Genomics of Landraces

They had that very high THC percent come up with that Balkhi sample… like 24% or something. That’s around 10% higher than what you would expect to find. It’s possible t was a standout plant that liked western treatment, but like Angus says it might be hybridized with genetics from an American. If you’re Goal is potent smoke then I think I’d probably choose that Balkh and figure out any mold issues later


How is the weather in October?
Have you tried that Kashmir yet? That would do well. Mazar handles humidity and rain better than Balkhi i think but i would look into Mass Medical strains in Massachusetts and see how he grew Balkhi. Maybe it was outdoors. Some would rot on you but some would not. Balkhi could be a battle against mold. Kashmir no problems. Chitral. Peshawar. No problem. I think I’ve been repetitive here over the last several posts and I apologize for that lol… Smoking something rather heavy


Yes the daily Temps are almost identical but the shortwave solar energy and percent of clear days is much higher in balkh. Compared to central oklahoma…and winds are inverse with Oklahoma winds being strongest in spring and fall and balkh wind speeds peaking in mid summer.
I have some Muree seeds from kwikseeds I haven’t run those are my only kashmir seeds.
October is usually the first frost…although nit freezing or very cold. Sometimes the first frost is in November sometimes early october.


Oh man. There you go! For sure get into them. They were offered only a short while, were reportedly good and definitely mold resistant. They should finish in October for you.
Really all 3 are great. Maybe try all of them? 3, 3 and 3?

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Yea I’m liking sativas n in the summer but I might have to run indicas next year. A poverty of riches.

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hey and kagyu1 on instagram (thats coastalseeds) has a propper looking columbian red. he says inbreed thowards shortflowering, thats why a bit fat, but its a 70s columbian red.
you would need to be fast its limited, if not already gone


I was thinking more along these terms with that post the other day…

Angus explains it way more elegant than I and with references too :wink:

went seed shopping & was kinda disappointed in all the new offerings from some good breeders…. So much crap, genetics wise, out there.

Ordered some coastal & may go for more. I’d rather make my own chucks & hybrids than spend money on mud. :man_shrugging:

Really seeing the light on the desperate need to do preservation & open pollination. Maybe all the newcomers will catch on & save the day…who knows.



Spanish landraces? Where? Here we didnt had thc use since the arabs had Al Andalus, even when the ‘indian hemp’ was used in America here it was outlawed. Probably those ‘landraces’ where simply seeds from people that had connections, but we are talking really low numbers, not even to social smoke. Here where I live, in the dictator times there was a lady that grew cannabis, but no one knew what it was, and even not knowing it people was like that girl is doing something! :rofl: but shit if they catch you with weed in that time you literally was killed so… A good read on medicinal plant use(from the pov of a scientist from the 20th century), in which is described cannabis, and even psychedelic mushrooms(its use in other cultures, even including info about Maria Sabina and all that) is Pio Font Quer ‘Plantas Medicinales’, literally the spanish enciclopedia of medicinal plants from the 60’s, bad thing its in spanish only…


columbian red he says. However, on what basis did the people actually give the name? was it just “oh this is red, now its columbian red”. ?


yes i remember now, youre right, spain had just a wild mix af hempy strains and african occasional imports.

Spain is also pretty dry… funny how mountains of switzerland in general greener areas had some soft landrace “culture” . Cannabis seems to like wet weather

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Cool thing about Spain is that in the interior we have more dry climate, but the more you go to the coast, the better it gets. Also through history Spain has suffered a very high deforestation, there was a saying in the old times that said that a squirrel could go from south Spain to France without touching the floor. I say this because cannabis in Mediterranean climate grows reaaaaally good(you can see most of the veggies for eu being grown in Spain, same goes for black market weed), but its just a shame what they did to the country. We could have one of the most biodiverse places in the world(we are in the top spots of Europe) but now we have a country that looks desert from sky view… In fact, imagine the climate Spain has compared to the rest of Europe that its starting to grow avocados and cocoa…

But yeah, the genepool was hemp + african strains. You can see an example here:

This is a French woman in the early 1900s, you can see the type of plants grown


wow, i didnt know. Now i realize yes, i didnt like about spain that its so free of Greenery. I know if you deforest, there are alot specualtions how badly it impacts watercontent and such. With trees there would be more Fog in the mornig i recall… its never good to leave Spoil plain,

I researche regenerative Agriculture, and they say: plant little plants between the crop so the whole Ground is constantly greened, also after the maincrop, plant some random plants between the season. never leave it plain. That way the microbial Animals are heightened . The soil lives.


Must be interesting times for spanish gorilla growers and outdoors farmers when all the pollen flies from Morocco…

Between 1991 and 1996, researchers noted that cannabis pollen originating in Morocco could be detected in southern Spain on days with favourable weather conditions[iii]. Each year between May and September, North African pollen was detected in the Iberian peninsula whenever the jet stream was at a high altitude, as this allowed the pollen to rise above the maritime layer of air and avoid being pulled down into the sea by convection. These conditions don’t occur every day, but the frequency with which Moroccan pollen travelled to Spain was still considerable, ranging from 15 to 29 days per year during the flowering season.

Or the other way round for moroccan farmers if wind blows south…


The south its one of the biggest hash cultures in Spain, they have a lot of Moroccans there. Curious it can travell through the sea, this could even be one of the reasons why moroccan landraces dissapeared… But imagine growing outside and getting free crosses with moroccan beldia lol

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Any chance you could elaborate a little on what you noticed changing when trying to let a strain grow wild?


Also you guys are talking a lot about genetic drift, the founder effect, bottlenecking, and other factors of natural section. Khan Academy . This is a good basic terminology and definition article. He has a video as well that talks about the same stuff. They use animals but its all applicable to plants, you have to add in some factors but still.

How the alleles change frequency and how that effects evolution of the plants is also brought up.


All the more reason cannabis populations can be compared to human populations. Understanding human history can give us at least a little insight about cannabis.


I’m more of an indica :joy: ruderalis hybrid


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Thai shows less Variation than Indian Samples:

Thai Samples (you see that these are Thaisamples in the Header Column)

Indian Samples

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