G13 Haze KOS

Huh that’s interesting, yeah I don’t get any diesel from her at all just straight tropical profiles.

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Alright so I was watering the 4x8 just a bit ago and coming up on the mountain temple it was a sweet fresh cut mangoes and then when I got up on it just a rotten fruit/ funky fart smell until I backed up. Maybe I was smelling the mangoes from the ODD as the mother smells like that but could be from both as they both have a mango smell


I will be harvesting the mountian temple this weekend! @IKEA22 and @Sintax I decided to break the rules I like the sound of death cloud haze. I will reach out in the next couple of weeks to get your seeds ready congrats!


Excited to add to my future grows.


Thanks dude!!!

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The smells you just described turned me on lol

Lmfao! I can’t wait to try the smoke once she’s done I have high hopes for that mountain temple by bodhi


I have one of you mt cuts in flower getting close and one that is just killing it in a 3/4 gal pot.


Oh yeah that looks like MT! Is she smelling of rotten fruit for ya yet?


Sweet sweet mango when I rough her up a bit.lol


She definitely is a vigorous one! But she isn’t my cut it came from legends farm which I got from hightillidie. I’m curious if you get any ginger from her, both times I’ve ran her now I get strong mango and ginger at the end. When I get another spot open in one of my flower tents she’s going as I’m not a huge fan of her same with the g13 haze I just put my last one in flower yesterday with a chocolate diesel and some pcch.

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Mine is from @hightillidie cut as well. Ginger maybe I’m not great at identifying smells.


That’s fair lol after being a cook and having a smell driven memory it’s easy for me to pick out aromas and flavors of things. Also there are so many variables at play I don’t think our mountian temples will ever be identical at achieving the same smell profiles.

Edit: you’re going to need to stake her! She gets real floppy lol

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@AmnioticBaptism how many days in flower are you gonna let your MT lady go? I’m like day 60 now and I guess I should check the trichomes soon. I agree with you tho she will need stakes or a net because she seriously throws down

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At least 10 but probably needs to go full 12

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12 weeks really I’m coming up on 10 wks and definitely won’t need 2 more I don’t think at least lol. I put a small one into flower though maybe that makes a dif.

It all depends on the ripeness you’re going for I’m a early guy where I usually cut them down when they are 80 cloudy and 20 amber.

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Lol that’s funny I thought that was like the go to 80/20. You said early I was thinking 90/10 or less. Thanks I looked with a loupe and some clear still so maybe more time than I thought. She already looks so amazing.

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It might be lol all I know is that I’m impatient and that’s about as long as I can wait.

Here is a cut of katsu chocolate diesel just about at 8 weeks very pretty plant that is very easy to grow compared to straight sours. I’m getting really fruity and tropical notes from her on the coconut and guanbana spectrum.