Gift for my wife, help needed

These were sent to me by @Enjoi802 . I am not certain if we are talking about the same beans. Perhaps we are?


They’re the same!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: He got them directly from the source also!!!


My favorite Nigerian hybrids are from Swamp Boys Seeds - their profiles stay largely Nigerian but with additional density, frost, potency, all around more manageable (as a tent grower). 3D, Ebony and Ivory, African Orange, Trigerian. These are some of my favorite wide awake, intractable spasm meds - they hit me like haze rockets.

I have a few beans to spare of Ebony and Ivory x Blueberry F5 that I made, and for a cause like this I might be able to spare some. (UNTESTED - 10+ weeks to sex - shared not sold)

I am about to be hunting a male of Top Dawgs Nigerian Silk Kush, which is as far as I know the Nigerian they used. I’m in MI and with my tents the stuff that is more true to landrace from the Northern half of Africa is difficult to keep happy and healthy with other more “stabilized” (i don’t know if thats the right word) plants/.


That sounds awesome!

What can I offer in return?


Guys, my thoughts were along the lines of finding out where I could order legit (and hopefully fire) landrace central African strains to grow one for my wife.

I wasn’t expecting the outpouring of offers and support I’ve received already.

I’m touched.

I showed my wife.

She’s touched.

She said “you’ve only been a part of this group for how long? Wow!”

I really want to give back.

I’ve only had my medical license since March, so I’m currently trying to stock my cupboards so I have flower to last until this year’s summer crop comes in.

After that I’m doing an auto seed run so that I can give hundreds of seeds away and hopefully make someone else feel as welcome and special as you all have to me and my wife.


If you run the Ebony and Ivory x Blueberry F5 just let me know how it goes. And also watch it like a hawk, since it’s untested. I’m disabled and can’t drive myself around, so it may take me up to a week to send anything after getting details. Send me a message and consider it in the works. I think most of us here have an awful lot of paying forward to do, I know I do.


OG, OG, OG, OG. You joined a community brother, real communities take care of each other.


That is what set this community apart and above the others. :gift_heart: :gift_heart: :gift_heart:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Salutations, I see I’ve been tagged so I figured I’d chime in. My stock is almost depleted but I do have what one would call a mix. A Nigerian farmer a few years back now sent me a large (kilo) bag of seeds to disperse, they were what his village has been growing for years, as he said newer hybrids were of desire, and the traditional culture was dying off for harsher laws and the want of poly hybrids. The mix consist of malawi, Swazi, Durban, and Nigerian descents. Seeing how one hasn’t requested a straight Nigerian exotic alchemy, the Alaskan cannabis cache, real seed co, pantagrulieon seed co, swami organic seeds, and I’m sure someone on here has the ESB if memory serve a me right.


Honestly, even my own family isn’t this nice on a consistent basis…


Shared struggle is what creates real friends.


Boy, with all those genetics in there it’s like an African Haze! I’ll bet those seeds are excellent. Literally many of the best varieties Africa has. So you are saying that they grew this mix for quite some time. Does that mean it would breed true at this point potentially? Thank you so much for passing these out!


My blood doesn’t treat me as good as the OG’ers here. :heartpulse:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


One big, happy, former/current group of criminals​:rofl::rofl:. Gotta love OG. With all the unpleasantries out there lately, it’s very refreshing to be somewhere where nearly everybody is awesome. It rejuvenates the spirit


Blood is supposed to be nice? Wow :open_mouth: I never knew.


That’s awesome man. This community is great.


That’s wonderful that you’re interested in finding landrace seeds from the region of your wife’s ancestry as a meaningful gift! Landrace strains refer to traditional, locally adapted cannabis varieties that have evolved naturally over time. I can provide guidance on what to look for and where to focus your search.
Research the region: South central Nigeria is known for its diverse cannabis genetics. Look into the indigenous strains and landrace varieties that are native to that area. It may be helpful to connect with local communities or online forums that specialize in cannabis genetics or cultivation to gather information and insights.

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now i want to know how the birthday present went. inquiring minds and all that…


I grew out some of the seeds sent my way but had neither the height in my indoor space nor the climate in outdoor S Ontario to allow equatorial landrace sativas to reach their potential.

I’m hoping that the near future will allow me the opportunity to try in volcanic soil in the Caribbean…

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