Getting older

San Francisco and Tower Records on Sunset Blvd. were the only two I think I ever was in, but they began in Sacramento, CA.

The store on Sunset Blvd.


World wide.

On-line merchant Caiman, Inc., reopened the website from Montreal, Quebec.

Canadian flag


That storefront looks like more fun than the one shoehorned into a mall that I went too.



Oh yeah, the store was great fun! As I recall, however, what you see was the entire parking lot for that huge record store! xwi2Y3G Parking to get into the store, on the other hand…

@Curmudgeon, do you remember if there was additional parking other than what you can see in the picture, besides street parking?

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I’m fairly sure this is the same store as the pic posted by @mota but from a different angle. This the one I remember though.


Yes, same store, different angle. :+1:

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Been a long time, but I think your only other option was to park on Sunset or one of the side street.


I agree, and Horn was the cross street.


Never knew the name…LOL. In fact I had to search my memory that it was in Hollywood and how to get there from where I lived. Didn’t even remember that it was on Sunset…LOL


Also just remembered when you passed the Capitol Records Bldg you were close to the exit ya needed to get there.


I’ve always thought of the Sunset Strip curfew riots era as my era on the Strip, 1966 and into 1967 (when I was thrown out of the L.A. School District and went to juvenile hall, then off to Canada). I don’t believe Tower had opened in W. Hollywood yet, but I could be so wrong.

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I really think this is about two things , one… when concentrates became mainstream a lot of people I know switched to more discreet methods of consumption. Flower smells and it lingers in the clothing and vehicle whereas vape carts do not. It has become much easier for folks to toke on the go , at work, in the movie theater LOL…

Then there is the global behavioral change in the young and the elderly as it pertains to Covid-19 and the paranoias that have developed. Sharing joints ended with covid 19 and I have only recently been with friends where they actually passed a joint around the circle.
Like @fuel , I usually show up with at least on 1/2 pint jar of my stash and I just put it on the table and folks can help themselves.


The house that Nat built! Yep, it’s just off Hollywood Blvd on Vine.

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Yeah, I was about 7-8 years later. Graduated in '75…

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Right. I didn’t graduate in ‘68. (Or fuckin’ ever!) rofl

I think I preferred the world then. Sigh…


I actually didn’t graduate either, I took the GED a couple of months after I signed myself out of scholl the day I turned 18. I wasn’t gonna grad anyway, so I figured just do the GED. I passed with zero problems the first time around.

I agree 100x100% It was a much simpler world back then. Still had lots of issues but not like today.


Outta likes.

That’s right. Problems, but not like today. I thought it was supposed to get better.

I’m a straight HSDO, BA. I majored in Cultural Anthropology with an emphasis in Linguistics, minor in International Studies. Graduated cum laude and with distinction. By far, the single most important thing to accrue from my having the degree is I probably wouldn’t have met Mrs. mota if I didn’t have it. We worked in the same office and shared a cubicle wall for the better part of three years. No fooling around, just work mates.


I ended up with a BA Psychology…LOL Have always been fascinated with how the mind works.


@magu, sorry you are dead wrong. “trust me everyone pukes when they eat peyote”. No, only the ‘let’s get high’ guys puke. You show disrespect and get it back. You don’t get to ‘order’ it. It orders you.

I have eaten it more than 6 or 7 times and NEVER been sick. But then, I am NOT doing it to ‘get high’.


@emeraldbullfrog, you missed something else about dry herb vapes. You don’t need completely dry weed to smoke. In fact, the terps are much better when it is not so dry. The tastes are much more delicious which you won’t find in cart vapes. But then they use crap weed because it is cheap.

It is a gourmet thing. Usually people will use gourmet weed as it suits.