s been the whole summer :confused:

I have no fans. I’m only relying on the intakes I’ve dispatched around at the ground level and other plants don’t complain. I’ve put the ST in a corner though (to get lower PPFD), but they seems to be less aerated, maybe that was part of the problem.

I did pluck a few tongue leaves out of the bud 2 days ago, they looked like real bad. I think that’s probably what started it in fact. When I opened the bud it was really sweating water/sugar inside. Might be that a tiny left over of a petiole rotted inside and the fungus enjoyed the moist food.

The bud was really dense/heavy. We’ll see at the smoke test, but that plant had its appeal. I’ll probably grow what’s left of that pack. Pretty good work from SAN :slight_smile:

I’m gonna watch closely the jamnesia and hold it as far as I can. I want to give time to those seeds.


Wishing you the best of luck, funghi can get bucked

Also is it snowthrower or snowtower?



That’s snowthrower you’re right, but I renamed that pheno to something that fits it better :smiley:


Any pressure in fact (abnormal barometric ones count), even dry the grain of pollen of canna is a bit like a fish egg in more resistant. When crunched, it just “germinate”. Can be seen with a basic microscope.

Storing the pollen (long conservation) relatively loose and in dodging thick layers, improve a lot the efficiency, specially on late pistils (big pollination).

You whole process is good, and in memory you have the right average RH to treat it without any stress.

God why you don’t asked lol

Canna pollen Fridge : 15-20 %
Canna pollen Freezer : 5% or less if you can

I don’t dehydrate it with a machine for the pleasure ^^

Considering the development of the male, no it’s good.

The flour have to be cooked (oven) and it’s ONLY to ease the application. Not to store buddy. Useless intermediate to store it, i mean.

It’s more the regime but was it worth to play razor edge with the terps ?
She look clean and fat for a AH spine, fuck the trichomes it’s not an afghani ^^

That’s the main trap of your project, to face two heterosis at a time.

It’s a matter of acceptation, your AH-Jam will only be expressed trough the male you chooses to carry the recessive side of the BX.

It’s not like you was outcrossing it with a haze or a sativa either, everything will be fine. Smooth reading, specially if you sog the F1. Stretchy seedlings are obvious as fuck ^^

We have an ally to bring back americans to the highs ^^

Guys the SD is just build for blunts ^^ Nicaraguan Shade, the last third is just magic.
I’ve to package you samples fast funky, the two remaining oscuro blunts on the table will not see the sun tommorow ^^ I will roll it then package on the fly or it’s dead. I just can’t resist this.

The flowers look slightly fattened at the same stage yes, when ovulas are desperate and understand there is no pollen to expect ^^

I think your synchro is good, the time to flush her she will be ready.

It’s becoming elitist over here , what the fuck ^^

Only due to foliage balance, too much energy is consumed for not enough sugars. So she wake up solar panels factories where she find them. Don’t give a fuck.

I personally have some affect for this kind of heavy plant that continue its ride like a panzer.

Oh, so my bad. You screwed for the timing of the flush, you was right lol
No big deal, it’s like when you blast some PK, the time for the plants to rebalance.

fuck, so … finally i wad right and you was wrong ^^ Your instinct to flush was good.

True, fungis kill the terps.

God i need to stop asap to smoke the blunts i’m supposed to send you ^^
Tomorrow i transform the lab in a cuban factory.


Afghanhammer as a daytime smoke makes my ass so lazier than it already is, but it’s time to move on for a little update!

Let’s start with the jamnesia, day 96 of flowering, 33 since pollination

A real octopus doing its Queen of The Cab thing. “Make way for its highness!” :laughing:

The beating it had all its flowering is showing. I’m on the edge water/nutes wise right now, but it helped to keep the fungi at bay. It does affects a bit the scent which seems a bit muted and changed, but it’s hard to be sure with the others stinking aside in the cab. It definitely affects the yield anyway. I’ll do better next time. On the 4 clones cooking, I have good hope for at least 2 of them.

We’re getting close, second flowering is slowing down, frost (if you can name that like that for such kind of weed) is showing. It’s always late to do so compared to others. Calixes are starting to swell.

