G13 Haze KOS

Naw keep them together, I’m hoping for a male and female to makes f2s with lol.


Make sure to keep post them pictures of the progress on this one :point_up:, as I am sure we all want to see what happens! Not everyone can get that lucky to have an opportunity to grow that out! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I will do my best! The Bodhi strains I’m assuming are going to be a breeze to care since the other varieties I’ve grown from him have all been a walk in the park only time will tell though!

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Keep rock 🪨 them plants 🪴 and this grow! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

IMG_4740 IMG_4741 tenor-7


Little update: 1 of DLA, cherry slymer, and NL#2 didn’t make it unfortunately but everyone else is looking good!


Still not much going on but the DLA are thick little babes lol also the twin sowhp gave up unfortunately oh well. There is a new volunteer though!


Good morning brotha! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

They all are happy and healthy! Your tent will fill up quick :grin:

Hope you have a great weekend!


I’m sorry the NL didn’t make it. I was searching OG for how long they flower and found your thread. I’m growing his NL#2 and ACC Durban right now.


They were ready outdoors 3rd week of September, so they are 8-9 weeks I figure. They get big Chunky colas of good old school smoke. Sweet smells from them.

Grown by an OG er.


Thank you for the response! Good to know that they aren’t on the longer end of flowering times I’ve been forcing 10 to 12 weekers on myself and it would be nice to find a couple fun interesting 8 to 9 weekers.

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Good morning my friend! I hope you had a great weekend! The Royally hazed are crusin and the farthest a long it seems, I lowered the light to help hopefully reduce the liklihood of them turning in string beans from the stretch lol


It’s all good! It’s the way she goes sometimes. Your plants are looking great!


All your plants are looking great man! Whatcha gonna do with all those plants dude? That tent will be full in no time!


Keep whatever I think is interesting and cull the rest. I might keep the DLA males but it depends on if they are any good. I am going to be really strict on the characteristics because I have way too many seeds and don’t feel right just sitting on them I bought cool shit and I want see if I can find some gems. I was also gifted some sonw lotus beans and want to fuck around with those soon, I’m hoping to get some wet at the end of July depending on if the seedlings are ready to be moved and transplanted.


Very cool. Thanks for filling me in on your projects! Can’t wait for you to find some gems! Are you culling off in veg, flower, or after to determine which is a keeper? I’ve been tempted to kill off a few in my breeding endeavor now but my buddies are saying I should keep them for the genetic diversity


So since I’m not planning on making any seeds yet lol I’m going to be culling them mostly in veg and maybe flower. There are 3 or 4 right now that are really slow and look weak but 2 of them are a DLA and sowhp and I’m really interested in those 2 strains particularly so we’ll see how they look but the time others are ready to be moved. If I make seeds it’ll be the DLA just to have more to look through and then hit my kailash pheno with the DLA if I find a good male.


@GrowOrganic here my DLA seedlings, they are all three fingered currently.

@InTheWoods the Royally hazed are taking off!


Royally hazed


We are just about at the same point lol… 3rd node coming in.

Thank you for sharing! I’ll be sure to follow along… it will be great to compare any ladies we find.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

They are looking great. Wild how fast they are growing. Thanks for giving them a chance in your garden! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: