G13 Fite me Cunt!

PhilCuisine, from your experience trying out the different cuttings can you tell us about what differences you found between them and your opinions on them, thanks.
Have you managed to try out some of the hybrids you made?


Did you say …JIM ORTEGA!!

Ha ha seriously when I was researching how to find G13 seeds I read every single thread on ICmag here and RIL etc. I have never seen a plant get so many people so pissed off I figured I would just make a thread to poke fun at all the way too serious threads. I am talking WOW level argumants over this strain (strains) and crosses etc. It’s an amazing plant and those of us who got to smoke it 10 or more years ago know how powerhouse this plant is. Ok cheers


I bet the crosses are amazing. G13 x Erthang

I remember the rumors about it being only grown by the government, lmao… I’m sticking around!


:rofl: i laughed so hard when i saw that pick my wife thought i was having a seizure :upside_down_face:

walked the dog later that day walking through the park with a little doobie remembered that pick and nearly cried in public :astonished:

thank you @SkunkHunt101 that is the funniest thing ive seen in about 10 years

i agree with what ya say about g13 legend,myth,tall tale outrite lie who really knows




They were all great and potent, the bud structure on Pacific/SoCal were the same but Airbourne’s G13 had a different bud structure and in my opinion a lot more potent…here’s a picture of my Airbourne’s G13 cross…


Couple plants I’m about to flip, let’s see what these are about :sweat_smile:.


From all I read before I got the seeds, this plant has caused the most amount of suffering and joy as anything on Earth. I have never seen something get so many people worked up for sure. If anyone reads those old threads you will see. I imagine people have been deleted over this plant. Yikes!

Those look badass thanks for the photos

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I am happy you got some joy from my late night shitpost! I have a funny but not good ending G13 story.
530 am 1997 some point in the summer my best buddy wakes me up banging on the window. Im like WTF, I go open the door I said " What are you doing here so early?" “I got some of that Biker weed my dude!” I’m like Ok come on in of course. He comes in and puffs a joint with me and my uncle. I have never been so high my God it was unreal and was for sure the G13 as I had it later down the line the buzz is unmistakable next level 11D shit. So I am totally obliterated Derp and my uncle is TOAST and has to go to work.
He goes in that shift and forgets at the end of the day to lock the gate on the print shop, the next morning the place had been found robbed! They shut down a huge company over that one joint that’s how powerful that shit is beware NOOBS!


Came from a agricultural facility. I doubt many people were smoking the cutting 10 years ago, maybe hybrids of it yes. Im sure the Pacific or airborne are supposed to be g13 x nl.

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I’m gonna be germing some g13/hp from haze man in a few weeks :crazy_face: grew out i49’s g13 my first grow. It was pretty good stuff had a banana tasting one and the other two were more mint and pepper tasting.


I have a few of them I’m going to put through bloom to pheno hunt, those two are the first rooted clones of two plants. The original plants from seed got a bit too stretched and lanky due to the tight space they were grown in, so I’m just going to bloom and keep clones.

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These are G13 from greenthumb?

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G13 was imported from Cambodia in the 1840s by Jesuit missionaries. They carried it over the Silk Road dropping seeds along the way creating a trail of potent cannabis from east to west. When it reached Europe it’s fibres we’re woven into the sails of the finest ships and the seeds imported to the new world. Thus a strain of legend was born.


Yea, heard mix reviews after we got them, but giving them a try.


Can’t wait to see the results!

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Wasn’t there a g13/hp co-op a few years back?

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Yes, there was a co-op run of 88G13HP.

Just up potted these last night, prob going to flip them tomorrow


Those are them?