Some of the seeds seem very close, gonna let all that mature a bit more still. I want a good ratio of mature seeds given the low number.
I highly doubt the ERSB pollen took, even if I’m keeping my mind open for a good surprise. But unless the seeds are really small, I have hard time seeing any on the pollinated branch. :confused:

On the AH/TK side, it’s getting ok for now. First batch of 3 is 30 days into flowering, last one is 17 days.
The oldest AH and TK clones got pollinated 4 days ago. Messy job, not so happy with it, but I still have pollen, so I’ll pollinate some of the newest clones to get more seeds. Next time I won’t use flour I think.

The AHs are beating everyone with it’s sugary smell right now. The best clone is also putting out a good amount of trichs. Even the fan leaves get some near the petiole. The ex-mother is showing it had a tougher life though and the latest clone is a bit capricious, but so far much better grow than last time.

The oldest TK is bulking very well and has good frost too. There’s a few double serrations here and there. The latest one are coming good too, though one has always been weaker than the other.

Starting to sample the ST, just dry enough. Well, I need to sample more.

Pretty lengthy update again, gonna stop here :laughing:

Have a good day OG!


Pro tip, flour is used for storing and shouldn’t be used if you want to pollinate within a week or two. You shouldn’t use normal flour, you need to dehydrate it before mixing it with pollen. I do it in the oven on low temp until it’s chauk dry when rubbed between fingers. Flour is used to absorb moisture and normal flour won’t help pollen to dry since it’s already in a equilibrium with the environment.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah that’s what I did, dried the flour in the oven, mixed it with the pollen when it was dried too, for storage. But as you said, doesn’t make so much sense for short storage, and it makes the aftermath of the pollination a bit messy. That first one was a good exercise to refine a simpler/more effective method.


Definitely, sometimes I just store it in lots of dried rice instead if I know I won’t freeze it and I need it in like 4 weeks. Then I dip the brush in the bag and flick my finger on the brush once I’m next to the bud, this will release a small cloud of pollen. This have actually been better for me then brushing on the pollen on the buds. Flour tend to do so that it’s more of a spray then a cloud when I flick the brush.

It’s hard to explain but I hope you get it and hopefully you’ll get better results next time!

Stay safe :heart:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah exactly, when I saw the huge amount that “sprayed” at the first gentle tap of the brush I was like “:scream: Have to be delicate on this one”

You did that pretty well, thanks for the help. Looking forward your next grow :wink:


Uh, that’s much drier than I thought. At that rate I thought the pollen wouldn’t work anymore. Good to know, that kind of numbers are not really documented.

It has always been late to build its trichomes I found, at least, the last (which was the first) time I grew they also started to shine late. Terps did take a bit of a beat I think. We’ll see when dried.

Yeah the JBM really dominated here, not disliking that effect wise :smiley:

:slight_smile: Mixed with picking the longest flowering time in the selection I guess.

Yeah, I have a few others in my mind too.

That has been sorted out I guess, you failed :laughing:

lol. Not so much, I think the TK is the only clone I’ll have stocked. I’ve been away too long, need to update my refs.

Yeah it’s really looking like nothing will stop it really anyway. It adapts its foliage to the conditions really well.


Damn with Lonely around in your log … that’s a kind of alpha and omega of the revival of the american culture ^^ SD and TK to roll and you dare to say you’re not a snob ? :joy:

They are but you have to search on the industrial processes only. The numbers i gave you are just lifted for cannabis from hemp, also my last results on the processing. I’m now able to store pollen like this :

In fridge or freezer. The magic spell was just to trust industrials, and to translate the datas sheets of their machines ^^

There is also a sweet spot to dry cannabis pollen : 45°c. The faster you’re drying it at this temp from the harvest, the higher the viability dried during 1 week in fridge and 3 months in freezer. On their respective RH, unfortunately no cheat possible. You’re forced to dry directly the pollen for the storage type.

I fucking digressed right ? Let’s roll a third. God with cellulose it’s like getting back all the depth of the weed, glutton mode.

I was tired to search over sometimes opposites results in the scientifically field, so i just go full empirical + strong industrial influence. As i do with breeding when i’m stuck lol I will try to find you something reliable around a machine process or something like this.

