Gimme's Grow

Everything is budding beautifully, the mixed fragrances are starting to come out whenever I open the tents. I have fat seeds developing on some of the Cheetos x RKK hit up with PPP. I’m concerned about the humidity, it’s really high in both tents and I’m having difficulty lowering it. Right now I’m airing it out for a few hours here and there but it doesn’t last. I’ll try playing around with the fans and the heat mat.


The stench of skunky kushy diesel is wonderful, won’t be long now. I’ve already started germinating the seeds to take their spots. I’m going with 2 Wreckage Master Bastard Kush, 2 Mount Cook and a Mazar. It’s a good idea to make a note of when I did this, I’m going to forget really soon.


All the Cheetos crosses were chopped a few days ago, they were completely finished, not sucking up water and starting to brown. I’ve been shucking them for seeds, got about 40 from the first. One of the two PPPs finished almost a week ago and the other is still going. I have to admit the Frankensteins look odd, funny calyxes that seem to bend the wrong way. The Crimson Crystals are starting to stink, strange electric strawberry fragrance like it has some zest to it. I’m going to have to start moving things around again.


looking good,Gimme! nicely colored

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I have the remaining five crammed in one tent now. I think I’ll have to relieve them of some of their fan leaves tonight when the lights come back on. I sampled an early bud of PPP, nice taste, Parma Violet and hops. I had it as a wake and bake, nice smooth smoke, well worth a pheno hunt. I’m going to hold on to the fast one for the outdoor next year. It’s all changing again, nothing stays the same too long. All the seeds have broken ground, soon a new generation of plants will take over.


The PPP buds are just a wonder to behold. Flawless solid purple, sticky and fragrant, nice and plump. They do not disappoint.


It’s the middle of December and it’s getting colder. Regulating the air and temperature and everything inside the tents is starting to get more demanding. I’ve lost three Frankenstein tops to mold, just spots but still. They’re the two in the front, I have to admit I really don’t enjoy growing this strain. Too much leaf, impossible to trim, small buds, susceptible to mold, taking longer than I like, the list goes on. There’s still half a PPP on the left, just letting it ride out. The Crimson Crystals stink real good. Full on fuel stench with something like sharp candy mixed in. I want to keep sniffing it but it’s like huffing gas, after twenty seconds my brow feels like a brick. The veg tent is coming along. A Cheetos x RKK and PPP are still alive and look promising. There’s also two Money Maker, Mazar, Mount Cook and a WMBK all started from seed and sitting in Solo cups.


It’s all been chopped. Had an issue with my dehumidifier. I was about to water them in the morning as usual when I noticed the temperature was jacked up. The little dehumidifier was kicking out hot air and when I took a closer look there was a big block of ice coming out the rear vents. It hasn’t worked properly since then. I got mold on both Crimson Crystal plants, right at the base of the main stem. Close inspection revealed a single male flower as well. Needless to say, everything finishing up was chopped. The new generation looks promising, they’re out of the Solo cups and into real pots and require less attention. Mount Cook has outgrown its deformity and they are all healthy. I’ve started a couple of homemade seeds yesterday too, (RKK x Cheetos) x Northern BC Skunk. I think that’s all the space taken. Give it a month, this will look amazing.


I think I should include a brief smoke report on the strains I grew recently. I’ll start with PPP. I grew 2 females; one finished two weeks earlier than the other. The smell taste, smell, bud structure were all the same the only difference was the potency. The fast one was as potent as NL, nice smooth relaxing stone. The other one was easily twice as potent, waves of Indica relaxation, an absolute keeper. The effects didn’t last but they were strong and pure body stone.

The Frankenstein yielded well, both were a nightmare to trim, had issues with mold, were picky about fertilizer, etc. I’m not seeing the legendary potency I’ve heard from others. Taste was unique, coconut milk, vanilla cream and rich hashish. Arguably the most hash tasting plant I’ve ever tried. I didn’t like the buds, thin and slim and way too many leaves.

Crimson Crystal were interesting, good looking buds, dense, colorful, exotic aroma. One was a perfect blend of blueberry and strawberry tastes on a bed of candy kushy goodness. The other could easily have passed for Grapefruit Kush. The high was good, an instant pick me up that morphs into mellow body buzz and seems to slow down time. A nice choice for an enjoyable sleep.


