Gear You Want But Don’t Want to Pay For

Ya some japanese knive blades are very hard and can chip, I def wouldn’t bring something like that for camping stuff (or was it for cooking?) I’ve chipped a few, very minor ones. I’m lucky to have a store that specializes in them so I can get them repaired if need be.

The dry ager would just be a fun toy to play around with if my last name was money bags. Realistically I could just order sides of beef and have the place where I get it from hang the whole thing for as long as I want. Or just buy from some really expensive butchers because money is no issue :stuck_out_tongue:

Freeze dryer would be cool for making hash but def overkill for a home grower, but what about a rich home grower? :joy: lso can freeze dry mushrooms and they keep their shape and don’t become wrinkly af after and look fresh still. I also heard they have a higher concentration of "good stuff :crazy_face: :cowboy_hat_face: " too. I’m not the prepper type. If the world was ending I would want to be one of the first people to be wiped out. I’m not trying to survive the apocalypse haha.

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The thinking was, I think, “must have fancy kitchen while camping.”

Another problem I have is if I were to acquire some of this neat stuff where would I put it? I hesitate to tell you what a square foot costs around here.

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I forgot the counter-effect of OG. I want to try these ones specifically and to compare, for a 4x4.

VS two of this one

That’s barely 2K just for twos rounds of test.


That’s quite neat. A bit too fancy for me but very neat.

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The marketing of the nemesis is … well, what it is ^^ But i’ve saw enough buds below to want to try it in a duo setup. The other stuff just get a spannabis cup, also with some merits even if fckng expensive.


I am considering getting new lights for my 2x4. I currently run 300w but I think with the new tech I could get away with 200 which is sort of my goal.

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Exactly my (proportional) conclusion ^^

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Imagine this is an actual house work shed combo. Out of town, closest neighbor is 15 minutes away. A main house, spacious with enough room for family/friends. A well insulated “work”(Its actually a grow) shed with a custom grow setup. Maybe a hoophouse outside. And its not that I dont WANT to pay for it, its that I would never be able to find something like this for under half a mill.


I just need one of these, and a lot larger than the current 1/8 acre to put it on (there’s already a big house in the way WTF)


This would cost 5 million where I live. It’s fucking crazy. But yes, a dedicated insulated heated workshop (ahem growroom) would be awesome. I’d settle for a basement.


Ok I want one of these too.

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Nuff Sedd…I want my own…


Home prices in TX may seem cheap but its the property taxes that rape you year to year. The same house, depending on how its zoned could cost upwards of $8,000 a year.


Yeah I hear you. I used to live in the woodlands.

Our property taxes are quite high but relatively low for a major city.


I’ve looked at a few in Canada but they’re all very north and not totally unaffordable but what do you do when it’s half ice half water? You’re trapped.

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I’ve been fascinated by the Sublimator for years…

but not by the pricetag! :sob::gun:




No shit? I use to rent an apartment on Sawdust Rd about 10 or so years ago! Small world.

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Don’t get me wrong… I :green_heart: my SpiderFarmer lights. But…
Does this suit your “nice looking consumer model”?

Ya ya… You can always work on the cable routing to clean it up …

@Pigeonman , I like the way you think…


I don’t think that blonde would be into living in your bedroom in a tight space?

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