GM Photo ReRun Grow

So I been looking at the calendar. If this scrog is flipped now it’ll be early Sept before I harvest. Just in time to start the Christmas crop into flower. I’ll be working on that soon.

I’d planned on another week but Friday looks good. With the branching these throw out I’m pretty sure I can fill the majority of if not all of the screen. So Friday will be a two gallon feeding of jacks bloom and throw her into flower. I’m struggling with this heat wave. Temps up to 85 in there today. Tops read 80. Good for now but I don’t want that any higher.
My AC is struggling.


CapjunkyChem91s…10 Days above ground and I’m very pleased with these plants. Vigorous growers and they obviously love the Jack’s.

One of the Strawberry Banana plants is growing that funky way I don’t like. I know it’s not light intensity. I’m hoping she pops out of it. Her sister is right on time at 7 days.


Okay so this Strawberry Banana plant doesn’t look to good. I see more funky growth coming. I’m loosing faith in that one so I soaked another seed last night. Even if this thing starts to pop out of it I’ll trash it. I only need 2 SB. Preferably one that grows properly …lol


Tangie…she’s the first to show some growth out of the flowering clones. She surprised me yesterday. I also see more on the way.

The Durban Poison is alive and well. Slow as can be but definitely alive. I can see it unfolding more. I expect growth to burst outta somewhere soon. She can take her time. This won’t see flowering till Sept.


My sweet n sexy wife gifted me a nice trim tray the other day. Problem is I don’t do trim jail…lol. So, we e turned it into a rolling try. Works great for our needs and catches a lot a dust which is adding up quick.


Cinderella99 #2 Scrog

She’s just started into the dark cycle 6/22. On that night the chemicals in her let the plant know it go time.

I keep the start date of when I flip to 12/12. Some don’t start counting till they see hairs. Regardless of when you start counting you will end when you end. Only concern I have in flower is how long they will stretch. After that is a no brainer. Build bud and wait her out.

Took a pic to compare with some pics later.

Cleaned it up a little bit by removing some leaf and coaxed a few branches in the right direction. I’ll do this as needed until time comes I need to no more. We will see in a few weeks.


Real pleased with the growth on these cjc91s. At 14 days above ground I’ve removed some leaf. I typically take the 3rd and 4th node leaf first and leave the others.

I’ve never run into any issues doing this. No stunted or interrupted growth. No small buds. Some just tie down leaf or tuck it to get it out of the way. I’ve found removing it to be best for my needs. In my mind growing weed indoors is not natural so something has to give. Light penetration is super important indoors. Leaf needs to go if it’s in the way.
Another thing that floats in my head about leaf removal is if you see green on a plant photosynthesis is happening. It’s growing. If I remove a few panels the undergrowth takes over producing more leaf.
I get the…leaves are solar panels…speech now n then. In my mind the whole plant is a solar panel.


At 19 days above ground with these cjc91s. I’m hoping for a nice mix. Tomorrow I’ll start training for the taller one. She seems to wanna jump ahead.

The solo Strawberry Banana is doing well at 17 days. I’ll have to take some cuts of this since I’ve ended up with just one. I’ve opened up light for lower growth by removing a few large leaf in the way. I typically do this with young plants.

To make this a 4 plant grow I had to start another seed of the cjc91. She’s cracked and planted. Awaiting her arrival. It’ll be bout 3 weeks behind the others.


End of week 1 12/12

Getting a lot of growth. Letting them grow out a few more days before pulling them back under.

Seems like this under canopy plugs up in just days. I’ve forgotten how dense the growth can get with these clones. I guess Ive got some work to do.


22 days above ground for these two cjc91s. I’ve started their training full swing now. For the next few weeks I’ll be twisting and cavorting them into some budsite creating monsters…lol No topping in my game.
They been in those 1gal pots. Noticed roots driving out the bottom. Gotta repot soon.

The Strawberry Banana is growing fast. After removing some leaf she’s popped up. She will soon be ready for her bend over session. Getting some tight growth with this one. Very short spacing but growing fast @20days.

Her sister plant is up and 2days old today. So, shes 3weeks behind. I’ll fit her into the big tent later. She can be my late bonus plant …lol. I’m hoping I don’t get them funky leaves again.

I’d like to kick these three big ones into flower somewhere after mid month. I want some veg time on these. Last run I threw them into flower a little to early. It all worked out fine but I’m trying to improve on that.

Oops. That new seedling is another cjc91. The other Strawberry Banana failed.


Happy 4th of July folks…Boom!!!

So I’m laying in bed this morning. Now n then we wake n bake on days like this. First king size of the day is Durban Poison followed by a Tangie. Baked like a scone. Why does cannabis and coffee go soooo good together?

