Pollinated by plant with female and male traits.

Hey guys I have a question. I had a Coney Island cotton candy female that was pollinated by an LA OG Kush that was supposed to be female but also produced pollen sacs. So I end up getting a bunch of seeds in the buds of the Coney Island Cotton Candy. Will they grow out any decent bud or will they also produce male and female traits?


Most likely will just grow plants with intersex traits and that’s pretty icky… the bud will just be endless seed


Yeah I didn’t think it would produce anything decent. Thanks for the reply.


I grew a bagseed I found in a really good bag once, pics are here somewhere… but the plant was beautiful, just like 98% seeds lol


heres my 2 cents. might be bomb might be mids but it has a higher chance to herm than a well bred seed. With all the fire getting thrown into mailboxes for free around here why risk it? I mean everything from tropical landrace to new hype crosses are here why invest you time into a herm seed?


Not worth it. Start fresh.


To make feminised seeds you stress the hell out of a plant to make it change sex and dump pollen. If your grow conditions are good and it hermied easily that trait will carry on down the line. If you give your plants enough attention you could likely pull the ones that throw balls before they effect other plants. Is it worth it?? For me a definite NO.

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Same here. After paying so much for seeds it was hard at first to throw them out

:green_heart: :seedling:


Og kush is prone to throwing nanners if Miss treated , that’s how the bubba kush came into existence, and quite a few other popular strains. If it grew straight balls and hairs your looking at a lot of herms in the resulting beans. If they were nanners from a bud being stressed you may have created fem beans.

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Free seeds giving away here on the site?

Yep we have sign ups all the time. usually 50-100 packs at a time usually with the head line co-op run or seed run. once you hit level 2 you can sign up for those. We have free seeds thread also randomly handout packs they have made with not requirements. Tuesdays we have a regular give away happened. also @LouDog420 will set your maillbox onfire for a 25$ donation to st.judes. the general rule is don’t ask people unsolicited. There is so much free stuff you shouldn’t need to anyway.

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That sounds awesome because I’m after spending at least a rent payment on seeds the last year or two only to end up with some shitty ass genetics.

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I mean, many a famous strain has been found in bag seed. And some are thought to be the results of a Hermie trait. Some even still produce bananas to this day.

But see what you get if your up for a hunt and adventure. You could have an amazing cross in those beans. Can’t hurt to try. And of course make sure you don’t have any females around that you want Sensi if you do thou.

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Just really important to play your role in the community, check out others grows, help a struggling growmie figure out why their plants are throwing a tantrum and just generally make a good impression as u take your footsteps through the site, even more of a plus if u contribute sharing seeds and doing seed runs for the community as many on this site like to give back as others have given to them. That’s why a lot of the site and people’s willingness to share gets a lil more generous as we see the trust level go up, we know ur gonna hang and stay a while instead a grab and go with those beans like many have in the past. We’re a community here with the goal to over grow the world, just prefer our peeps to grab a chair and light one up and hang with us through all the community fun :slight_smile:


Beautifully said :green_heart:

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I will most definitely be hanging around here. I been growing off and on over 20 years and when I first got into growing I learned a ton from a forum just like this one. I saved all the seeds I been finding in this Coney Island Cotton Candy crossed with LA Og Kush. Must have 150-200 seeds right now. I will grow some out when I get the room.

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I’d have to ask the conditions, was the girl put through hell or any stressors? Some may knock it on this site but I see no issues with feminized seeds through rhoderization (I think I spelled that right) from a female plant getting stressed out or sensing a “I need to hurry and produce to save my genetics and a male hasnt got to me” and not having any seeds yet. Also where was the location of the balls? Was it on the branches or in the tops or was it just a few on the main stem?

Regardless the created seeds are gonna be feminized. If u had balls all over that plant, especially the tops those plants are gonna be more prone to Hermie’s, BUT in my personal experience if those balls were on the center stem and only a few of em the generations that followed aren’t typically Hermie prone unless triggered by stressors.

Here’s where the argument on the other side goes though, some cultivars just will not throw balls no matter how pissed off you get her aside from using chemicals, that’s a “quality” and a “well bred” seed to most but in my humble opinion it’s just perspective of how u see it, I personally like being able to have cultivars I can make angry to throw up a few balls for fem seeds without silver and chemicals and grown out the babies without herm problems under normal conditions

My conditions are pretty good I’m sure it was shitty genetics because when I get these certain seeds from the individual I have the same issues. The ball sac appeared where the buds start to grow. The plant had them everywhere. The Coney Island cotton candy is from Future Genetix and was growing beautifully till I noticed the plant I had next to it which was the L.A. OG Kush has sacs all open and tossing pollen. I figured the CICC was far enough along it wouldn’t of been affected by but she was full of seeds and still a decent puff.

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Ya I’ve def noted in many grows when they form at the bud sites it’s nothing but bad news. Killed a beautiful la confidential last year about 3 ft tall that was like 50/50 balls/pistils that “it” just couldn’t decide what it wanted to be. My composting worms sure we’re happy about it though


I noticed a lot of the seeds I was getting from this one site was causing Hermies so I started buying premium seeds and never had that issue. But these were some I had left in the drawer and figured I grow them out and I didn’t notice and of the sacs till I hauled it out of the tent to trim it a bit.