G13 Haze KOS

Great colors! Good job. :grinning:


Thank you! I appreciate the support! I’m really excited to try it out, I think this was the first plant I didn’t “Fuck I Missed” when giving her the initial clean-up before hanging. It’s a really interesting plant, now that it’s been hanging for a couple days the sour funk is starting to come out and is also developing a earthiness to it but I wouldn’t say that’s it’s chocolately though.


Due to my negligence I have to completely restart unfortunately but oh well life happens. So my next round plants to hunt through will be:

Shiskaberry old widow hashplant
DLA 5.3
NL #2
Cherry slimer
Italian beef
Royally hazed


And let the games begin! Out of 29 seeds germinated 29 cracked and sprouted a tail. One of the shiska widow hashplants even had 2! Maybe there will be twins? There are:
4 cherry slymer SOC
6 Italian beef TGTB
6 Royally hazed @InTheWoods
5 DLA 5.3 Bodhi
3 Northern lights #2 (OG made)
5 Shiskaberry x old widow hashplant Bodhi


Let’s fucking go!!!

Looking forward to the DLA 5.3 in particular. I think you’re the first I’ve seen to pop them beans.


I believe there are 3 other people that have popped some of theirs. But either way for science!

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Congratulations :confetti_ball::balloon::tada::champagne: on the twins! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


That would be really awesome if it does turn out to be twins! And I’m really hoping it’s a male and female if so they are going to make babies together!

Edit: @misterbee in your vault of beans do you happen to have any of the snow lotus that was done as a coop by chance?


Very nice line up!
Looking forward to seeing what you get brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @AmnioticBaptism looking great brother! Can’t wait to see how this run looks for ya!


Thank you! I’m really excited to see what RH does, can you tell some things about the cross and what I should be looking out for?


So far with only seeing 4 ladies so far. Flowering time have been taking 12-13 weeks to really finish.
The male is pretty dominant in the flowering time of 90-100 days in most of the crosses. Quite the spectrum just based off these 4 ladies. Once I see 10 to 15 RH ladies, I should get a better idea of what to look for.

The first RH lady was taken early from a late-stage male part on day 69F. Most likely formed at week 9.
Probably could have seen 11 weeks if plucked but I wanted room. Here is the First RH to come down. Only water no fed.

Here are some quick shots of main cola this morning. With a little cure its smells like a jar of dill pickles. I need to get better in my descriptions, not my strongest skill.
Tastes is slight sour funk with a haze undertone. Falls into the Morning/Daytime smoke category.

All in all enjoyable smoke. I just took down the second RH the other day. The third and fourth plants look ready at 13 weeks. Here are the two remaining RHs. Hope some of this rambling was useful I’m only on my first sip of coffee :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning :sun_with_face: OG and the rest of you guys up sipping on coffee :coffee: and blowing them joints! :ok_hand::beach_umbrella::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning! I hope you have wonderful day! I’m about to light up some chocolate diesel mixed with some aj sour :yum:.

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Thank you! I will have to check out your log here in a bit!


I’m behind on reports on all four. I will try to some done this week for more information for those who have any of them. At some point I’ll make a separate thread to make looking up information more convenient and not buried in my journal.

Hope you have a great day brotha!


Almost all have broken through! The Italian Beef were the first to emerge.


@Hashpants I have some of your NL#2 that I got from JP, what are some characteristics I should be looking out for, and how long should I take them once in flower?


I got twins! The Shiska widow that had two tails was indeed a pair of twins.


Very cool! What’s the plan with them? Kill the weaker of the 2 or let it ride?