Gettin an eBike - which ones can you hack and go fast on?

I’ve been looking at these as a way to rehab my hips… because of the pedal assist I could pedal until I got sore and then count on the electric part of it… and, a way to get off the couch and out and about in a fun way cruising the neighborhood…

Be sure to count your body weight in your pre-buy search… My problem is, without doing a go fund me page, I’ll never afford one… lol

Let us know what ya get and yes, 20mph is faster on a bike then you think…


Buddy let me try his ebike, I think I drained the battery in 20ft lmao


HA HA HA… Yeah, I have to look at the HD versions… 275… then you have to consider how far up your arse you want the seat to go… why I drive a 2008 Buick man… like driving a couch.


You guys get the right set up. You don’t need an HD E bike. I’m 6’3 285

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I have a rad wagon, and when the kids were small they could both ride.
It’s not fast, and the bike itself is a heavy beast!


Looks awesome. Tank. :100:


Nice! I have a 2019 Radrover and love it

I hear Radpower has had horrible customer service the last year or so though, which is a shame because it used to be amazing