Going2fast does autoflowers

Happy Wednesday fam!!!
Quick update on seed run#1 this summer. Most are doing great and right on schedule… except gammathon og. She hasn’t shown the slightest sign of flowering. May have to find her a foster home as I don’t think she’s an auto at this point. Anomalies happen so I will try again but she’s probably out of this colab. Bruce banner from @misterbee is showing excellent node stacking and I can already see seeds forming. Black mamba is looking good and trying to throw some purps. Cheesy livers from @LoveDaAutos is the most vigorous. Ok I made that name up. Hope everyone had a safe and memorable weekend.


This sounds like a great strain… I love the pictures . Just awesome as usual…

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Plant gets better by the minute.


I’m really sorry that’s probably my fault, in my last test of the Gammathon I wound up with 2 out of 18 that didn’t auto flower. I just tossed them and didn’t investigate further. The 16 that did I autoflower were an exactly like the parents. It was my first seedrun and the only thing I can think could have happened is I had peanut butter breath male in the my other grow room way across the house. It got root bound and dropped a few sacks before I culled it but I must of transferred some pollen on my cloths to the other tent later on. Again I’m really sorry I hope this didn’t mess up your seedrun too much.


Don’t be sorry and thank you for the explanation. Pollen happens. You generously gave me enough beans to try again. Gonna give her to a friend to finish. Gammabutter breath!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Great update, dude! Everything’s looking good.


Gonna see what a couple of ur pound cake autos do outdoors @Going2fast thanks again for sharing these beauties


Scarlet Grapes plucking along.


I started 4 of those, how far are yours @Hashpants ?? I have 2 of acros BB autos next to these. They all look good. I m starting to find my niche with these autos outside… Nice plant buddy …Gives me hope. Are u doing anything for nutes or compost teas ect ?


These were started March 28 in old soil.They have had one topdressing of Masterblend and kelp and Epsom salt. They have had a few rains and a couple watering. Starting to get some good smells.


I had 4 outdoors 1 is a runt the other 3 are starting to pick up steam now. If u have any tips on making it better the advice is welcomed. I haven t done anything to them just watching them grow and they seem to like the full sun. Super thankful to be growing this strain. I ll update with pictures soon.


Ill be excited to see that win its flowering, I’ve got a baby still going.


These 3 are starting to flower. Whats the time on these 70 days? I started these May 23rd . They seem to be doing good . This is my 2nd time growing autos . So I m still a rookie growing these.



Mine started flowering at 6 wks and I’d say they take 100 days to finish properly…excellent smoke :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Shit this seems off . I dropped my seeds straight into the ground and they popped through the soil may 21. I was thinking they were small but looking back they actually look pretty decent for being 17 days old I thought they were way further along. This is all for expierence and help my future auto grows . These are alot of fun to watch grow


That’s why I did an auto in my tent and outside for comparison. 1 trained and 1 not. You can watch them grow daily, specially in flower. Think I’m around 65 days, maybe 2-3 weeks left.


Is it to late to top or mess with them? I ll be happy with anything I get . Id justlike to learn how to get the most out of autos

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I usually don’t top. However I have one sour devil kush untrained and topped about a week ago its a little smaller and I think it slowed it down a ton. Your better off doing low stress training from what I’ve seen so far with autos.


I might just let these go and see what I get and try training next time.


Please let them be. I’ve found out a few things about this girl and many autos.

  1. autos in general don’t like high heat or humidity. Problem with outdoors here in the mid Atlantic states is it both from June till October.
  2. They do not like being topped. There are exceptions but the vast majority of them will do much better with good ol LST or just let them be them.
    Yours look right on track for their age. Don’t think that they are done getting big at first sign of sex. That usually happens between 20 and 30 days but that’s just a tease.