GM Photo ReRun Grow

Slight change in plans…

Decided to go ahead and just let the DP and Tangie take their time. As if I’ve got a choice…lol I’ll get them in veg n decide what to do with them then. In the mean time. I dropped two more seeds.
Strawberry Banana…Reserva Privada

I’ll leave the clones in the small tent and run the sb and cjc91s in a group of 4.


Good news…

Both cjc91s are up and seem content. No tails on the strawberry Banana yet.

Got in there underneath the canopy today. I love that I can lay under the thing. Took out more leaf and small growth.

I remove a lot of leaf from the top of the canopy as well. I want full light hitting deep. I’d love to flip these mid month. Not to sure they will be ready but they are growing fast.

Also took many new cuttings that are now being stored in the fridge crisper. I’m gonna see how long they will store in there.


I can’t believe it took me this long to find this thread.
Got it on my watch list, now.


Hey, good to see ya. I’m sure things look familiar…lol.


Lol, they do, they do.


Final cleaning underneath today. I’ll finish it up at the end of stretch. Branching is sick on these flowering clones. So many tops I loose count. I’ll try to count them in flower.

She’s in the screen pretty good but got a ways to go. I spread out what I can daily which helps bring that lower growth up.
Mid month is only 4days away so I may miss that window to flip. I need at least 1/3 filled and it’s on.

I see it starting to creep under the center post and pop up on the other side. When these get half way to the other side of the screen I’ll flip to flower. I’m sure by that time it will be well established and ready to go.
Or I may flip sooner. Just depends how they grow.


Two healthyCapjunkyChem91 ladies have joined the garden. They are 3days old here. They look healthy n happy and very much alike.

They’re in promix hp myco. Using Jacks 202020, calcium nitrate, Epsom, and tap water. Everybody gets Jack’s.

If it needs water it gets Jack’s. Same strength from seedling to harvest. Only difference is bloom formula in flower. But even that’s the same dose to the end.

Big thanks to @GCBudz for making the seed and passing it on. This is from the Vets giveaway. I appreciate the opportunity to grow these.


Very nice! I was pulling for that C99 up until you decided to cull for quality…or lack of. OK though, that Durban Poison was the keeper in that group no doubt. I think i’d have tried to reveg the plant vs cloning that late but i sure hope it pulls through for ya.

Your scrogging brings back memories, i grew that style in the early days… in a converted fridge under T5’s. :smile: My OCD was kicking in tho… i’d have stripped down low much earlier, give the tops the energy to spread out and took all branching that wont get through the netting. But then ya started doing it… iv calmed a bit. :wink:

Those CJ91 will do just fine in your space under your care… just keep a close eye on them. It seems to me seed plants need support less than clones in my experience, easier to pull out and inspect. I hope both run clean for ya. hope you enjoy them.


That is just a work of art. You are the first person I have seen on a forum, who monster crops.
21 days of flower is when you like to take your cuttings, I believe you said?
I am gonna give this a whirl in the near future.


Thank you on many levels. Appreciate ya dropping in. My first return with the screen in about 15yrs. Only thing different this round is it hurts more to bend…lol.

I’ll shoot ya a tag as they come along. So far they look like lil twins. I’m super stoked to grow these.

I didn’t cull the DP. She’s right here. Just taking her sweet ass time revegging. I took her real late in flower so I asked for it…lol Just couldn’t let her go yet. This is going under the screen next.

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Thank you, yeah ya don’t see many using clones taken in flower these days. If taken late in flower they are very slow but if taken at 21days they root and reveg fast. Usually ready to go when ya harvest mama. I’m sure that extra step of having to reveg is why many don’t do it. Regular clones are great too. Ya just don’t get the branching as much.
I’m not a big 24/7 light guy but using that cycle helps them reveg faster.

Here’s an example of flowering clones. Back when I was just learning bubblers and scrogs. This is a overgrown scrog. I did one of those rookie errors and put two girls in one cup…hehe. I had a mess but learned a lot. With these clones ya have to cull the small growth or ya end up with a web of stems…lol. To much wasted energy.
Ya can see above in my current grow I’ve already culled some growth in veg. I’ll remove all growth below the screen when it nears the end of stretch and it should be good from them on.

I’m excited your gonna try it. They take a little time but well worth it I think.


Two more girls have joined the garden. Strawberry Banana from Reserva Privada. Looking healthy so far at day 2.

The CapjunkyChem91s are moving right along at day 5. They look like twins.

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Happy n healthy. Growing pretty good now. Once the stems pointed out below hit the mark I’ll flip.
It’s kinda difficult to figure when to flip. With just one plant in there it takes a lil more time. I try to step back and imagine the plant double of what it is right now. I’m not super concerned with filling the screen totally. If it does it does. That screen is just a tool to control growth. However, I do want to try and get the most from this plant so I’ll veg as long as possible. Which from the looks of it won’t be long. I won’t catch that mid month window I wanted. Oh well, I’m in no hurry. Maybe another week or so.
She looks like a bad hair day right now but by flower this is gonna look amazing…let’s hope…lol

Tweak note…find another center post. That thing is just an eyesore. Yeah it’ll disappear soon but I gotta find a nice small diameter dowel or rod. That 2x2 blocks light.


Looking forward to seeing how this goes.


And there she is…lol. Man I’m really excited to see ya give it a go.

Is she rooted yet or ya just getting started? I think you will like them. Takes bout 10+ days to root and another month to unfold. This one you have looks perfect.
I kinda do a double wammy on them and train them down early even though I know I’ll get crazy branching anyway. I just wanted to see what would happen. The branches are very pliable…even the one that takes over as the main is. I bent mine over 180° for a while. Sure brought forth a ton of growth. I never used to do that with these clones but it seems to work well and I’ll be doing it more.
What ya plan on doing with her? Indoors?
I noticed last night my C99 is not throwing pistols anymore. All full blown veg stage now. I’m guessing another week of growth before I flip maybe more.

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Well, I’m finally seeing the growth I’ve been looking for. She surprised me yesterday with a nice green not so covered with trichomes leaf. It’s not much but it’s the sign I’ve been looking for. She’s well rooted and on her way to regeneration.
This Durban Poison has taken her sweet time. The clones was harvested 4/29. It’s taken this long to get where I am now.

The Tangie are showing good signs of life. Those green spikes are what I’m looking for. Soon to be leaf n branch as it unfolds.

I’m definitely not going to make a habit of taking clones that late in flower. I did a last minute change and wanted to save the plants for one more round. It wasnt a bad decision. Just one that kinda slowed everything down is all.
The DP will veg until the scrog is open near mid August. I’ll train her down as best I can until it nears time to throw her under the screen. Prob have a hot mess on my hands but I’ll make her fit even if I have to crush n bend stems to get her there…lol.
The Tangie I’m undecided as to what I’ll do with her. I’ll keep one of her in the corner somewhere n figure it out later.

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Just took the cutting Thursday, so she has been in the dirt about 3 days.
So far, so good.

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And yes, I am gonna keep her inside.

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Moving along here with the CapjunkyChem91s. Today is day 9 above ground.

The Strawberry Banana is right on their heel at day 7.

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My C99 scrog is coming along. Growth is pretty good for the veg stage. I need a little more growth in the screen so maybe another week before the flip.

Cleaning out under the canopy has been a steady once a week thing. More growth tries to emerge each week. This is what I start with. It’s not much anymore but them little ones try to sneak in there. I’ll remove all that I believe will not reach the screen or contribute much to the grow.