Bought a big bag of Super Silver Haze off the Internet, just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.


Just got through some awful weather, blackouts and freezing temperatures It was starting to show, leaves turning purple and curling. I flipped all the plants yesterday. I’ll post again when the tents are full of flowers.


Had a rough couple of weeks, more power failures, freezing temperatures, even had a plant die (One of the PPPs).The worst seems to be over now. Well, all the plants have sexed and the males have been removed. This new batch of girls now consists of Mount Cook, Mazar, 2 Money Maker and (RKK x Cheetos) x Northern BC Skunk; I’ll rename it after I’ve smoked it.


Another good day, I was fortunate enough to win a pack of White Widow x RKS from Doug Dawson, I received some tester seeds in the mail from Med-man and my plants have perked up with the additional Cal-Mag supplements. The Mazar is starting to look frosty.


Things are looking good, kind of. Lost another couple of plants; a Crimson Crystal due to pH problems and (RKK x Cheetos) x Northern BC Skunk due to hermies. Mount Cook lost a branch. Mazar is starting to stink of pine, burnt rubber and skunk, just beautiful. Everything else looks good. Here’s pics of Crimson Crystal, Mazar and Mount Cook.


It’s sunny out, it feels like Spring and it’s got me thinking about a big garden again. The plants are good, maybe 3 weeks away? Here’s the Money Makers.

Here’s my selection for outdoor this year:

And I think this will be my next indoor run.

It could change any minute.


your ladies lookin goood…the seeds selection too

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The harvest is upon us, only Crimson Crystal, Money Maker and Frankenstein remain. The RKK x Cheetos finished last week followed by Mount Cook, PPP and Mazar. Mount Cook came out like a Thai x Afghan I grew years back, all puffy, airy with little foxtail flowers. Not at all like I imagined it. I remember when this strain won a Cannabis Cup for best Indica, I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Mazar was the best plant this run, effortless to grow, forgiving, big yield of rock solid buds. Here’s Mount Cook and Mazar all finished


Wow, time flies. I’ve felt a little overwhelmed with the world recently, wasn’t functioning properly. Landed in a bit of a funk, trying to pull myself up. Well, it’s been a while, here it goes. The plants are long done, dried and have started curing. All the Mazar is gone, it was really good smoke with a pure Indica body stone, very much like NL. Mount Cook was awful, tastes like cardboard and has a horrible stone. Looks like Thai and has a paralysing stone but not in a good way, like it’s almost painful.
Money Maker came out great, big harvest, really long buds. Both plants came out like old school Skunk Indicas, great taste and smoke, instant heavy hitters, only takes one puff. Dark, musty, oily, earthy Skunk scents and tastes, all very delicious. I’ll throw some harvest pics out later. Then there’s the new round of starts. I’ve kept Mazar and the Money Makers, they reverted nicely. As for starts there were setbacks. None of the Donkey Dicks germinated. I tried half in paper towels and no luck so I tried the Johnny Potseed method and still no luck, no sign of life on any seeds. I contacted the seller and they sent a replacement, I haven’t tried them yet. Also, most of the Timewarp didn’t take to the soil, I got one out of twelve. After these results I just started replacing them with whatever took my fancy. Now there’s 2 Holy Mac, 3 Northern BC Skunk, 3 Big Red x Proper Skunk, 3 Loud Skunk, 3 Super Dave, 3 Super Skunk x Big Bud Skunk, 2 Spice One, one of Bodhi’s Skunk HP and a mystery seedling I discovered growing in one of the old plant pots. Total of 22 new ones, not really well thought out. Too many indoor, not enough outdoor.


I hope you are doing better. Shame the Mt. Cook was a bust, the Thai sounds like an interesting ride. Was it paranoia inducing?

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The Mount Cook had paralyzing stone, like the feeling of your muscles tightening. I’ve come across the same sensation with Turkish Indica, not an enjoyable experience, more of an acquired taste. I had a friend strap a bud to flyfishing station to delicately remove everything was not flower. There was no improvement to the taste. I still can’t believe this was a cup winner.