Golfnutt’s next adventure, and first grow log

I’m already beginning to see some amber tops. But I still think I’m gonna try and push it one more week, and let it go 10 weeks. Some areas look a little closer than others.


I know I don’t have many to compare with. But this run has presented the least amount of problems, and looks better by far than any of my previous runs. And I managed to keep a clone. I’m looking forward to this one. Hopefully my drying area looks like yours soon.


I have a feeling it’s about too!

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Looking righteous, brother.
Mine are on week eight. So im right behind you. Good job, GN


Good morning brother GN, & all of OG!

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Good morning brother GN, and all OG!

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Morning GN.
Hey, are you going to make it to The Gathering? Chapter Four oughta be a blast!


Good morning @Golfnutt and crew.
As Mike said this one is shaping up to be an epic adventure bro! It would be great to see you again!

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Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @MoBilly @BigMike55. Yes sir, I will be there. I wouldn’t miss this one, or any other.


Good! Glad ya coming, lol


Don’t forget to let @JohnnyPotseed know what cut of steak you want @Golfnutt .

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He did, lol

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Beggars can’t be choosers. None of the options were bad. I’m ready to head that way right now.

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21 days and countdown has commenced
But ya know my door is always open, if ya head up this way lol

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So I’m a little confused at when to chop this. Using the loop I see a fair amount of amber heads. But there’s still quite a few white pistols as well. Today is day 63. Any thoughts? Either way, I know I’m getting close.


I’d probably wait and I’m bad about chopping early.

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Very nice flowers. I would wait another two weeks. Those pistols should be mostly browned and turned in on themselves by then. You are close tho. Has your girls slowed down on water uptake? Not exact but i feel that at the end they will go from watering every two days to every three days. They just seem to stop drinking so much. This is just my own observations so its more Bro Science than Grow Science. Keep an eye on those trikes. If you still see a lot of clear glassy looking heads, its too early. White, plasticcy looking heads is good. When they start going amber is when the THC has started to deteriorate and will get you more stoned than high.
Anyone correct me if im wrong.


I’ve noticed that as well.


Did you just take a shot at me?? Hehe


If the trichs are a good bit amber, but there’s a lot of white pistils. That’s a tough call, my friend. Can you be more specific on the percentage of amber? They’re looking close, like a week to two weeks max. But that’s just looks. Get a close up pic of the trichs, please