Genomics of Landraces

When two entities meet and interact, both are changed by it.

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This man thinks otherwise. (From 45seconds in)

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Read what I wrote, youā€™re arguing against something I didnā€™t say. Solely means only, a definite term but I didnā€™t write in definite terms. I said the term landrace, not all landraces areā€¦ clearer??

I talk about the general definition of the term landrace, what makes something a ā€œlandraceā€ per definition. You talk about different specific landraces.

I gave you part of one definition and I gave the source. If you want to know more do your own research if you donā€™t think those three words are part of a good definition of said term. Domesticated, acclimatized and locally cared for by a community traditionally (historically)


Land races are strains that predate Alexander the Great!!! Enough said!!!

It is about the growing method, not the strains grown :wink:!!!

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


You can see a similar situation among the whitetail deer in North America. Here in the South, the deer are more plentiful and smaller, while the ones from the far north or mountainous areas are larger and more sparse. The applies to other cervids as well. Itā€™s only in colder climates that you see mule deer, elk and moose, and those also get larger the colder the climate.
Itā€™s a question of physics, basically. The more surface area exposed, the faster heat radiates. Large size favors endothermic animals in a cold environment. Youā€™ll find exothermic animals (reptiles) grow much larger the closer you get to the equator. For example, snakes here in this part of North America average about 2-3 feet long, while snakes in the Amazon average about 2-3 meters. These are just trends, of course. Survival is an ā€œambiguousā€ problem, meaning there is more than one solution.


Some of them have been around that long, but not all. While environment is a factor, genetics are the greater part of that equation.

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I heard per example the common Nettles are distantly related , but RELATED to a Tree.
This Tree is native to Tropics.
They said in that Dokumentation that quiet alot Plants have bigger relatives in the Tropics.

I found it belevable because i was instantly remindedof these ultra big Chinese and SE Asian Cannbis plants . The biggest Cannbis plants come from this region.

House-high Plants grow thereā€¦

You see alot correlations between climate and Traits. Its no news anyway, right?, for me it was more important to find out how strong it is for cannbis, wether or not 50 Miles distance of Nativeness matters, or 500 Miles or 5000ā€¦

I also see that further north from around Turkey there are NO known Drugstrainsā€¦ I first hypothized that Cannbis has a hard life further northā€¦
But then i though: Kasachstan is known to have wild Cannbis growing on its own. So i guess it doesent suffer up there , i think further north it just has it easyer to compete because other Species also have a certain Challange there, and therefore Cannbis can take this challange BETTER.

But in same time Cannbis for smoking is probably a different requirement for the plant. So the best climate for Drig just differs from best survival places to a degree.
there are few wild Cannbis populations in tropics. one of the few are souther India and north Vietnam.

So, all i say: yes certain climates allow/forbid certain things. Someplace cannabis is programmed in the genes for, some rather not. So: yyes we can see correlation between certin Traits and Climate.


Iā€™m curious about this. Some modern offerings of really northern ruderalis, like RSCā€™s Crimean, are described as having some evidence of human cultivation in otherwise wild populations. I canā€™t see how people could not notice the drug and medicine properties of cannabis even if they used it mostly for the fibers. Some cultures focused more on the flowers for the medicine, others on the resin, I wonder if perhaps there were cultures who mainly focused on the roots? I wonder where the most ā€œpotentā€ root producing landraces come from, and how ā€œfiberā€ varieties compare to ā€œdrugā€ varieties for root potency & chemotype? :thinking:

Perhaps the far north drug types were eradicated in some anti-witchcraft campaigns, or lost as christian europe focused less on altered states and ecstatic rituals for their spiritual needs


I could imagine the Sunshine is just to weak. Have you ever grown a Cannbis Plant in mostly shaded Place? If its sativa it did stay as small as the seedlings i brought out in Springā€¦

So, Sun seems to be very important, i mean some Houseplants grow without direct Sun, rightā€¦? Not cannabis.

So, i think sunintensity is important.

I reserched wether there was really no real Drug Strain in Europe, and i found out:
I googled and found that in Slowakya they had a rather seldon Ritual of just trowing the Plants on a small Fire and consuming that way. The most THC Found in this region is very low. Also in Switzerland, there we had a Landrace with 5 Percent THC. We selected mostly for beautiful look, and only occasionally for smoke.

IT seems to me, that the attemts to select for Drug-type weed were sparse but they were there.
Also kasachstani are exactly said to smoke ver occasionally , but sometimes, occasionally they do.

