Gift for my wife, help needed

I have been looking into this for a while, but realize I’ve just joined a community who knows more about what I want to do than google, bing and duck duck go combined…

My gorgeous wife is from St Lucia, and really likes stuff about tracing history and whatnot.

We did the DNA tracing thing and have isolated her roots to south central Nigeria or thereabouts.

Given my hobby, I saw an overlap…

I want to find and grow some landrace seeds from the part of the world she’s genetically from for her.

Any help would be appreciated on what strains I should be looking for and where is best to look.

OG’ers are the best.


Try to find a Nigerian Landrace strain.


I’ve done the usual, checked the “landrace” companies and such but aren’t sure who to trust…or what the “best” fit might be…there’s more than one or two choices.

I appreciate the quick feedback though my friend!

I’m not rushing anything, I’m planning this for birthday next May, so I have some time to get this exactly right if I can.


Pretty cool idea, is this something you two have discussed as something that would be interesting for her? Or is it something that’s a complete surprise?

I wish you best of luck with your quest to find something that fits the bill. I’ll be following along.


I bounced the idea off her and she seemed intrigued.

My thought was that maybe the strain that really “talks” to you might be the one with a similar geographical genetic footprint?

(I’m a mutt, so they ALL talk to me…)


If you aren’t sold on landrace, I would go with one of JJ from Top Dawg Seeds’ Nigerian crosses. I have had a few of them and they are killer. Seedsherenow has his Nigerian Star in stock which is his Nigerian Haze x Stardawg.


Holy you are the coolest husband ever. What a neat gift. She’ll love it… beyond this inspiration I have nothing else to offer sadly. Haha I have limited knowledge about landrace genetics but I’m looking forward to seeing the responses.


You’re way more creative than me man, and that’s such a cool idea! It would be helpful to make a few contacts before heading there, and least know some basic words and phrases in their language(s). Wouldn’t want to go stumbling into some random farmers field in a foreign land. Knowing where your country’s embassy is located there is also important. My friend’s well-intended trip to go exploring in Jamaica went south and he found himself in a rather hairy situation. Getting to the US embassy there saved him.


The Landrace Team is reputable:

Nigerian Landrace

ESB is the only Nigerian line I know of which has been worked for indoor cultivation.

“Originally bred by Oldtimer1, an old-school English grower dedicated to adapting landrace sativas to indoor environments. Ot1 combined a selected Nigerian Skunk to DJ Short’s original '96 vintage Blueberry to create this tamed sativa, ready in 8-9 weeks indoors. Up sativa head, good buzz but no anxiety like many sat-doms. Musicians love this.”

“a UK grower who likes his sativas, and crossed one of his best (ES) with a blueberry male. ES was made about 24 years ago between some Nigerian brought back from Africa and an early version of skunk No. 1 sent from California. Es is the strongest thing he has and says “often causing a complete white out, its like a roller coaster ride”. He grew out the ESB and romberry side by side, here was his comments to me " If and when you grow out some es blue, early ones finish in about 50 to 55 days strength similar to the better Romberry’s (5.5/10) I grew but more up. I have had the odd early ESB go hermy as a warning. The later ones take 65 to 70 days and are much much stronger (8/10) but with a very happy stone” They all taste nice the late ones have a lot more up reminiscent of the Nigerian in its past, it lasts for a good long while…"
-src: Info about the unknown or legendary cannabis strain "ESB" :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info

This is not the same as a Niger landrace. But it is a very high quality headstash seed stock maintained for decades now by veteran breeder/cultivators OldTimer1 and Baudelaire.

I picked up some of these seeds myself recently:

Synergy Genetics is a user here; you can look for posts with Nigerian Sunshine testers using the website search function.

Great idea, OP. We’d love to see how the grow goes, if you’d be so kind as to share your journey.

Best wishes,
-Dr. Zinko


I’ve got some Nigerian Landrace, if THAT’S something that interest you, plus a “Nigerian Landrace Mix”, I believe. I’ll check on that one, but KNOW The former is on hand. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


You guys are awesome. I appreciate all the responses thus far!

I wasn’t certain about the landrace team, but that Osun was on my radar if they were reputable. I will investigate top dawg, ESB and that “Nigerian sunshine” (a strain ive never heard of) as well!

I have no intent of actually GOING to Africa in search of these seeds, that’s a little outside my budget. I wish I could!


I also was sent a vial of seeds marked “nigerian mix” let me know if you want to explore what’s in these beans. I myself haven’t a clue yet and only info provided was that they were sourced locally (if I remember correctly).


I would like to find out more.

What can I offer in return?


Again, yes please.

What can I offer in return?


All that I require is a PM with a safe address.


I would find some info on germinating old seeds. I know some of those aren’t collected recently for sure. You may have to be patient getting them started.


Will do, thanks for the heads up!


ALL good here, nothing required. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Welcome! Nigerian weed is very powerful, and can be the type that will knock you out . Exotic Alchemy on Instagram has a kick-ass Nigerian variety that has seen no contamination that I know of. The Landrace Team has one from Osun, Nigeria, too. Exotics flowers 16 weeks. TLTseeds around 13 weeks. The seeds @misterbee and @Eagles009 has offered you are mixed. Some from Malawi, some from Nigeria. You should be able to separate them easily


Thank you for the heads up about Exotic Alchemy, hadn’t heard of them and will check them out!