Genomics of Landraces

I would never jump on @Upstate because I value his every opinion. I have never met a person that has more knowledge about landrace strains. I have learned a lot from him.
I don’t understand why someone would take my comments negatively when I’m only trying to help with the finding of trip weed.

The less vegetation could also mean that the plant has no predators that cause it physical harm. Therefore it doesn’t need as much plant material to provide the necessary amount of seeds for future offspring.
The small size could also mean that the plant is unable to gather enough nutrition to support an abundance of future offspring.
Could it be possible that plant may not be indigenous to that location since it hasn’t learn to survive proficiently there. There can be many factors that govern why a plant grows like it does in certain locations. For me to speculate would be foolish.
[quote=“romanoweed, post:65, topic:75266”]
And i have no Problem. Its possible that survival-traits are Part of Equation. However: the more feral (wild) strains are said to be weak.
Weak as related to human consumption? How so when most of these area are devoid of sufficient human population. Studies haven’t been made as to the effects of cannabis on different animals.
Just the same as it affects people differently, I can only speculate that will also effect the species of animals and insects that feed on it differently as well.
As I said earlier, it the reason why the plant creates as many different cannabinoids as it does. Or as @Ceilingness puts it, a different chemo load.
My intentions is not to alienate or offend any one here. I only offer a different look at cannabis plants nature. I know 10 years may not be considered much time invested in cannabis growing. But in that time I have learned things that most people want even consider. I don’t go around pushing my ways on other, but from time to time I try to share some of what I have learned.
My experience is derived from practice. And just because my experiences my not be the same as others , don’t make them any less important. Peace brothers.


There is some language barrier here, translation sometimes seems more antagonistic than @romanoweed really is.


wild Plants are weak in any cannabinoids levels. around 3 Percent THC, 3 Percent CBD. yes, weak in overall for Human consumption

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I intend to participate with this conversation but have domestic duties at the moment. Lol So y’all will be spared my verbosity for a little while.

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@romanoweed is a good guy in my book. I understand that sometimes things may not sound as intended.
I know I tend to sound very passive aggressive. But it’s just how I relate.
When I respond, it may be directed to a particular person’s response, but I’m only speaking about the plant. I stay away from the politics.
Speaking on the weakness of landrace, hell most of the plants that I have smoked have little to no effects on me. My tolerance is a weird one even though I don’t smoke much or often. The plant still has to be potent enough just for me to feel it. Sometimes one will start as if it’s going to give me a buzz then it will instantly go away.
So I’m always looking for strains that other find effective as well.
There is a reason I have @Upstate oxacan beans. Not only do I trust his judgment, I take his word enough to be willing to see for myself.

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My apologies, I said that from my own experience, my personal reaction to the emotional effect of things (on me)I have read from @romanoweed and others with different first languages. When something gets a rise out of me I try to sit with it and discover why.

Although I try to invoke Socrates to the best of my ability here it’s not because I want his job. I don’t mean to be a referee and I’m certainly not going to take one for the Republic. I feel it’s the most respectful and productive way of understanding each other. Still, I know it’s irritating to some. Rome didn’t reward him the way he might have liked. :joy:

That said, thank you very much @Blu-Tri for sharing your perspective. There’s a lot here to sink our teeth into.

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I am not sure but I want to make something clear…
Secondary metabolites, aka canabinoids, are brought out whenever the plant is stressed, e.g. UV light, Pests & Insects (biotic stress), Drought and mineral deficiencies (abiotic stress). It is pretty much considered truth that the reason cannabis has secondary metabolites (cannabinoids) is to protect itself.
That said, we need to also understand that there is a difference between THCA and the more popular among humans, the psychoactive decarboxelated THC.
An animal eating a pot plant won’t get any psychoactive effect. It will first need to be heated for that to happen


I agree it’s unlikely an animal, especially a ruminant like cows or deer, would experience a psychoactive effect considering both their digestive systems and brains. I would be interested in how pigs might react to edibles since they are the closest animal to us physiologically after the apes.


alltho, if a Deer eats the Amounts that Deers eat (alot?), then i can imagine having a propper Effect. Alltho, they primarly eat Leaves i recall.
Im absolut unknowledgable in those Symbiosis/Defense mechanisms .
I just know some Massproduction Greenhouses use them “Helper-insects”.

Thats the food for the beneficial Insects
And here they let them free in the Greenhouse

So, yeah, plants interact with the Surrounding/Insects
There is a Sandfly Species that is only found on Cannabis, no other Plants!


Excellent question.

