Gorilla sherbet my 1st grow

I learned my lesson

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thats good you have fans, another thing that can cause droop is when the internal ec in the plant is higher than the root zone and flushing does that, so like you may be watering enough or even could water more but if that root zone gets stripped regularly the plant tries to equalize itself and actually pushes sugars and other things back out into the root zone so it can pull in again.


I appreciate everyone helping! If I could afford to send nugs out I would! I would love to see all your help and my work go to a great crop!

I guess I have more reading to do. Im going to let these plants dry out a bit and start feeding again once it dries a bit more.



More pics would help.

How did the veg go?

Veg was pretty easy ave smooth sailing. I got through almost all of it with just nute burn. Still dealing with the burn but maybe went from burn to deficiency from the last post saying 5 days is too long. But Iā€™ll get it right if not round 2. Gotta get the right tools is all. Im with my plants daily. Itā€™s very therapeutic and enjoyable. I will be playing some Mozart once this deficiency goes away.

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Why wait? Mozart might groove the deficiency away.
Are you committed to this style? Dry nutes with some worms maybe simpler.

This place is different. Helpful folks. Share a pic and we can do more.

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You want simple get you some water only soilā€¦ it makes me look like I know what Iā€™m doing


By popular belief, (not a fact), people around me like to play music for their plants. Some say they can see the plants dance. I just like the idea! Itā€™s therapeutic for me why not the plants. :man_shrugging:t2:

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If I wasnā€™t 500 into roots original/ nutes and already have a stalk bigger then my thumb Iā€™d consider it now. I will post pictures in the morning when my lights are on.

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I still got my bottled nutes too Iā€™m just very experimental and after mixing nutes for 3 1/2 runs (only 1/10 seeds survived my inexperience my first run) I figured Iā€™d give it a try now itā€™s so easy I just want to get better at this alone. Iā€™ll still experiment with my bottled nutes too here and there after all I did already pay for them so I understand that

Yeah. Im going to switch next run to canna or something in that realm. I really like to dabble when I do things. I try to give Under dogs a shot so I went with Foop but the strain I have doesnā€™t seem to like it too much. I have been feeding or watering straight water every 2 days. I want to be more in top of my ec, ppm, and ph so Iā€™m ordering a new meter probably Friday. Money got a little tight but Iā€™ve been trying to follow everyoneā€™s suggestions as they seem to always be right in point.

Think Iā€™ll go for a sativa run next. Want to fully understand my plant better before head diving into some more money.

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I went with sohum. one thing I can tell you from my experience is follow the suggested best practices. I went from solo cups straight into 5 gallons watered with runoff and had one running low on N because of it and it took me about 16 days to see my top dressing start working

This is what I should have done


Nice. Im looking around. Iā€™ve read great reviews with advanced, canna, Foop, and a few others I canā€™t remember. I want to find a tea worth using with Foop for flowering. Also want to experiment with soil and hydro, I like tech advances so moving forward Iā€™ll probably keep adding to new grows and styles.

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Same plan here

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Great hobby. No wrong way.


An update to what itā€™s looking like. Im going to say to anyone who looks at this, please stay far from vivosun products for any type of readings. Probably the cheapest on the market and it definitely is for a reason. Blindly putting products in my plants for now till my new meters arrive.


Since itā€™s my first grow I wanted to test out just bottled nutes. Iā€™ve been seeing very often now that that is not enough. Buying a ready to go nute scenario doesnā€™t satisfy every need when following the schedule.

Vivosun were my first pens also. I bought a higher priced pen thinking mine was wrong but it wasnā€™t I had other problems

Imo the easiest method is to put a smorgasbord of goodness in the soil and get some worms. Plants know what they need better than I do and how/when they need it. Itā€™s boring and Soil takes time. Watch the BAS 10x10 seasons on YouTube, currently on 4.

Plant is amazing and thereā€™s no right way to grow.

Iā€™d like to offer some photo reg beans as well. DM me


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I wish I could agree. But I have 4 products by them and they do absolutely nothing for me. I use them to feel better cause I bought them. I used another persons tools and got a big difference.