My veg box is still on this early so upon opening I got a nice surprise. The DP is showing some leaf growth. Holy cow it’s been months but she’s finally going to arrive…once again.

Both Tangie girls are looking good. Got the one up potted and the other day and she appears happy. The other one is starting to kick out some growth so I’m going to have plenty of Tangie later.

Odd thing with these clones taken in late flower (8+weeks). Normally a clone taken at 21 days unfolds with single leaf that is not serrated. Those come later but with these. The Tangie popped out serrated leaf right away. As if she’s already a few weeks ahead and busting to grow. These clones blow me away.

The Strawberry Banana is doing great. I started her training a few days ago. She’s good n healthy and responding well to all the bending.


I love following your grow. I have learned a lot from you. You are a damn good grower.
I appreciate you, bro.
Happy Independence Day.


Thank you man. I enjoy sharing what I do. If it helps you then it’s even better. We learn a lot sharing amongst one another.

Please post or tag me on any updates of that clone. I’d love to see how it’s doing. Have a good holiday.

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Cinderella99 #2 Scrog

End of week 2 12/12

She’s doing her thing. I should get some real heavy growth coming as I roll into the stretch. I’m expecting to see double of what I see right now. Last grow she stretched the most week 2-4.

Getting bigger. The dense growth is tight in the screen for now. Once I get this thing through the stretch. I’ll remove some growth.

Pulled all growth I could under the screen tonight. Depending on the growth I get this week. Next week may be their last pull under. I’ll really tuck everything under and then let them go.


Removed all the tie downs and up potted these into some 7gal bags. Caught them right as they were waking up. I’m going to leave off the restraints for a few days. Let the roots take hold and adjust to the new pot. They a little angry but should bounce back soon.


Cinderella99 #2 Scrog

End of week 3 12/12

Another week down. I looked back in my log and noticed I was off a little on the stretch for this girl. She stretched the most between week 3-4.
So, in 5 days on the 17th I’ll pull all growth under the screen for the last time. Not very convinced she is going to fill the whole screen but that’s okay. I’ll end up with some nice colas and a blanket of bud.

The under carriage of the canopy has been a steady job. Every few days I’m removing leaf and branches that will not reach the screen. Still a lot to go.
At the end of the 4th week of flower when the plant is set and the stretch is complete. I’ll strip all growth underneath the screen. That’ll give all buds above roughly 6 weeks of direct light. I see a lot of light through the canopy so I’m okay with airflow. Temp 78, rh 51


The SB and Cjc91s bounced back and will soon be going into flower within days. 5 weeks from seed.

After seeing how quickly this Tangie is revegging I’ll throw her in the mix and just hold that smaller cjc91 for later. Tangie is a fully mature 25 week old plant so I’m curious to see how much or if she out performs the photos from seed. I think she’s going to be beautiful.

The DP is busting out growth all over now.

The other Tangie is as well.

The solo cjc91 is doing great. Not sure what to do with her yet but I’ll fit her in at some point.


I think I may have found out why my scrog has not been doing much of a stretch. I threw these 4 in next to the scrog last night to start flower. Got up a 0530 to make sure the two timers kicked off at 0600.
When I checked the timer for the scrog I noticed this girls been getting 11/13. How that happened I dunno but I suspect it’s why I’ve seen such little stretch. I’d use 11/13 for a leggy long flower sativa girl. 12/12 is good enough for everything else.

So 3.5 weeks into flower and I believe the screen work is near complete. I’ll watch them a few days but I really don’t think I’m going to see much more action. In a day or two I’ll get all undergrowth out and let them do their thing.

Ive got a pretty decent footprint on the screen. Not exactly what I wanted but it should grow some nice bud now. It has all the light on the canopy so good things are about to happen.

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Things are getting fun…

Made a few moves tonight. Since the C99 is not going to fill my screen so I think to myself…pull her out and put the cjc91s under the screen. BAM! Thought turns to reality…lol.
It only made sense in my head. These two plants may take up more space in the screen. More in the screen equal more bud.

Like I mentioned last post I don’t expect much more growth from the C99. She’s well shaped by the screen and should do fine the rest of the way with minimal training.

I can see now I’m going to boost up the SB and Tangie for a few weeks. I don’t think that c99 will stretch much. She’s 3.5 weeks into flower.


Started training down the solo cjc91. She’s a thick little thing. Healthy and full of vigor at 17 days. Still undecided as to what I’ll do with her so for now just training her down.

The clones taken in late flower are kicking out growth enough to start tying down branches. These two have a long wait to get under the screen in late Sept.