Genomics of Landraces

but 5 percent,is all you get up there right?

Trust me i senserely hoped to find a good European Strain… i live there

I forgot to mention Italy and Spain, in almost any these Countries i hear “they smoked occasionally, and the weed was ok, but not the one”. Right…

Its like further north from Turkey with its legendary Tukish landrace that i had the pleasure to find this summer, and test, from there on, there is a relatively steep curve of THC-lowering in the Landraces…

So, Italian and spanish might been ok, not bad… Swiss Landrace is on the edge already of not really enjoyable. Somehow it is, somehow not… (For a Conaiseur with heart.)

I just didnt hear any good reports further north than Turkey sparked my memories of the good old Landraces i smoked… but happy hunting, truely! Good luck to anyone finding 48 north legendary Landrace


It’s supposed to be P1,P2, P3 et cetera, but only if you use the whole population with no selections in an op scenario. Once people make selections from the P generations, and most do, they start using F’s to denote the difference. We probably ought to come up with a new universal terminology for this that everyone can use.


I’ve heard of 8% at 44 North. No numbers given for the more Northerly latitudes. I’ve had to trust the judgment of smokers That live there on that.

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Potency does seem to drop off of a cliff once you get into the forties. I think a less intense sun favors cbd. It’s a constant battle up North to maintain potency. (Plants naturally want to become CBD dominant up North in my experience. I’ve left my weed to grow wild for a couple years more than once and by the 2nd wild generation the Potency is noticeably Diminished


Suspected origin of Cannbis according some : Qinghai Lake - China:



I wouldn’t be surprised if such a beautiful plant came from such a beautiful place


Its unbelevably cold there ! Found this closeby COMPARABLE locations Climate Chart:
Farenheit (yellow/bright blue)
Celcius (orange/purple)

Looks like alaskan temperatures, yes checked it, roundabout like alaska…

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I believe the proper terminology in that case would be inbred line.
IBL 1 for the first generation of selective breeding, IBL 2, etc.


Doesn’t it take 7 generations before ibl status using regular breeding? Do they call it an ibl so early?

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Like here lol. We’re 5 or 10 degrees warmer here june july august and september, but the other months we’re colder by 15 or 20 degrees.
That is a cold place on average. Very cool summers. Like coastal Maine maybe.

:upside_down_face:?? haha. The only nice thing up there is the Sunintensity… And the beautiful look.

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I think that’s for a hybrid, 7 generations of pure breeding to be considered an inbred line.

I think it would be applicable for selections within a pure landrace line.

But it’s all kind of nebulous, because the cannabis community has never really used true scientific terminology.


Hey @Upstate just for curiosity I checked to see what variety would be the most likely to flourish at the same elevation elevation and latitude as Oklahoma city…guess what seems closest to my coordinates.
BALKH or MAZAR Sharif afghan varietal.


Hey nice! Do you have those yet?

I have both I believe and some mazar-tashkurgan cross

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That makes sense. 7 generations to stabiluze a hybrid to ibl.

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Khalifa also sent me some "northern afghan"freebies and I got the afghan mix freebies from kwikseeds.
But the balkh looks promising right?

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How is your humidity compared to Mazar? That’s the rub…

Its a good one. Mazar has more mold resistance i hear but Balkh is related to Mazar so…hmmm

It fluctuates from dry as a bone to moderate wet with some periods of almost monsoon like rains in the fall…and of course wind…hail…and wild fires. Earthquakes.

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