And in each of these 3 Exerpts there were slightl elevatet THC contents found. maximally 5 PErcent.
So, i cant say if this is due to the weed already beeing stronger in wild form in this places, or if it was due to selection.

Im unshure if they didnt try enough to select strong/deluxe Drugcultivars, or what i am suspecting: That the climate would not allow it.

What i am suspecting, Look:
Terrain is always unique. So, humans automatically select for Traits that can cope with the local unique stresses. So, humans are to a degree powerless. They could theoretically select for Plants that cant cope with the stresses of the local terrain, but they simply dont. Automatically they will select for the beautiful plants, the plants that can cope the best with the Terrain.

So, in my theory , alltho people COULD possibly create a kasachstani Drugstrain, they automatically dont. They dont even discover all those Knowledge from Darwin, and all these sparse insights i actually haveā€¦
With those insights, one could do that, he would need to select for the slightly suffereing phenos that are stronger smoke than othersā€¦

And if the resulting strain would be helpful for the world, i cant say. probably, probably not.


and yes i was also thinking if the culture was different, butā€¦ i mean there are like norwegian Cults, they cloth themselve with feathers and stuffā€¦ i dont see it as extinct culture. there should be remains i think?

The only possibility that the north is just so cold, man i dont like to smoke in 1970 in a fucking tent at north, reallyā€¦ The Thinking-Much effect of Cannbis may not fit any northern cultures needs SOO Much

I give you right to consider all possibilities!

Evolution is a very slow process of adaptation and competitive selection in the absence of human influence in breeding selections.

It is generally considered impossible to witness the effects of evolution within the span of a human life.

(Although impacts of climate change caused by humans challenge this concept in some very specific cases. An example that springs to mind is a species of moth in england that had been observed as white, or white with black speckles prior to the industrial revolution. During the industrial revolution, the pale colored rocks that they had evolved to camouflage with had been stained by soot from coal burning. This caused white winged moths to be killed by predators at a much higher rate than those with black speckles on white wings. Within 50 years, a relatively short period of time, competitive selection had removed the white winged phenotypical expression, and breeding within the surviving speckled wing phenotypes yielded a grey winged moth. Even after pollution from coal was reduced, the white winged phenotypical expression never reappeared. Only speckled, and grey winged phenotypes remained.)

This is not evolution, but acclimatization.

A non technical way to look at it is that the genetics will be the same but the terroir of the environment may alter the phenotypical expression.

there is no such thing as f1ā€™s, f2ā€™s, or f3ā€™s in a pure landrace line. This terminology refers to a first generation hybrid, and subsequent generations within the same hybrid line.


Thatā€™s right. Landraces of all kinds are expressions of different cultures as much as they are about different climates. When you help preserve any landrace you are helping to preserve the culture that developed it. Great post!


@romanoweed Iā€™m just catching up on that discussion you guys had. For sure Terrior matters as much as what people have done. So does starting material = what did locals have to work with?


thats cool. A thesis is never wrong if it fails one time. To say we understand nature is a pretty high claim. Atleast we see something in it, that is relatively predictable, i stick to that rather to claims withous any evidence.
I myselve per example thought landraces that i love are wild, i had no biiig problems finding a new view, as people brought measurements of weak wild populations, it matched with common believe that alot other Fruits we eat are selected thowards what humans preffere.

No reson for concern for me.


It does. A landrace typically has a certain look. You can spot it once familiar.

i have the theory that SE Asian (the very East, Vietnam) cannbis is very special, acording DNA, it never came over very long distances from Origin, it never passed the Middle Eastern Corridor as African Strains to a good Degree did (some influence stright from India is suspected or measured, but there is a good chunk Middleaestern indicaish Anchestry deep down the DNA).

I see something very special in SE Asian, wich i anyway did before, it matches. Its just very spiritual in effect, very honest effect, very clean. So, yeah it matters a bit but who knows after centuries it would have been neglable. (IF Landraces still persisted in glory at origin)


Once you get to the upper 30ā€™s in latitude it becomes harder to find thc plants. The furthest north i have heard claim of thc populations is 48 N but reportededly There are possibly populations within Mongolia that have THC plants. Mongolia lies in the 50ā€™s N latitude.
But you are definitely right there are no known drug populations North of turkey that I know of either. I wonder if thatā€™s just due to changes in culture/ changes in selection? Back in history for sure there were areas North of Afghanistan that were hash hotspots.
At any rate I have never heard of any THC plants from the fifties North. Only rumors


Xinjiang, samarkand, turkestan, Kazakhstanā€¦

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Interesting to Ponder. I have started saving roots. Supposed to be good for inflammation