Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

@TopShelfTrees1 Maybe this is still available?


My 40x40 turned into a PM factory with no ventilation so I am moving plants out of there to the area I just emptied, I will spray them. When I have all the plants in the 8x4 tent, I will give a final inventory here so you guys can know what I’m dealing with.


if your able i would give a nice sulphur burn in the whole place and kill any spore left. just go out for dinner and remove the pets if you have any while its burning. sometimes that pm just wont go a way if you know anyone maybe take cuts off them and send to a friend who can clean them for you and root them just incase


Sulfur and purecrop1 has worked wonders for me in the past. So I’ve removed all the affected leaves and stems, watered the plants, and set them up at my spray station. They will not go in the tent right away. The plants in the tent also need spraying, for the thrips. The idea is to consolidate everything in the tent, spray at regular intervals, and clean the rest of my place both for cleanliness regarding my grow and for general quality of life.


About 15 plants came out of the small tent and 6 in mini solo cups didn’t get moved to the 8x4 yet, so I’m spraying about 21 plants that will eventually go in the 8x4. I also have dannys sour and pink kush rooting in my clone dome in the bathroom.


Hi, I just read this whole grow joutnal and wanted to leave a few words here too.

Firstly I like your genetics. I see you struggling with thrips and pm. What exactly are your methods to get rid of those? I must have missed it if you mentioned them.

I remember that I had thrips in one of my first grows and I got rid of them by spraying neem-oil with a sprayer on the underside of the leaves.
There are some sprayers with a silicon hose and a weight at the end…for overhead spraying. You might want to check those out,it’s much easier than turning a plant upside down.

For pm I hear spraying a mix of water and milk helps, but I never had any myself. Knock on wood…

The real reason I wrote you is…you mentioned not being good at taking pics…and i second that😂
I was the same and then someone with experience told me to change a few settings in the pro-mode of my phones camera and it got a lot better. You can make them look just like your eye sees them in your tent. What cam are you using at the moment? Maybe we can help you somehow

Till then…happy growing and good luck with the pests


Hi stiffy!

Thank you much for your kind words.

I am using sulfur and purecrop1 and will start spraying tonight and then the tent when I can.

My plan was to finish my harvest, which I have, and slowly reduce the problems and eliminate the sources of so, both by cleaning and continuing to treat by spraying.

My dry plants are also still hanging which needs to be dealt with. But success comes in stages.


Also, I use a Samsung tab A tablet. I almost forgot to respond, I’ve been smoking too much irene


I have sprayed the couple dozen plants I mentioned

Another reason to consolidate these plants in the tent is because in general, plants like an appropriate level of light and nutrition, but especially when they are having issues, a too low level of light like on my mother shelves can lead to plants that are not robust or healthy enough to fight off pests, pm, or multiple rounds of intense ipm. In my 8x4 tent there is much more light and I can give some plants some nutrients if needed.


Is there such a thing as the pro-mode? I’m using a samsung galaxy s21 and it’s very easy to use.
I’ll attach a screenshot.
You gotta play with the ISO, speed and whitebalance to get great shots under the strong growlights…which might even have a yellow colour to them. If you get those parameters right it looks like under the sun✌️


I will experiment and report back. Thank you very much.


Zoap, strawberry Gary, apples & Bananas, El chapo og, astronaut status #24, and gas basket were up potted from mini solo cups to 6 inch pots. They all really needed it except zoap.

Hp13 was also up potted as it’s been pretty established.


Nice, getting some size for sure. :facepunch:t2:


did you get your zoap and apples bananas from zp ?


I think zoap was from Clearwater
Strawberry Gary is the zepilot cut
Not sure about AnB


sweet. i got z’s monkey mints. fruit salad and uav. maybe we can do some swaps this fall or when the pm and thrips get taken care of :canada:


I’m down like a clown


Thank you brother :pray:t3: just made my day.


I just sprayed all my plants. Moved most into the tent, just randomly grabbed plants to spray so gotta re organize them later. But they’re all watered and sprayed and ready to take inventory. Will spray again in 3 or 4 days. Most are looking healthy.


Atta boy, annihilate those pricks! I’m just waiting on roots on a few cuts then I’m going haywire on my moms and chopping and getting rid of everything in there, then going nutbar with the sprays lol