Getting older

Rookie, you just like coughing. Admit it.

I havenā€™t puked in 30 years. Iā€™ve been close .


Have you been to ā€œWhiskey a go goā€ ?


@Grayeyes . I understand what you are saying. ā€œThe dosage makes the poison.ā€ However, I only use psychedelics when I am looking for something and as a member of ā€œThe Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyssā€ I require a rather large dose to fling open ā€œ The Doors of Perception .ā€ Honestly, I go far beyond just getting high. :rainbow:


Yea me 2 back in the day.
You going to take that whole 4 way blotter

ā€œYupā€ lol

Your going to eat that 24 gram fresh shroom
We picked at tabor city?

Yup lol

Ahh I miss the moon smiling at me


Yes, twice. I was underage both times, but was able to sneak in. Sadly, I was not there the night The Doors got kicked out for performing ā€œThe End.ā€ The owner apparently didnā€™t care for Morrison singing a song about a guy killing his father and raping his mother. Who coulda guessed?! wtf


He must have had some kind of Ancient Greek complex.


This is all real and contributing to changes. Why smoke when it is harsh when I can vape live resin or live rosin and get similar effects with less harm and less smell. The people who do not like vaping are buying those bootleg distillate liquid pesticide carts and thinking that is a normal experience. I donā€™t cough unless the strain is known for it like old afghans, island sweet skunk and oregon the cough etc. The bad vapes I cough immediately and my sinus cavity instantly fills with mucus trying to expel whatever was in there like when I recently tried an Almora live resin cart (stardawg guava) and it was really bad for me and then I found they were embargoed. I usually stick to my normal brands that I know are good for me but when I deviate, it is usually bad.


I really like the idea of carts but Iā€™ve never met one that didnā€™t make my allergies explode after 2 puffs.


I donā€™t even remember the last time I smoked with another person. Probably been 15 years.

Iā€™m in my 40s now and married with a six-year-old. I take my trip down to the garage and nobody seems to notice. šŸ« 

Usually ground up flower in the bongā€¦sometimes propane torched glass/dabsā€¦ never tried a cartridge.

Almost 2 years sober from alcoholā€¦ that shit nearly wrecked me.


Iā€™ve got to agree with @Grayeyes on this one. I ate peyote a couple of dozen times when I was young, once for several days in a row. I never puked, although I came close on lots of occasions. I seriously hate throwing up.

In case anyone whoā€™s never eaten peyote would like a description of what it tastes like, keeping in mind that different people can taste the same thing and come away with different conclusions, I always thought it tasted like what I imagine a cheap running shoe would taste like after being worn (and literally never taken off) in hot weather for several months by someone with crazy disgusting sweat, and all the sweat running down the persons leg and into the shoe. :nauseated_face:

Now, time for me to make some breakfast! :yum:


ā€œHey man wanna buy my shoes?ā€


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard about Memphis, what with Elvis and The Ancient Greeks. What a band name!

It hasnā€™t been quite that long for me, but I only get to smoke with someone else on the odd occasion. Itā€™s part of why Iā€™m so looking forward to our west coast OG get together next month. Iā€™ll get to meet some other OGs and, I am confident, smoke way too much weed! :+1:


Itā€™s a special community for sure. Not many places like this left on the Internet that I know of.

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What about juicing them and then letting them refill! Thatā€™s a real money maker right there!


Ya got it
Ya sell it
Ya still got it.

Best business in the world.


Exactly. Itā€™s Earth friendly! An ecological profundity! :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not even remotely clear on how that would workā€¦LOL


Makes me want to puke just thinking about it. :face_vomiting:


For me, regarding the taste, think old leather that has been rained on and left in the sun. 'Bout that taste.