G1900's past/current - growing/creating

Well , last post was made accidentally, it was not completed.

I usually draft a frame, then correcting and posting it. It takes some time hours :crazy_face:

So , continuing post.
After deficiency/toxicity not necessary treatment, I noticed aphids under BL5 leaves.
Wingless-green-peach-aphids not my pic. But I believe these were same.

For the past 5 years, I’ve stuck to organic methods, but I resort to chemical treatments , if there are no other alternatives.

For example, last year, when root aphids appeared, I struggled with them for more than a month without any results. I tried a 1:1 diluted solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and Neem oil.

Since there are no predator pests or Beauveria bassiana available here, I would have lost all my clones if I didn’t use a systemic pesticide.

One treatment with confidore (imidacloprid 700g/kg , from Bayer) and aphids was gone!

Current situation is different , as plants are in flowering phase. But again, I haven’t any organic treatment choice and going to use pesticide.
As my goal is seeds , I’m not much worrying about buds.
Beside , in safety sheets written - imidacloprid Pre Harvest interval is : 21 day (if used in soil) and 14 (if foliar)

So applied Confidore(imidacloprid) yesterday , with big hopes.
In two days, I will apply Oberon (spiromesifen 240g/L) for spider mites. Since imidacloprid was applied , it doesn’t make sense to continue tormenting with organic treatments.

Blues 3


Soul mate



Like that , soon treated girls will step in healthy plants room :green_heart:


Ya sometimes it just can’t be avoided, i ordered some predatory mites to kill these thrips but if that doesn’t work I’m going all nuclear on their ass! Been a few weeks already and now they are REALLY pissing me off. Stupid bugs :confounded:


Thrips are not as disgusting as spider mites and aphids… these two are worst bugs IMHO :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I like when I do that with organics too , but ya , Sometimes you need to show them, who’s the boss :muscle: good luck with fighting them…

P.s How’s going your blues project? Please tag me when you will start new topic, very interesting


Still waiting on the beans actually , won’t be started for a month or so though, thank you. I’ll gladly tag you once I start it up


Well, things are not going as I expected. It seems the pollen was not effective, as I only see a minor amount of seeds. The reason might be improper storage…

Operation ‘F2’ almost failed. I’ll wait a little while and then harvest them. Hopefully, there will be a small amount of seeds :smirk:

Meanwhile, I’m attempting to make S1s. I’ve made STS using @Sebring’s recipe and applied it for the third time yesterday on BLUES, Soul Mate, and SSDD F2. I hope it will work. Fingers crossed! ))


As for diseases

The spider mites and aphids are completely gone.
However, I’ve encountered Powdery Mildew on (SDxSNL)xPPC.

It was unpleasant, although I was curious if any of the other plants have Powdery Mildew resistance.

Threatened with H2O2, but it was not helpful.

She continued flowering with the other plants.

After week I noticed PM on SSDD f2
After ~two weeks on Soul Mate
After ~20 day only one small spot on MMH , but I think it’s not counting.
In addition, a friend of mine grew MMH outdoors. There was another plant with Powdery Mildew, and they were touching branches, yet there was absolutely no Powdery Mildew on MMH…
No PM on Blues :slightly_smiling_face:

So MMH and Both phenos of Blues are PM resistant.

After clarification, I removed damaged parts, added a heater, a big fan, and treated the rest (veg/newly transferred to 12/12) of plants with Sulfur.

1 Like

Maui Mango Haze

Strong plant, stress and disease resistant. Fast growing. Nice yield, Big colas , even if grows in half shaded place.

Very pleasant sweet citrus scents. I smell there mango :upside_down_face:
I can’t stop smelling MMH jar… :drooling_face:

Smokes smooth , no cough , tasty for sure.

Instant positive vibes , after smoke.
Clear , functional High. very mild transaction , from high to sober. not super potent but , I don’t want additional toke , after smoke. Duration 2h+. It becomes my favorite weed , as everyday smoke.

I love Maui Mango Haze :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

P.s This is pheno , what I selected. Other pheno has same scent, but different high(more potent but not so clear and positive) and not so strong growth.



Quick update

A couple days ago , harvested pollinated plants .

i have these now :
50+ SSDD f3, 50+ Soul Mate F2 , 30+ (MMHxHukleberry F2 ) F1 Seeds.

moved Blues 3 and SDx on the veg shedule , want to reveg them. so will chek them for seeds later.

BL5 had only two seeds. This plant had big issues among others .

Now i think , that reason for low quantity seeds was various stresses , not pollen unproper storaging.

I had attempts before , but this was my first planned chucking :innocent:
Small amount of seeds , but i am really happy with result , I was afraid that there would be no seeds at all :blush:

nothing big , but i want to share some with OGres, i love this place and don’t want to be like a walking ghost here :green_heart:

next target , make S1-s

Questions for knowledgeable members :

STS may not work, if it’s applied on already flowered plants? ( say after 2 weeks 12/12)

how to test if STS is USEFUL?

how long it takes (max) to show balls?

From now on, I will try to keep my posts short )

SOUL MATE report: