G13 Haze KOS

my bad i saw the wrong numbers before i fixed it, but are 20,21,22? 21 and 22 don’t have names attached and i want to know who put them up there in case they get chose


I think i fixed it, a couple people left the space out after the period i think thats what messed it up


For whoever put up 21 and 22 I will consider those to be void as no one has claimed them yet. If nobody claims them by Tuesday the 20th they will be disqualified from being a potential candidate so please whoever put those entries up claim them! I don’t want you to be left out. Thank you! And many thanks to all that are participating! :metal:

In other news the caylexs are swelling up nicely!


Sweet :raised_hands:

Those are lookin really nice :muscle:


Have gotten into your pack of g13 haze yet @Tolerance_Break?

Edit: I have another in flower right now at 6 weeks in? And I’m noticing that my pheno is really sensitive to either phosphorus or potassium? My reasoning behind that is she doesn’t stretch right and gets stunted but I’m also still pretty new to diagnosing plants and don’t fully understand all the nuances to the external showing of nutrient stress as well as, understanding what the possible problems are in my soil mix and feeding strength.


I have not.

I have some Chem Fuego in the hydro tent being a finicky sonofabitch, and some Mango C5 Haze clones in the dome for the other tent where I’m going to try SIPs for my first dirt grow.

Needless to say, I’m behind schedule. I’d like to fire the g13 Haze off along side some Ghost Train Haze, or relics Cough bx3, but this year is moving quick and the plants are moving slow.


Yeah I feel it on timings lol, I was planning on doing some dog shit hashplant from bohdi same with the passion fruit hashplant but its looking like those will be a next year project.

The mango c5 haze sounds killer though!

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Alright I officially Disqualified numbers 22 and 23, Sorry to whoever put those names up after this point I will no longer accept someone’s claim to them.

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I did it! I think lol? I ran a cut of Albany sour and it being my first sour plant ever ran I thinks it’s going to come out pretty decent. I don’t know what I did to the poor woman but my word has she been pissed for the last month. Something I did made her start flushing one her it seems since week 5 or so but she is still pulling through and packing on weight luckily! But she smells like diesel lol and the end really reminds me a lot of gorilla glue. The trichomes are all cloudy at this point so I started the flush a couple days ago but it smells and looks pretty and real excited to try some fresh home grown diesel.

Bonus pics of daggo walker below the sour




Looking amazing! I’m about to drop an update on my tents. The sour diesel ajs cut for me is just throwing some cool tie dye leaves here and there. Shes slow to heal from supercropping too ive noticed same with the 96 sour diesel


FUCKING DICKS MAN… God damn it oh well I was honestly expecting it to happen sooner due to the ringer she’s gone through I’m just glad I saw it now before it was too late. RIP successful sour run lol.


Hopefully AJ won’t fall to the same fate as the Albany I’m going to trim her up but she’s gonna reach the light I already know lol.


The mountian temple is gettin floppy amd when I open the tent she’s in I get balsred by ammonia ad rotten fruit lol but she is going to bear a pretty decent amount of seeds.


Looking great! See I just get the smell of mangoes from my mother in veg. I was trying to sniff out my mountain temple about a month into flower last night but unless I pull her out and seperate her from the rest you can’t really get a specific smell


Do you get ginger from yours after touching her? Mine is mango and ginger.

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@AmnioticBaptism I haven’t got a ginger smell from her yet but I also haven’t singled her out to figure out the smells and terp profile


Just give a flower a little squeeze lol but when you do let me know! I love how everyone perceives smells and tastes differently it’s super interesting. Like when I showed one of my friends the g13 haze they said it smelled like shit but to me it smelled like floral candy.

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I did not get any ginger. I got a mango and diesel smell from it

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The cuts that @HighTilliDie sent me stunk to high hell when i opened them! Very much a fuel smell! 1 in flower and 2 just vegging!

if i put her outside she is gonna be a monster is t she?

Also just squeezed one of Mountain temple and it has the mango smell good call @HighTilliDie


I honestly have no idea I don’t outdoor nor do I live in an area where it’s feasible to run 10 weekers. But I imagine she’ll bush out real nice.

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