Gettin an eBike - which ones can you hack and go fast on?

Classic story, avid motorcyclist sells the bike when the bambino is on the way. At the family beach trip we rented a bicycle with a kid carrier and the little one loved it, so got full clearance from the head of procurement (wife) to get an electric bike.

I figure if its like other stuff, there will be one or two platforms that stand out as easily hackable and heavily supported. these powerful motors and big batteries can do a lot more than 20mph/28mph. Please OG homies, if you don’t have one ask around for me!



@Jetdro @ColeLennon


@Jetdro probably has more info on these since he has 3-4. This is my first one. If you are wanted to spend money Terra Trike is the shit. My Rover i8 is more of a low-rider cruiser. 8 speeds internal hub so no derailer. The benefit of that is you don’t have to be moving at all to change gears. They call it a Maverick now. Bafang is where I would spend my money on a mid-drive and have it installed professionally by an E-Bike shop. My bafang 750 watt is tuned down to 500 watt. It has a full throttle like a quad and 5 e-assist levels. If your looking for speed you will want a trike with more gears… Like a Terra Trike Gran Tourismo . I have 4K in mine. You want to invest in a long-range name-brand battery. Mine is a Panasonic 17.5 ah. 45 miles on a charge. You do not want to charge it every time you ride. Takes 6 hours to charge mine.

If you’re looking for a baller.


Damn 4 G’s huh? But that is sick af


1500.00 bike and e assist package and install. Fenders a mirror. Rear rack for my battery and toe clips and heel slings. I also upgraded my seat.
You don’t need to spend that kind of money on nice 2 wheel e bike.


Check out the Ariel Riders. You’re going to want to look at the fat wheel ones if you wanna go fast.


Yikes. I have an electric kick scooter that goes 60mph and that thing looks dangerous to me lol. It’s so low. I already have problems with being seen while standing on an PEV going fast.


The top speed on my 8-speed is 12MPH. I have hit 35MPH going downhill. These are dangerous. You have to know how to ride them. Lean when cornering. I have dumped mine twice. No Bueno. They make these in 21 speeds. Mine is more of a low-rider go-cart cruiser trike. Very comfortable. I very seldom ride mine on public streets. I live right next to the Willamette river and access bike paths up and down the river. I do wear a red dot certified bike helmet. I should have a rear flag on it. If someone is backing up in a truck or the brush is high. Know one can see you coming. For real defensive riding.


Depends on the bike but a lot of them either have a speed regulator you can remove, others you can just open the factory settings on the lcd panel and adjust top speed. Sometimes you need to swap out the entire lcd/controller, generally pretty straight forward plug and play type stuff


I don’t fuck with mine. Take it in for a tune up once a year… I want mine to last. Snap a chain or de railer out in the middle of no where. Not me. :rofl:


There’s phone apps for some that change settings if they have bluetooth in the controller.


Yea, I haven’t bothered with mine, top speeds are more than fine on it. A little more torque would be nice but not worth the extra couple hundred I’d need to spend on a new panel, definitely adds more wear and tear on the motor too


My e bike shop that did my install actually suggested tuning it down to 500watt from 750. Better for the bike. I’m 6’3 285 and its plenty of power with 500watt. I have the 750 watt to use. Anytime I go up into 4-5 the assist levels it run 750 watt. I usually pedal with 2 level. 0 is no e assist. 5 it peddles itself home.


Yea, rocking a 500 as well. Needs some help up hills sometimes but that just means dropping to a low gear and not being 100% lazy/depending on throttle :rofl:


I know round these ways, the police are having a nightmare catching people on ‘sur-ron’ bikes. 50 miles range, 50mph top speed, 6kW motor. Tons of mods available but they’re not the most legal of ebike as the motor is too powerful for most places with restrictions


@Jetdro has moded out bikes. Fast. :rocket:


Nine Inch Nails, now that brings back memories.




thanks a ton for the replies and good info. I’m pretty sold on starting with something reasonable - probs a foldable lectric 3.0.


cheap, big utility, great for fam. settle in.

then for second bike get a su run BOMBER! those bikes riiiiiiip, its basically a mild ~200cc dirtbike but silent holy moly.

we gotta get two bikes anyway, I figure start with the mild one and follow up with the hot rod. there’s a lot of cool bao fang custom stuff, but I love the idea of getting a “factory” outlaw dirtbike while they’re still legal.

I have a Tern, GSD. It’s a Bosch system and the governor konks out at 20 mph. There’s an override dongle y0ou can get from a German company, but my research says that the Bosch system will “see” it after about 100 miles and the system will stop working all together, FYI
and I"ve realized taht 20 mph is fast enough for me