Grand daddy purple

@Shamus yeah man I read something the other day or it was on a podcast where apparently Ken didn’t even breed it,apparently this guy who was working with him did, I’ll have to find what it was I saw and I’ll post up a link

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I’ve just left these hanging for like 3 weeks haven’t tried em since the first sample n it was hardly dry
Posting those pics reminded me I needed too

Loudest purple starburst terps
Tastes like a purple hi chew
really reminds me of the best of the purple cuts I’ve tried.
I’m trying to reveg her hopefully it takes
So frosty I can’t get a good pic


@Shamus awesome mate they look dank af :ok_hand:
If you clone her I reckon you should reverse one and make some s1 beans :yum: sounds too good not to try! Especially as it’s terps are that good! Keep us updated on how you go with it I’d be interested for sure!


I’ll probably cross it back into another sour cut,
that’s basically a sour Bc2 but it was done with two different diesel clones then crossed to gdp

this is prefer to smoke over some fire (name any purple cut I’ve tried here) good but it’s a runtz yielder too.
but it also behaved way more like purple then I expected and I was truly hitting the gas with the ppm’s with my sour flower regimen.

Purps don’t like heavy feeding or a lot of light. just ask cookies haha
With a dialed regimen I’m sure she’d actually do ok
But she fucked me this run but that’s my fault for almost doing half my room on a pheno from old sour work ive never ran before with two heavy heavy feeding sours

the high is incredibly psychedelic in a purple way
Weeeeeeeeeird ass body high and really wavy


edit: just saw that your getting some but you can never have enoug purp beans so I’ll leave this
It’s hard for me to use this forum on mobile so I miss a lot of stuff

CSI humboldt

Idk why I didn’t think of that before

Hands down nspecta is doing the best purple work right now. no contest, winner winner chicken dinner

look to his urkel or mendo stuff

If this plant makes it I’ll send ya some stuff I make with it.
I know it’s difficult getting seeds out there

I’m sure a trusted member here would be willing to help get em to ya if you see something you like and Csi won’t ship
He might do it tho

This is an insanely solid option
or the pink n purps combo pack


Awesome mate thanks for the heads up :facepunch:I’ll definitely check out his gear I listened to the potcast with him and he sure has played a big part in many top strains,
Your cross sounds fantastic mate, yeah @Floyd is hooked me up with some gdp which is bloody awesome :ok_hand: I’m very thankful. I can’t wait to make my first batch of seeds to be able to give back to the OG family!!


@Cranio Looks like you’ve got it covered. But yes you are correct Ken Estes was the original holder of the line.

The legitimate GDP seed lines currently available are the the 2012 version of GDP from Ken’s Granddaddy Purple Genetics, and the version from AG authentic Genetics.


Been interested in these. Supposedly recreated and bred to F5. Currently sold out though

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I’ve heard ken a d the whole Indian story might be bs
there’s another guy who says differently on it

Ken introduced granddaddy purp to the prop 215 collective system in the early-mid 00’s, that was the first time patients got access to the genetics, and from there it spread and became popular.

It’s an old black market line, no one knows who bred it, and because it was from that era no one could take credit anyway.

Ken sure had a heck of a story though. People love a good story. Doesn’t make it true. He also gave false genetics sometimes, it’s definitely not urkle x big bud. That just made it easier to market at the time.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s just a classic east bay strain.


I am popping some GDP from the 80’s.

GDP, Urkel, SR72PK are all sisters.
They came from a breeding project around '82-'84 involving Oregon and Humboldt.
Purple Paki x Skunk(Afghan) x Purple Afghan. The Purple Paki x Skunk is Mendo/Humboldt Purps - that project started around 78/79.
Also known to be the seeds that made Deep Chunk.
The real GDP was known as Gross Domestic Product. The line was stolen by Ken Estes and he made up that ‘Indian’ story to cover his grifter ways. Everyone in NorCal knows the Ken line is inferior to the real thing, since Ken doesn’t understand breeding and used bagseed for his line.

Im heard from a buddy who bred for a while in Laytonville and helped out a lot of guys down there, that the Purple Afghan is Paktika. Makes sense, that Paktika is also in Bubba and Blueberry. I’ll be getting his GDP lines to breed into my 80’s GDP

Most Urkel cuts out there are not Urkel, and most GDP cuts are inferior Ken’s GDP.
I know Dank.Frank and Nspecta have the real thing. Hammerhead too.


@Wuachuma thanks heaps for the information mate that was great :+1:

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I’ve never tried purps. Im about to pop CSI’s mendo purps and hopefully some urkle s1’s too


Purple is for squares and soccer moms. But the GDP is Big Bud x Purple Urkle. Made on Salmon Creek Road by Chris Giauque’s camp - circa '97, end of story. They wish they had anything to do with Deep a Chunk.


The biggest hit among my friends in Cali was CSI’s Mendo Purps x Urkel.
It wasn’t too strong and had great euphoria.
Perfect for festivals when coming down from lsd or molly, or both plus more.


Shit,. Poor guy

Ive been up that road, and in round valley, and the neighboring valleys.

I thank god I made it off all those mountains the last several years.


Yeah I really dig the mendo 54 x urkle Ive grown from csi. Nice chill vibe and tasty, smells amazing in veg even. Great bushy structure too, not too squat not too stretchy.


CSI just dropped GDP S1s.

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This was great info and very informative. I ve been dying to grow some real ,GDP and I ve settled on the 00 GDP ,the pics I ve seen from there plants were beautiful and the price was right . I d love to know more about the GDP strain and how Ken came across the strain .