For background, I have tried at one time or another most of the classic organic lysergic things; fungi, peyote, wormwood/absinthe as well as synthetics primarily lsd. I did them cautiously and with intent for the most part but not sparingly. At no time in my life can I say I’ve had a truly dissociative moment even with large doses, that is to say I never became disconnected from reality to a degree that cast doubt on my own singularity.

To me the “trip” does however free my mind from the psychological “weight” of my body. I know it’s there, I had sense enough to deposit it in a safe place while it’s going on, but it no longer has the same modulating effect it did on my thoughts. Psychological barriers constructed in my mind, naturally there with reason, become permeable. Vision seems more acute, fantastical correlations arise from everything. Like the way a butterfly sees a flower, the chromatic response of their eyes gives them a totally different perception of it from mine.

All the lysergics I have had also bring the high energy/tautness in one way or another. Whether that’s incidental, necessary or symptomatic of a physical response to the psyche’s anxiety over what it considers instability I can’t say.

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Not once did a say the plant would have an psychoactive effect on an animal.
What I said is that the effects of the cannabinoids could be debilitating to an animal.
Gastrointestinal upset. Itchy mouth. Blindness. Allergic reactions such as swelling in the respiratory system. Even lameness in the joints.
The huge number of cannabinoids that plant produces can have any number of effects on any number of animals or insects that comes in contact with it.
Why would one assume that the psychological effects is the plants only defense mechanism when it has so many chemical compounds.
More research is definitely needed because we may never know all the capabilities the plant has.


Define tripping, ok.
I already definded Tripping multiple Times: For me when i say tripweed i mean hallucinations, or stronger.

For my Observation about the Tripweed that was found around World i allowed Smokereports like “seeing Sound coming out of Speakers for 6 Hours” , “Veterans Swearing they Tripped bouth hands up” , actual mentioning of Hallucinations, “flying Experiences” and so forth.

So, i used reports that i SUSPECTED to be on that level of “Hallucinating”. So, a profound change where Stuff sounded physical, (seeing Things with your bare Eyes, Hallucination) .

Actually the only “physical” Reports i heard come from SE Asia. And probably one from Mexico. But them Mexicans and Congolese sound very close to tripping too.


As this pertains to cannabis vs. say LSD or psilocybes, cannabis is usually softer and more nuanced in feeling, less angsty and much easier on the body than those single molecule compounds. This reinforces the idea of entourage/compound effects from the interaction of many subtly different molecules taken together.

My belief is the ratios of all these molecules is as important as the presence of any single one. The relatively recent discovery of a correlation between “trippy” varieties and the presence of thcV says to me not so much that molecule is responsible but rather suggests a wider array of molecules present in sufficient quantities to produce the effect.

Both African varieties and Thai have been shown to induce pronounced cerebral effects but when a good SEA type high leaves me I’m not drained.

The Oaxacan, from the two buds I’ve had so far, is midway between the two. Surge of energy, brightened world, and smooth exit. I should say if I smoke 1/2 gram of it at once my assessment may well change. lol


I can’t wait until I experience the land race. It definitely sound like my type of smoke. It would be nice to experience visual of that nature. Do you guys think the oaxacan can do it for me. I don’t have access to shrooms or synthetics.

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to be honest, very few can do this… oaxacan from Cryptic? nnah…

there hasnt been a hallucination report since year 2000 with a Snowhigh Dalat, but that was just one person that said it. So, i would barely recommend it.

The oaxacan is nice, absolutely one i would smoke, but .

Stay on topic ! We need to discuss more this Insects and survival wich @GREANDAL probably knows.
This is no Tripweedthread, its a determining, how SPECIALLY GOOD Landraces were made.


Well whatever it is, I want some too.

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This is very subjective and situational though. On any given day the exact same suite of chemicals will be dealt with by the body will produce different degrees of effect. There are different types and degrees of hallucination.


Thank you for clarifying. I was unsure about what you were saying, hence my preface:

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  • So this is Tripweed (1970 Vietnamese grown in Europe) :

Would you rate this as wild looking? bad looking?
Imho its a beautiful Strain :

Its definitly possible a certain wildness is inside, but not alot.
It was said to have huge Leaves.

  • Following is feral Weed in north Vietnam (2005):

This region was multiple times mentiond to have “wild” weed.

Wild weed is said to have :
(1) Smaller Leaves than domesticated
(2): elongated uneven Stemms
(3): small Seeds

So how would you rate the Tripweed above on the “wild-Influence” scale?

Also, i heard alot that open pollinations in a Row lets stuff revert thowards wild. And that its not benefitial.


I agree partly on bad look when it comes to the Leaves. But many other things dont look bad. and truely beautiful.