God you frustrated me, it’s all i wanted to know for the pattern ^^
AH is usually shiny, but don’t get mad at it. The jam’s encounter transferred a bit in the vegetal mass.

The funkyfunk magic spell … back hours later lmao Can’t resist the hell to roll one. This evening we go with wifey and son watching Beetlejuice. Let’s get well baked ^^

Hum take care, more for later developments as lethal leverage. Segregations close to heterosis can output weird things like a strong return of the NL5H (the “hawaian afghani”) but that flower longer than the AH itself. If the ERSB take, take care even more imho.

Trust structures more, let the strain breathe in flowering time. Specially if you pilot a BX, it’s some attention to others traits wasted for something that will stir mechanically on the reference.

Well, it’s not only a minor risk i mean.

Fuck yeah, i just smoke them at the moment they are dry. It’s horrible.
“Oh, just this one to be sure it’s smoking well packed like this” … then lol

I swear i will roll you one in the strict pure NY spirit later, cured and all. It’s just the “retrouvailles” with the weed that is a bit too warmly welcomed maybe ^^ At least i rescued some nugs from the fire, directly given to wifey to don’t burn it too lol

said the guy smoking TK and SD like a breeze ^^
It’s dead, i got you for good on this one lol You passed in the dark force side. Welcome lmao


I see myself more like a sigma male. :rofl:

Jokes aside,

That’s a good point for storing pollen, I’ve totally forgotten about it until you brought it up. Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hope you’ll have a good time!

Well, don’t hype the S1 I selected before @funkyfunk gives a honest verdict on it.

BTW guys, I’m going to Paris in April! Is it far away from you guys?

Pz :v:t2:


Joke aside too, i’m a fan of the Sigma 6 ^^

I dare to post at funky home because he know i’m still validating different processes. On drying stages, all tests done and it’s my straight results. Bulletproofed.

But … within an half season i will have a deeper insight on the most practical manner to deal with pollen’s vials. I’m overproducing since this summer to operate tests on storage but also on “long distances logistic” to boost up the secondary lab ^^

It’s how funky got an experimental ERSB pollen (UV-a treated) ^^ Also my context is a high RH one. Perfect to dry and cure the weed but for pollen … it can be a ride. I guess that vikings are in the same shit that our oceanic coast with RH and pollen, right ?

100% fan service but … it was nice to see again the references. Keaton is just amazing.
Not something i will go watch in a cinema without being high as fuck to be honest, but my younger son wanted it badly. I confess that 30% of the movie i made breeding plans ^^

I’m mostly hyped to taste it and figure out this “grand comparison” with the OGK. Funky know that i dislike Kush in general, don’t worry ^^

But admit … the guy is stashing SD and TK, still ^^ I find it kewl as fuck because none are elitists lmao

I’m in the coast, it’s a bit a long shot for me yes. But if you make it more regular, hell yeah we have to set something at one point ^^ If you both catch the blunts i roll before i lit them … maybe i can pass some finally lol


Ahaha yeah american strains are gaining room here. And if snob goes for better smoke, count me in then :wink:

No disgression, useful hints rather :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m not worried. It’s not an afghani anyway.

Well I hope you enjoyed the show, that was one of my preferred movie when I was a small teenager.

That make sense put that way. Good to know that beforehand.

Don’t get mad about that, some nugs is already quite a gift.

Not yet smoking that, but can’t wait!

ahahah, well typical swedish guy right? :wink:

I’m thinner, so I usually describe myself as a stigma male :laughing:

I can already say it’s a pretty good plant honestly. I’ll report on the smoke, but I’m sure it will at least be tasty given the smell it gives to the nose.

And I heard some others were starting to flower it too :wink:

Oh that’s awesome! Paris is a few hundred kilometers. But the french rails and roads network is organized to centralize everything there, so it’s not hard to go everywhere from there, or to go to Paris. Keep me updated, I’ll see if I can find some time. :slight_smile:


Smells like a new wiki is coming :wink:

All that without asking for anything lol. That sure is another level of elitism than what I’m used to. That won’t prevent me to dig more exotic things though :smiley: