šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ Gathering European Overgrowers

Happy new year ! May all your wishes come true ! Peace :vulcan_salute:


happy new year @ all!!! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Hey EU ppl,

thereā€™s a nice signup with not much room left for EU there:


Howdy from Ireland


I went to Italy about 8 years ago for a 1 month work assignment from Canada. Being a medical patient for inflammation I needed my weed every few days minimum. Finding weed was not easy for a 60 year old straight looking man. I understand


I still have Seeds, guess i grow them in 2024 and keep clones, really curious how they turn out :slight_smile:


I mentioned that one of the limon blanco grew a bit odd and spindly, hereā€™s a picture of it.

Itā€™s exceptionally lemony Iā€™m growing it again, the last time I only gave it 10 days or so vegging, I suppose Iā€™m hoping itā€™s fine, the other one isnā€™t bad but itā€™s not as good imho.

Iā€™ve not had any trouble with short vegging periods but Iā€™ve not done it extensively so thereā€™s that.

I know Iā€™ll find out soon enough, any opinions or speculation?


Would be really cool if you grew them this year. Please tag me in case! Happy Growing 2024

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single leaves indicate reveg (timer failure, lighting in the tent or room)


Hey bud, it was in with 5 others they didnā€™t have any problems?

The top looked ok so i cut the lower 2/3 away, this is it at the end.



Dude, Iā€™m not claiming the truthā€¦ I was stating my opinion, which is that monoleaf are overwhelmingly present during reveg.
This is just a reason to check the room for light insulation, or perhaps there was some device near the plant that gave off extra light at night.
A friend of mine had a similar problem. Once he installed a remote monitoring camera in the awning and the LED on the camera constantly illuminated the nearby plant. Another case was when there was a extension cord with sockets in the awning (there was an LED on the on/off button). As a result - reveg of the nearest plant. well, not full reveg, but the mutations are similar to yours.


Huge thanks to @Faithisyours for sending me these, just what im needing just at the right time :+1:

Became good friends on OG passing things back and forward , now its all about the :green_heart: .

Take it easy Peace C. :facepunch:


Yeah! Nice one mate, itā€™s always good to get a delivery of seeds in your hands.

This afternoon I got a package from Denmark with some really interesting stuff inside i canā€™t wait to get through them.

Iā€™m also waiting on some coastal blueberry to arrive, Iā€™m expecting them this week (fingerā€™s crossed)


Yes bud I understand that, I was mearly telling you how they were grown, I did ask for speculation after all :wink:

Thanks for your input.


I went there I think Iā€™m too late.

Seeing the pics of this Black Tiger makes me drooling :yum:


Denmark/northern definitely have good stuffs :slight_smile: Also cool to see some coastal BB landing in EU. Keep us updated!

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Hello neighbours,

A giveaway closing soon, but @THCeed will start another one after this one :


Whats up fellas?

I am very sad today, went to toen to get some biobizz nutes and the grow shop closed.

Among with some coffe shop with like 50 years of existence, am I getting old?


We all are getting oldā€¦ but the other option is worst.
I feel old in the morning, trying to wake up and feeling like a plaster catā€¦

Perhaps the growshop propietary was old also, and nobody wanted to run the bussinessā€¦ because a working bussiness donā€™t close without a good reason, I think


Have a look on there store prices and then online with coupon icmag 10or whatever.
The time of offline shopping specialy specialized things is over, often these shops are totally overpriced l.
When even my mom does today online shopping who still buys in the city for 50% more, plus parking, plus gas and so on.
And who wants to over took an shop or company? If you donā€™t have children itā€™s like hard to find some one who over takes it.
Itā€™s often easier and cheaper of founding a new one and from interest rates or the inflation we doesnā€™t even start.